Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Long-time Townsend Brown inquirer Jan Lundquist – aka 'Rose' in The Before Times – has her own substantial archive to share with readers and visitors to this site. This forum is dedicated to the wealth of material she has compiled: her research, her findings, and her speculations.
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Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by Jan Lundquist »

When Linda told me of Townsend's encounter with a glowing light, I thought of it as a spiritual experience rather than a UFO encounter. It seemed to bear a similarity to what Canadian psychiatrist, R.M. Bucke called cosmic consciousness:
1. The person, suddenly, without warning, has a sense of being immersed in a flame, or rose-colored cloud, or perhaps rather a sense that the mind is itself filled with such a cloud of haze. 2. At the same instant he is, as it were, bathed in an emotion of joy, assurance, triumph, salvation. 3. Simultaneously or instantly following the above sense and emotional experiences there comes to the person an intellectual illumination quite impossible to describe....

He goes on to say, 'The person who passes through this experience will learn in the few minutes, or even moments, of its continuance more than in months or years of study, and he will learn much that no study ever taught or can teach.'

After reading Bucke's writings, P. D. Ouspensky, the respected Russian Philosopher echoed his comments in his book Tertium Organum; 'Cosmic Consciousness is a third form, which is as far above Self Consciousness as is that above Simple Consciousness. The prime characteristic Cosmic Consciousness is, as its name implies, a consciousness of the cosmos, that is, of the life and order of the universe. Along with the consciousness of the cosmos there occurs an intellectual enlightenment or illumination which alone would place the individual on a new plane of existence-would make him almost a member of a new species.' ... 1907661603

This type of "thunderbolt enlightenment" has been the objective of Kundalini Yoga practitioners for more than 3000 years, but it also strikes everyday people who have never given the first thought to yoga or awakening. Recently, however, these events have been seen as a type of UAP phenomenon. Kelly Chase of The UFO Rabbit Hole podcast speaks of how her own experience opened her to a new level of acceptance of the weirdness around us, in Episode 35 Through the Looking Glass Part 1: My introduction to the anomalous. ... anomalous/

Perhaps this type of experience is becoming more common, or maybe it is becoming easier to share orb encounter stories, now that we have countless photos them. (Orbs of light entered the social discourse with the advent of digital cameras in the nineties) In her Ph.D. thesis, Orbs in the Skyscape: An Exploration of Spiritual Experiences with Anomalous Light Phenomena, Mara Steenhuisen-Siemonsma looked at the photographic evidence and conducted interviews with a number of Orb Experiencers (OEers):
In any manifestation, orbs are viewed as stemming from Source, God, the divine and are
mentioned in terms of physical healing...emotional comfort during bereavement... emotional support during the spiritual awakening process... mental support for example in writing books and
other publications... and combinations thereof for all interviewees on their life journey, matching the experiences of OErs from the primary anecdotal literature... ... nomena.pdf

Over the past decade, orbs have willingly interacted with many different humans, from well- known personages like Chris Bledsoe and Steven Greer, to YouTube psychics, Linda Grindell and Kim Carey. Though we may not yet speak their language, it seems that their arrival always brings an uplifting effect. Encouragingly, they also seem eager to help us break the communications barrier, so it may be that they have still more to teach us, once we acknowledge them.
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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

This is the second time I recent weeks that am hearing this story about Townsend's youthful encounter with what we are now calling an 'orb of light.'

The first time was Linda on the phone with Jesse Michels.

I am certain that I have not heard this story before because if I had, it would have figured prominently in the narrative. Instead, all I have is this what's in Chapter 7 – A Brute and Awkward Force (1923):
There is no record of a precise moment of inspiration – no apple falling on Townsend Brown’s head, no lightning striking a sky-bound key, no parallel furrows in an Idaho field – only Brown’s insistence that whatever he knew, “he knew it all at once.” Something of the experience was described in a short memoir that Brown dictated to his wife decades later:

So NOW I am learning that there was a 'precise moment of inspiration' ? On a hill on Catalina Island - the same Catalina Island where TTB is buried now? You don't think I would have brought that storyline full circle??

That Linda never bothered to share this particular detail with me is leaving me somewhere btw <*sigh*> and "Really? WTF??"


So... we're now into 'Cosmic Consciousness'?


Because I believe on some gut level that what we're up against in all of these wonderings comes down to: there is some supreme intelligence in the universe, and that intelligence has imparted to humanity about as much as it can handle.

