The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

"The Man Who Mastered Gravity" was published in March, 2023. Use this space to share your thoughts, comments, praise and/or cries of outrage.
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:48 am Well if you want to peel back the layers to the UFO stuff, I can get that started for you..
As for Thomas Townsend Brown, I know that the Aviary set up one of their research centers in the Bahamas...
Thanks, Henry. Let's start S-L-O-W... (as others on the blog might attest, once you get me hunting down a particular bread crumb...)

So...Aviary, Brown, Bahamas, Nassau, Caroline, Puthoff, NASA...ahh, NASA. Rub your crystal ball and tell me what you see?

Let's just say a "little bird" whispered in my ear to start looking for someone... ... g47dRiNVGW
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear David,

So I think that we already covered the beginning of this particular rabbit hole already! See, here is a crazy and accidental overlap in content from my earlier posts:

and sorry if I repeat myself a lot, but I heard that's how the human brain tends to learn to understand in general ;)

ALSO, this may or may not coincide with the historical time period that you are talking about, BUT it is known now that the Nazi drug cartel IG Farben had its very own intelligence unit, NW7... Warburg, its director, was known to finance and assist BOTH the Nazi party and the Russian Bolsheviks... Is all our history merely part of a premediated plan? I believe it was Ted Shackley who said that wars are NOT meant to be one, but are a deception by a secret third entity to bleed both of the sides for profit, as well as test weapons that would otherwise be illegal, in order to scare the rest of the population into conformity...

In this context 'Socialist' could indicate either National Socialist or Global Socialist. Both hold the same basic philosophies of tyranny yet different methods for bringing them to pass. Both have the same roots and are apparently twin pincers in a deadly Machievellian game that is being carried out by the Bavarian Illuminati [which backed the Communists by sending Lenin from Germany to Russia to incite the Bolshevik revolution] and the Bavarian Thule Society [which backed the Nazis by grooming Adolph Hitler for his part as Nazi dictator], yet most importantly it is being orchestrated by the International "Black Nobility" Banking cults that have kept Europe under their financial grip since around 500 A.D.
Same conspiracy but found in different places! lol

The second quote is from my post about John Lear and I don't know if I trust him fully. He started making waves in UFO circles with his research on project GRUDGE, which later became the infamous project BLUEBOOK.

There was a secret GRUDGE REPORT NO 13 that went missing that BLUEBOOK was never able to retrieve or identify. It was uncovered by William English, who memorized it and recited the contents to John Lear when the two met in private. Or as private as one can be when the men in black start gang-stalking you, which John Lear claimed happened to him during this event.

This report mentioned an aircraft being abducted and the flight members brutally mutualized before the craft was dumped in the woods of Vietnam. This story was a precursor to the now ever-present legends of cattle mutilation.

From this story almost all UFO conspiracies sprang into existence from. I don't remember if it was Lear or another source but someone out there said that the "grey aliens" are real and call themselves the "Maitre". There's a pamphlet called The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop that was popular in this conspiracy circle for claiming that Jesus faked his crucifixion and that all of Christianity is a secret rehashing of worship of King Nimrod and the Papacy itself is the great Whore of Babylon. He also claimed that the Holy Trinity is Isis, Horus, and Seb. The reason why this pamphlet was spread in UFO circles was because it was claimed that these are the secrets of "Maitre".

Do I believe it? NO ... And I'd rather NOT spread disinformation that I DON'T believe in. Why would the Papacy, who's job is to oversee the Patriarchy and ensure every nation (nearly all of them) under its control represent strong Patriarchal values, in any conceivable way, secretly be worshipping the sacred Whore of Babylon, a FEMALE deity? Later the claim popped up that the "Maitre" where hermaphrodites and where trying to castrate their male half off of themselves. Just like Mithras and the Roman cult that followed him. Whoever is writing this stuff is hellishly creative... but of course the holes in the narrative still stand.

GRUDGE REPORT NO 13 is where it all starts and Bill Moore and his Avairy vehemently oppose its so-called authenticity and I believe where created as a ruse in order to tell John Lear off from whatever he was really getting into.
So...Aviary, Brown, Bahamas, Nassau, Caroline, Puthoff, NASA...ahh, NASA. Rub your crystal ball and tell me what you see?
I see that Thomas Townsend Brown had a strong sense of intuition and was great at following it. And that it went a long, LONG way and that the Aviary itself has no idea. The truth is is that the Aviary is made up of people JUST LIKE US, who want to know these things, but are in the dark and trying to find the light switch, and in the dark they have fooled us into thinking they know more than us. They are just people. They are not really the men in black. And perhaps the actual men in black are just people too. Many of us have CLUES but if the whole truth was known then it would be uncontainable and we'd ALL know.

