Hello from Henry Yang

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Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Henry_Yang »

Hi! My name is Henry Yang and I am new here, but I have basic understanding of the "before times" research that Paul S mentioned, because I've been deep into this rabbit hole for a long time already, although lurking anonymously. I am tuning in from Illinois, USA...

I learned of the subject in early 2020 (more than four years ago now) through the threads in which electrostatic cooling was discussed and also the translation of the report on Project WINTERHAVEN was completed by Trickfox...

Some of those files have been deleted now but I remember explicitly well that that report said that the effect was real and that the "Gyron" apparatus in a vacuum still spun even after the air was evacuated.

Sorry I did not post here first but I'm getting computer glitches like crazy (and I forgot :P) .... Glad to be in "wonderland" now!
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Paul Schatzkin
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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Hello, Henry, and thank you for being persistence.

I apologize for whatever inconvenience you experienced getting on board here. Sometimes it's a wonder any of this stuff works.

Welcome to Wonderland and remember our motto: "I'd Turn Back If I Wuz You."

I know, too late.


Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by natecull »

Hi Henry.
Some of those files have been deleted now but I remember explicitly well that that report said that the effect was real and that the "Gyron" apparatus in a vacuum still spun even after the air was evacuated.
Fortunately not everything on the Internet can be deleted forever. I believe this is the full Montgolfier Report as translated (and with 3D images added) by Raymond "Trickfox" Lavas.

https://ia902602.us.archive.org/16/item ... Report.pdf

My impression of the report, as of almost all Biefeld-Brown replication attempts, is that the results were "ambiguous, confusing, needs further study" rather than a clear "the effect is 100% real, follows a clear force equation, and can definitely be scaled up". There were apparent residual non-electrostatic forces found, but, they didn't always line up with Townsend's predictions, and the vacuum chamber (on the order of about a meter across; the full "saucers" couldn't be flown inside it) was still too small to completely rule out electrostatic interference from the chamber walls. But it also wasn't completely null, and the authors were left wanting more experiments, which they weren't allowed to do.

What I particularly like in this document is the letters describing their interactions with Townsend Brown, and the standard "wtf is going on here??" reaction of meeting with him, which is very much the same reaction we still have today.

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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Paul,

Thank you for the warm welcome! Hopefully the technical problems subside but I guess it happens sometimes when one tries to enter a parallel universe lol

Dear Nate,

Thank you for the full Montgolfier Report pdf... Coincidently, I was trying to locate it again myself but it's an elusive little document, that's for sure.

I remember that Trickfox used to post those very same 3D illustrations in his YouTube videos to tease us all about the secret stuff he knew, including this report file...

Going from those videos to the actual thing is like having déjà vu and he probably did it on purpose...

Here's what I mean.

Channel #1:
12 subscribers + 19 videos

Channel #2:
"Raymond Tromprenard"
6 subscribers + 3 videos

All of the graphics I am talking about are in the videos on that first channel link. The mysterious thing is that SOME graphics don't even refer to Montgolfier or to TTBrown seemingly AT ALL... There's something else he was working on, some kind of big device that he wanted to build in Israel...

Here's the Montgolfier/TTBrown "Gyron" device illustration:


Here's that other thing I mentioned that I don't even know what it is:

"tests ani"

And here is by far the most fascinating video... It is from his second channel and he says that Nikola Tesla, Beau Kitselman, and Michael Riconosciuto where all into the SAME physics research!


ANYWAY, I agree with your conclusion 100% that the Montgolfier report isn't too reliable as a source on this... I read it some months ago but lost the link and couldn't find it again until now. I remember thinking that there is no way they got that vacuum sealed all the way in that little warehouse... But certainly the effect must be real anyway, just SMALLER then what those guys claimed to measure!
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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by natecull »

There's something else he was working on, some kind of big device that he wanted to build in Israel...
I believe Raymond was talking in his last days about something he called the "Psychopropulseur", but I have no idea what it was. Given the name, my guess is it was maybe some kind of.... biofeedback or self-hypnosis device to maybe induce a trance state? A kind of "psi amplifier", which is what a lot of people were trying to build in the 1970s? But I don't know any details about it.

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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

natecull wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:56 am
Fortunately not everything on the Internet can be deleted forever. I believe this is the full Montgolfier Report as translated (and with 3D images added) by Raymond "Trickfox" Lavas.

https://ia902602.us.archive.org/16/item ... Report.pdf
I have seen that link before and downloaded the .pdf to my own storage facility in case it vanishes again.