I 'see' your R.M. Bucke's 'Cosmic Consciousness' and 'raise you' E.O. Wilson's "Biodiversity"
What exactly is the modern Homo sapiens, anyway? ...We are a complicated mix of Paleolithic emotions, medieval leftovers like banks and religion, and now the latest addition: God-like technology.
Source: The Origins of Creativity by E.O. Wilson –

I am preoccupied of late with the 'anomalous phenomenon' embodied in the Biefeld-Brown effect, which I suspect Philo Farnsworth may have seen from a slightly different perspective in the glowing orb (!?) he observed in his spherical Multipactor tubes in the 1930s, what has been dubbed in some circles as 'The Farnsworth Effect' and supplied the inspiration for the Fusor.

There is a thought-line forming here. I suspect you can sense where I'm going.

A "thunderbolt of enlightenment" would sure seem to me to describe both what happened to Townsend Brown and Philo Farnsworth (though there is no such mention of a glowing orb in the Farnsworith story).

I am further reminded of this quote from PTF himself:
I know that god exists. I know that I have never invented anything. I have been a medium by which these things were given to the culture as fast as the culture could earn them. I give all the credit to God.
God, Higher Power, Supreme Intelligence – call it whatever suits you, Either way, the operative expression here is:
I have been a medium by which these things were given to the culture as fast as the culture could earn them.
With Einstein in 1905, I think that Supreme Whatever You Want To Call It handed humanity the keys to the Cosmic Ferrari, and then sat back to see what we'd do with that Knowledge.

And after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he/she/it folder their arms and said, "OK, that's enough."

The New York agrees, if not in so many words:

What Happened to All of Science’s Big Breakthroughs?
A new study finds a steady drop since 1945 in disruptive feats as a share of the world’s booming enterprise in scientific and technological advancement.

Note the date of demarcation in that headline: 1945!

I guess it is fitting as we reach this turning point that I am now developing a presentation to deliver at a conference in North Carolina in June called.... wait for it...

The Cosmic Summit! - *

And then there's the whole business about 'plasma' bearing some form of intelligence - I'll have to come back to that another time.

Anyway, this is what's coming up for me the days, and what I hope to address thematically in that presentation. If it works, well, then.. I'll be taking it on the road ...

So this is an excellent new theme.

Please continue.



*Some of the speakers lined up for this event strike me as bonafide looney-toons, but, well, I'll just have to put on my tinfoil hat, grin and bear it. These are my people now,
Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by natecull »

So NOW I am learning that there was a 'precise moment of inspiration' ? On a hill on Catalina Island - the same Catalina Island where TTB is buried now?
If it helps, I only heard Linda mention this "orb" story on the Cosmic Token forum sometime in the 2010s, and then only alluded to briefly in passing. Exactly what happened during that encounter, I'm not sure.

My feeling from looking at quite a few biographies of people who have dedicated their life to investigating "weird" things - or alternative takes on the laws of physics - is that usually, at the back of it, is some kind of personal (or family) paranormal experience. Sometimes a near-death experience, sometimes a psychic or spiritual experience, sometimes a UFO or "orb", but whatever the kind, the result is often to leave the experiencer looking for answers. When answers aren't forthcoming from the standard textbooks of the day, people of this kind who also have access to scientific, academic or journalistic resources then often try to apply their skills to the getting and publishing of answers. Sometimes this quest is successful, sometimes not, but it often leaves a mark on history. Townsend does seem to fit this pattern.

I see I have a record of one of the times Linda mentioned this. Not sure if it's the first time.
You know you're from Catalina when...

That's the name of the thread on FACE BOOK right now. Just recently someone posted a picture of the East side of Catalina.....and there is a very odd blue ( decidedly blue) orb in the picture. I don't know how to bring that picture over here... my skills with the computer are dismal... but just making note of it here in case any one else wants to talk about it.

You can contact me too through my Email...

Its not always easy to log on and post from the Cosmic-Token so I encourage those who would like to talk about that light to Email me or continue the discussion on that FB thread. ( entitled "You know you're from Catalina when....")

Its just weird that ( however it happened) a blue orb would show up on a modern picture of something that shows the exact location of Dads "sighting" and experience in 1923.

One Islander has responded to my questions ( Does anyone else see it?) in the affirmative but apparently others did not notice it enough to mention it. Its VERY obvious!

Townsend Brown Family Consortium
November 26, 2015
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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I had forgotten the details of Townsend's experience. But thanks to Nate, we now know it was on the east side of Catalina. Paul, IIRC, Linda said it happened on a ridge where she used to ride. Have you since confirmed that the ridge is in the cemetary where he is buried?

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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:07 pm I had forgotten the details of Townsend's experience. But thanks to Nate, we now know it was on the east side of Catalina. Paul, IIRC, Linda said it happened on a ridge where she used to ride. Have you since confirmed that the ridge is in the cemetery where he is buried?
Here's even more 'the hell of it.'

Linda and I went to Catalina together in... 2003 or 2004 or 2005?