What I believe is that Thomas Townsend Brown discovered a REAL physical effect that reduced the weight of lifters and spun gyrons and was NOT entirely made out of ionic wind or ions... There is something else in this universe and he felt it intuitively...

Blomgren rediscovered the effect and believed it was entirely negative ions at work. Dr. Kibler reinforced this view. But Michael Riconosciuto did experiments that disproved it. Riconosciuto cooled off an entire light bulb simultaneously, all at once, instantaneously. This was an anomaly because Kibler's equations no longer apply. Then he did the experiments in glass laser components and aircraft wing pins. The effect happened so fast and so strong that ion wind could never even be seriosly considered to be the answer. Then Raymond Lavas performs the same effect in a sealed vacuum light bulb filament. Not a single one ion could even enter the bulb, and none where present to start with. The force, governed by a syntropic* feedback loop, began to break the laws of thermodynamics. In Lavas's case, I believe it actually did so.**

*Syntropy is the word that Luigi Fantappiè gave to the negative solution of the E^2 = (M(C^2))^2 + (PC)^2 simplified as (M^2)(C^4) + (P^2)(C^2)... This is a QUADRATIC equation, which by mathematical law, must ALWAYS have a positive and NEGATIVE solution. E=MC^2 is the positive solution. The negative one has been ignored for ages. A gravitational field generated from the energy-momentum (the "E^2") of a primary gravitational field may itself have a negative energy content and be related to Fantappiè's math. But other than the late Burkhard Heim, there has been no attempts to geometrize and/or quantize this field. Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeler all famously GAVE UP and drew a blank in their seminal Gravitation textbook. "It's trivial" they all say, despite the fact that the Landau-Lipschitz tensor denotes the fact that the Earth itself, through its gravitational field, generates this other gravitational field, with an energy content weighing the same as Mount Everest! And this "tensor" is actually a "pseudo-tensor", which Emmy Noether argued was inappropriate as it did not conserve this energy because it vanished in any change of coordinates. This is why this gravity-gravity field is called nonlocal. AKA in our equations it cannot interact with anything. I believe our equations are wrong. Heim had it right with his "infinitesimal summation" approach.

**Any closed and consistent feedback loop will generate syntropy on its own. But how does such a system form? Perhaps syntropy is itself as primordial as entropy, and Thermodynamics was destined to be broken. Boltzmann famously said the statistical version of the theory, as he knew it, FAILED to account for life on planet Earth. William Sidis proposed a reverse of the second law and showed that life arose as a consequence of it, which was equally statistically probable to the entropic version. Both Boltzmann and Sidis died horrible fates and I'm afraid the problem has largely been ignored in mainstream since the tragic passing(s) of the two of them....

.....Sorry for the super long footnotes. Got carried away. I stress again that the effects on Epigenetics and Morphogenesis would be HUGE if only the Lavas experiment could be recovered and explained adequately. I trust that Raymond Lavas was telling the TRUTH and have a solid interest in rediscovering it.

Epigenetics is governed by Rene Thom's Catastrophe theory, which is purely topological in nature. Morphogenesis is governed by the L-field of Harold Saxton Burr, which is electrodynamic in nature. The link between the two fields is thermodynamics. Specifically, the kind of reversals of entropy that Raymond Lavas himself proved really and absolutely exists in this universe!

Modern evolutionary theory could never account for the complexity of the DNA molecule. Darwin may have taken the whole theory back IMMEDIATELY... if only he knew what the structure of DNA even was! His assumptions about macromolecules was that they where small and simple. But they are not simple. We know now how infinitely complex they are. And that gene deletions and mutations must not be random. No beneficial developments arise from accidental mutations.

I may not be a Creationist, but I am also not an Evolutionist, because of the reasons cited above. I believe there is a hidden side of thermodynamics, beginning with the complexity of Turing patterns, that will be the ultimate answer to the question of life in the universe, and perhaps also the existence of the whole universe itself. Harold Saxton Burr disproved Evolution long ago when he discovered the L-field. And then the Rockefellers swatted him down with the Flexner report. But the truth, whatever it is, must prevail.

I believe it was Noam Chomsky who asserted that the right ideas always withstand pressure and live to reach the daylight, no longer how long the dark tunnel of censorship.

As for NASA.... They can only DREAM of what Raymond Lavas and Michael Riconosciuto where ALREADY doing!!!!!

I can go more into the failures of Evolutionary theory but I'm afraid I could discredit myself by accident as raving against such a "scientific" and mainstream-accepted theory has a way of doing that to all people. We shall wait for it to come undone on its own.