My memory is a little fuzzy here but I think that might be the document I paid Raymond some notable number of shekels to translate back in the Before Times. What is curious to me here is the "Qualight' branding – Qualight was Andrew Bolland's nominal enterprise, the umbrella he conducted his TTB research under. I wonder what Andrew (and 'LongboardLOVELY) are up to these days. He also went screaming out of the room with his hair on fire after the Epic Fail Apocalypse. Morgan always said that he was going to end up running a BnB in New England...
My impression of the report, as of almost all Biefeld-Brown replication attempts, is that the results were "ambiguous, confusing, needs further study" rather than a clear "the effect is 100% real, follows a clear force equation, and can definitely be scaled up". There were apparent residual non-electrostatic forces found, but, they didn't always line up with Townsend's predictions, and the vacuum chamber (on the order of about a meter across; the full "saucers" couldn't be flown inside it) was still too small to completely rule out electrostatic interference from the chamber walls. But it also wasn't completely null, and the authors were left wanting more experiments, which they weren't allowed to do.
Translation: "not consistent with known science/physics."

What else is new?
What I particularly like in this document is the letters describing their interactions with Townsend Brown, and the standard "wtf is going on here??" reaction of meeting with him, which is very much the same reaction we still have today.
There is something strangely gratifying in that. TTB = WTF?

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Henry_Yang »

Dear Nate,

I saw him talking about it on this forum and he said that it used a quantum gate or qubit or something like that to predict all possible futures and then select the best one through retrocasual decision making... I never believed this could be achieved at all but it was an interesting idea nonetheless... I bought harder into his ideas that the Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in plasma could be handled through a biofeedback system involving gravitropism or perhaps the "psychopropulseur" mechanism itself... He seemed to know quite a bit about electrohydrodynamics / magnetohydrodynamics and I thought to myself that if the instabilities in the plasma fluid where truly dealt with then fusion could be achieved and power the world.... but only MAYBE, as I'm no expert in that!

Dear Paul,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Andrew related to the Townsend Brown family itself???
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Paul Schatzkin
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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Henry_Yang wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:47 am I bought harder into his ideas that the Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in plasma could be handled through a biofeedback system involving gravitropism or perhaps the "psychopropulseur" mechanism itself... He seemed to know quite a bit about electrohydrodynamics / magnetohydrodynamics and I thought to myself that if the instabilities in the plasma fluid where truly dealt with then fusion could be achieved and power the world.... but only MAYBE, as I'm no expert in that!
I'm not sure I can follow a word of that but it does reflect the kind of outside-the-box (outside the anode shell?) thinking it's going to take if we're ever going to arrive at a useful fusion energy model.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Andrew related to the Townsend Brown family itself???
No, there was no 'blood' relationship btw Andrew Bolland and the Brown family.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Hello from Henry Yang

Post by Jan Lundquist »

From the Montgolfier report, page 10:
4.3 - We repeated the vacuum experiments described above, however this time we made the following changes to the apparatus inside the bell jar: we removed the point and mounted two discs on the same horizontal plane separated by a 1 cm gap and completely enclosed the discs in a Plexiglas casing one of the discs was fed with high voltage whereas the second disc was grounded.

Despite the numerous problems caused by the proximity of the inner wall of the bell jar, the system armatures displaced themselves positive forwards. This is to say that when positive high voltage was applied, the armatures moved positive forwards, and when the armature was grounded, and a negative high voltage was applied, the grounded armature displaced itself exactly as if the above reversed condition was being used. (See annexed section 4.3).

4.4 - We proceeded to verify that the above described experiments were valid even after we had developed a separate high voltage conductive passage from the exterior of the evacuated bell jar. The experimental results obtained in,, and 4.3 remained valid despite the fact that neither of the armatures had been grounded, in other words the use of a grounded armature had no effects on the results of the experiments, and a symmetrically fed high voltage of both polarities used on the armatures were just as effective as the use of a ground plane.

4.5 - Our vacuum bell jar experiments did effectively confirm the existence of a “polarized force” , and we managed to produce a smaller version of the previously described GYRON apparatus . In an effort to confirm the positive (unit vector) force (3.1), we were careful to use geometrically symmetric apparatus which displayed minimally weak curves. To achieve these conditions we have used (in the bigger picture of things) the same experimental apparatus as the type used in 4.3. The experiments served to prove effectively that a reversal in voltage polarity resulted in a reversal of the displacement. We have also determined that using lower valued voltages which produced displacement was possible if the ambient humidity was relatively low. Our conclusion was that the rotation or displacement observed was essentially caused by a difference in the voltages used rather than all of the remaining absolute values.
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