We visited the cemetery together.

She did not say a word of this when we were there together - seems that might have been the right place/time, no?

So I have no idea where the 'ridge' is, and the only knowledge of this whole incident I have comes from the audio in Jesse's video, where Linda also says that "I used to ride my horse there..."

That. Is. All.

(tries not to go all 😡 about this and starts to recall why he walked away in 2009....)
Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity'
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
"We will just sail away from the Earth, as easily as this boat pushed away from the dock" - TTB
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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Paul, I just saw a link from you to this post:

I can't say how these bits are connected, but I noted that Morgan introduced the spiritual variable in his discussion. He seems to be tying time travel to spiritual knowledge.

The Orb experience anecdotes indicate that they appear in response to something within us and they awaken something within us, and they bring a new kind of spirituality or a new level of awareness with them.

Maybe the experiencer folks are the real hybridized ETs? Or maybe I've watched too much Resident Alien.

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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by natecull »

I can't say how these bits are connected, but I noted that Morgan introduced the spiritual variable in his discussion. He seems to be tying time travel to spiritual knowledge.

The Orb experience anecdotes indicate that they appear in response to something within us and they awaken something within us, and they bring a new kind of spirituality or a new level of awareness with them.
So here's how I'd say these bits are connected:

I believe (because of prior spiritual beliefs, basically; starting with my Mum's near-death experiences in the 1960s, but continuing on through the 1850s-1950s Spiritualist movement and everything that came after including the attempts of dedicated 1970s psi researchers to batter their heads against the brass doors of Heaven) that the universe exists in layers (like an onion, or an ogre). The space/time/matter layer is in some ways the "lowest" layer of a stack: matter and energy are not nearly as causal as we think they are. (I think Liebniz was getting at something like this when he helped birth modern physics in the 1700s; his "pre-existing harmony" is an approach to a physics where causality isn't something that energy over time does to matter, but rather merely a correlation.) The higher layers are mostly invisible to us, and environments there are also more obviously intelligent/sentient than this world. Thoughts are real and publically observable things (yikes!), we have multiple bodies also in layers (physical, "qi", "desire", "spirit", etc... each spiritual/metaphysical tradition has a slightly different take, but the general idea seems to recur multiple times). There are entire civilizations which exist in these higher layers from us. They communicate with us via a form of deep telepathy that sends information packets that often don't directly take the form of words, but can "unpack" in our consciousness into words.

Sometimes the "messengers" from these civilisations manifest very dramatically and visually as orbs of light, which may or may not be subjective or group hallucinations. They might also manifest visually or audibly as other things, but they much more often communicate very quietly and subtly without "manifesting" at all. I feel like most human creative activity is in fact a co-operation between a receptive human mind and one or more of these messengers; in other words, that the Greek idea of the "muse" is not a metaphor but a real thing. I think there is a spectrum between imagination, creativity, and "mediumship", and not really a clear division between different modes of receptivity. ("Contact modalities", in 2024 "Experiencer" jargon.)

There are also not just "good" or "enlightened" civilisations; while the higher levels are, I believe, strongly good (but often almost abstract and intangible to us), there are pockets of subcultures "lower" and "closer" to us which are confused, angry, hurt, or malicious. So "communication" with this wider universe can be very fraught and even dangerous, and the more so the more "tangible" forms it takes. This would imply that the 20th century psychic research and ESP focus on strictly scientific and physically measurable communication is actually quite dangerous, which might be why clear results in that area have been very slim. Similarly, deliberate intent to cause harm will attract civilisations interested in that, and so military psi in particular must be a very dangerous and inadvisable realm to play with. George Lucas was onto something with the "Light Side" and "Dark Side"; he didn't make up those concepts entirely from scratch.

If you want to use the currently fashionable pop-science ideas of "multiverse" or "simulation theory", then those might help grasp the edges of what the universe actually is, but these ideas are really only a shadow of the actual original Gnostic/idealism idea. The universe is not *actually* a physics sim running on a giant computer, but it *is* an "illusion", "maya", or "virtual reality". It's just that the "platform" it's "running on" is something that's sentient. There are entire bodies of theological/philosophical thought on how and why sentience could end up masquerading to itself as nonsentience (as opposed to the current academic belief that sentience is an illusion somehow caused by nonsentient physical systems), but it's an ancient idea that appears to be reinforced by data of the psychic/"channelled" nature over the last couple hundred years.

Since the 1940s, it became fashionable to not believe in "discarnate human spirits" anymore and instead to believe in "aliens", but I'm pretty sure it's the same beings that were communicating via table-tipping and Ouija boards in the 1850s, public fashion just changed so they adopted a slightly different "PR image". The methods by which "aliens" and "spirits" communicate with the human mind, the way in which they manifest, the messages they bring, the philosophy they teach.. these all overlap to such a strong degree that it seems to take a wilful desire for obfuscation to separate them into two different categories.

