Hey, Old Timers...remember The Octopus? The Netflix series is out.

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Jan Lundquist
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Hey, Old Timers...remember The Octopus? The Netflix series is out.

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Back in the olden days, we knew whiffs of the story from Raymond Lavas' (AKA Trickfox, AKA PeeTee on the forums) account of working with Michael Ricconosciuto. IIRC,the story MR told someone, was that they were using Brown's work for the beneficiation of uranium, in a mine somewhere, but the FBI claimed that it was a drug lab in their arrest report.

The whole twisted story represents the worst side of the Regan era. It begins with Inslaw, and ends with the murder of three people.

American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders

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Paul Schatzkin
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Re: Hey, Old Timers...remember The Octopus? The Netflix series is out.

Post by Paul Schatzkin »

Somebody else brought that to my attention recently... INSLAW. PROMIS, Reconisciutto... and of course I thought immediately of Trickfox.

I suppose I'll be tuning in...

And be grateful my "sources" were looking out for me.

Paul Schatzkin, author of 'The Man Who Mastered Gravity' https://amz.run/6afz
It's "a multigenerational project." What's your hurry?
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Re: Hey, Old Timers...remember The Octopus? The Netflix series is out.

Post by natecull »

Thanks for posting this Jan! I discovered it a few days ago and I'm already one episode in. Yep, it cuts rather close to home, doesn't it? Trickfox seemed to be connected to this whole early-1980s Reagan "Team B" milieu.The PROMIS saga makes much more sense given what we now know, post Snowden, about the NSA's quest to get backdoor access into major computer systems around the world (particularly of NATO allies that they didn't quite trust). And the stories of off-the-books weapons development seems to also connect with the idea of defense contractors doing things inside SAPs that weren't exactly what they were being funded for.

None of it exactly substantiates the very large and dramatic claims of either "UAP reverse engineering" or "beyond-Standard-Model physics being developed as usable technology"... but it does sort of hint at a grey corporate/military interzone where a few passionate people with a dream might be trying to do weird things, whether or not what they're trying to do is actually achievable.

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