Now time for some more tantalizing clues from Trickfox to help end this already long rabbit hole of a single post: ... c=1623.330

Excuse me...... may I ask a question or two? What is the primary Quantitative dimension of mass?.....-would that be "Proton Mass" as used in the "CGS unit system" If so, the MASS of a proton is measured in grams (g).
Distance (based on the Planckt Constance of orbit jumps) is identified in centimeters
and Time is identified from the Minkowski equation for ephemeris time.
Velocity (v) is measured in "cm/sec"?
Which all leads us to Force...... What exactly is the FORCE of the resisting eather, and is it defined as the "dyne" force (gm-cm/sec2)
In essence, -Could it be defined as resistance to displacement by electromagnetic means..... Are we just witnessing the coulomb force at work on the mass of a proton are we not?
But wait.... Beifeld/Brown force also has an effect on the proton mass through beneficiation the "mass density" of any homogeneous dielectric.
What could that possibly be due to?....... maybe it's an alloy of say 95% Platinum 5% Osmium atomically bonded to a vapour deposit of barium titanate?

plays with machines.... get to work 8) Anonymous

Dimensionless denumerable assemblage theory rules all knowledge bases. Electromagnetism is only the beginning. There will always be "spooky action at a distance" (as Einstein described it). Perhaps, - In our case "spooky" just means "Reimannian".
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by David Osielski »

Henry_Yang wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:50 am So I think that we already covered the beginning of this particular rabbit hole...
Indeed. And I'm singularly focused on reaching the end of mine.

Agreed about Brown. Jan, Paul, Nate & Henry are following those historical tracks.
As for NASA.... They can only DREAM
Yes, let's stay with NASA for a minute.

Not conspiracies or rabbit holes...Not Nazis, faked crucifixions or the Illuminati...Not the Vatican, Evolutionary Biology, or Trickfox...

Just one NASA engineer.
David Osielski wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:57 pm Let's just say a "little bird" whispered in my ear to start looking for someone... ... g47dRiNVGW
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear David,

The claims about "Timothy Taylor" being linked to TT Brown where started by Ryan Bledsoe.

Ryan's father, Chris Bledsoe, was the first case that was made the business of Elizondo and co. I've been very skeptical of that group and anyone related to it... ... -pentagon/

And I see Ryan's comments about the "Divine Feminine" on Twitter and he is probably going to start rehashing the Maître garbage pretty soon, albeit with a different name to the threatening nonexistent grey enemy aliens, no doubt.

Chris Bledsoe himself has started his son on this route... on the Danny Jones podcast he tells of a magic floating woman with a bull who gave him a prophecy about the Sphinx and the star of Regulus...

A barely concealed rehash of the cult of the Golden Calf and the Benjaminite tribe that defied Moses to worship it... classic Maître conspiracy......

Looking at the actual science of the actual Biefield-Brown effect, I see no possibility of the time travel mentioned by the Bledsoes anyway! Raymond Lavas said to switch from electro-optic modulators (generally made of barium titanate) to acousto-optic modulators (generally made from quartz) to amplify this effect. This has an effect on the transport properties of the signal against the "noise" in the medium. Why has "Timothy" failed to give us any of this information?

So we also go from "Timothy" telling us that humans like TTBrown invented time travel, to Ryan and Chris Bledsoe telling us that aliens exist and also invented time travel... So I think the words of Carl Sagan are the most applicable words I can possibly choose...
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
- Carl Sagan

The weight of evidence for an extraordinary claim must be proportioned to its strangeness
- (Laplace's principle)
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Re: The Carolines before WW II, The Nassau Group afterward.

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear David,

I have heard that Huntsville, Alabama, is a UFO hot spot, perhaps due to the work of Wernher von Braun that happned down there. Some locals even think that a retirement home, accidently built in the shape of a swastika, was designed that way on purpose due to the UFO research done down there by the Germans. Carol Rosin, secretary to the late Dr. von Braun, said that he was deeply into UFOs and space contacts as well.

Here is a video taken by a man who lives in this area who lives in Huntsville and is well aware of its history.

"The Clearest Video of a UFO To DATE!!! WHAT IS THIS?"
Means of Savagery

Regarding the "Timothy Taylor" character, he was also gone under the name "Tyler Durden". It appears as though Jeremy Corbell coordinates his media appearances and his real name is actually Travis Taylor.

See this video that documents a "threat" that Travis Taylor made online to all the aliens in outer space and how ridicules it was for him to do that without knowing who or what he is threatening. And he knows that he doesn't know what is out there either.

"Travis Taylor Expert in "Starting" Alien Invasions..."
Means of Savagery

I think that perhaps it is worth it to switch gears and investigate the Tik Tak incident from the USS Nimitz. That case holds the only other clear video of an UFO other than the first YouTube link above....
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