Where time travel comes into this - and this features in both Near Death Experiences and "channelled" communications - there is widespread agreement among these anomalous "communicators" that Time And Space Just Work Differently in the layers "above" us. Even Einsteinian relativity doesn't seem to capture what's happening in these hyperspaces "above" us. Since the higher layers are more sentient than the lower layers, time "up there" really seems to be directly linked to thought in a way that we can't really comprehend in our modernistic philosophy, but would be perfectly understandable to any monk from the Middle Ages.

Now Morgan seems to buy into a version of this idea. I think anyone who has come through the various psi / remote-viewing schools in the US defense industry scene from the 1970s on would have some form of this universe-picture; it's just part of the psychic landscape. Morgan might *also* believe in physical time travel machines, but I don't think it's required to believe that such technology exists to believe that the human race is in contact with multiple "hyperspatial civilizations" which transcend time, and has been in such contact for thousands of years. Such contact does not in itself imply the imminent end of the world (although our technological boom might).

So this is why I parse Morgan through a somewhat critical filter. I see him make coy references to time travel and psi and also to Townsend Brown and also to technology, and I think: yes, these are dots, but do they join up? Yes, time travel is pretty much a necessary part of the psi experience. And the Townsend Brown story seems to include psi elements - if nothing else, the people who became attracted to Townsend Brown's scientific ideas seem to almost always have some investment in a psi worldview. Psi is so everpresent everywhere in the human condition, however, that I don't know if we can draw any conclusions about *physically existing time travel technology* from time travel appearing in the psi experience.

It is a fixture of the UFO mythos that there exist physically-existing nuts-and-bolts saucers that have some kind of psi interface to them, and that humans just after WW2 captured some of those saucers with our cap-guns and bottle tops (yay us!), and these now exist in some secret hangar somewhere, have possibly been reverse engineered by the US military and/or a private consortium, and that they can travel in time as well as space because (insert General Relativity here, which is completely irrelevant to the psi world-picture). And it's precisely *because* this is such a prevalent belief in the UFO mythos - such a warping gravity field of belief - that I worry when Morgan seemed to be trying to nudge his story in that direction without actually saying it. I wanted to see him clearly construct and lay out an argument and justify each step, because he was obviously very capable of doing this. And yet he didn't. I didn't like that. It felt... not quite deceptive, but on the edge of deceptive without quite stepping over.

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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by Jan Lundquist »

I think this belongs here.

I had posted earlier that I thought Skinwalker Ranch was in Nevada, but it is in Utah, as I learned when I watched Jesse's video from there:

Skip to 19 minutes in for the freakiest, for lack of a better word, moment in the video.

(Maybe it's Zeitgeist Tyler, David?)

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Re: Hussein Ali Agrama's Review of American Consciousness

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From Knowing Others: The New UFO Esotericism of D.W. Pasulka's "American Cosmic"
by Hussein Ali Agrama and David Metcalfe

Journal for the Study of Esotericism, 2022
Every person in American Cosmic’s narrative, including the author, undergoes a profound personal transformation whether through encounters with UFOs or the process of studying them. The inner changes they experience go to the essence of who they are, beyond whatever technical knowledge they may have obtained. One could say the book is more about the transformations that knowledge elicits than the knowledge itself.n Foucault’s sense, then, the
book’s deeper theme is spirituality.
If you don't have time to read Pasulka's book, and you are interested in the UFO topic (Paul, we almost managed to avoid it!), make time to read this comprehensive review. ... an_Cosmic_

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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by David Osielski »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:58 pm Maybe it's Zeitgeist Tyler, David?
I ain't goin' campin' out there... ... B0BRLT3Y27

Sounds like something's pushing on a portal... ... B09HR54GQF
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Re: Townsend's Orb of Light Experience and Transcendental Consciousness

Post by David Osielski »

Jan Lundquist wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:07 pm I had forgotten the details of Townsend's experience. But thanks to Nate, we now know it was on the east side of Catalina. Paul, IIRC, Linda said it happened on a ridge where she used to ride. Have you since confirmed that the ridge is in the cemetery where he is buried?
Paul Schatzkin wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:13 pm Linda and I went to Catalina together in... 2003 or 2004 or 2005?
Has anyone commented that Catalina Island was the specific part of "Southern California" that factors into the USS Princeton/Nimitz "Tic Tac" UAP flap in 2004 via Cmdr. David Fravor? ... ure=shared
File_USS Nimitz UFO incident jets' initial location.png - Wikipedia-en.wikipedia.org_2024.03.25 (3582).jpg
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