Hi, I'm David

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David Osielski
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Hi, I'm David

Post by David Osielski »

Greetings All.

Paul and I have been conversing via email for a month or so, and I'm finally getting around to officially joining the forum. Ever since the Dave Grusch Congressional hearing, I've been doing A LOT of reading, lurking, asking questions, more reading. Paul and I connected via a mutual LinkedIn contact of which neither party remembers the other...how's that for funny (weird, not ha ha)

I guess I'll just copy-paste a draft for a Reddit forum I never joined. It probably best shows my initial cheesy state of mind earlier in the summer when I was a starry eyed, babe in the woods to all this ontological strangeness. So to quote Speilberg's Jurassic Park "hold onto your butts"


Greetings Earthlings! "Nanu Nanu" (yes I'm GenX born 1973). Please hear me out as I introduce myself. If you're afraid this is TL;DR here's the quick 'so what': I'm looking for my Lost Tribe. In the midst of this morass of UFO/UAP disinformation, obfuscation, paranoia, astounding technology, and ontologically shocking implications, I need kindred sojourners who are also looking for answers while following true-truth and real-light while navigating our way through the shadows and in-between spaces.

I "want to believe" and am a true seeker, however, I'm just a babe in the woods noob related to Reddit, r/UFOs, all things paranormal, and prior to Dave Grusch's congressional testimony only thought Close Encounters, E.T, ALF, Indiana Jones, X-Files were mainly fiction.

For decades I've worked with a friend who's been to Roswell, MUFON, secret soldier conferences, and drives around New Mexico every summer. I am spiritual however, and while NOT proselytizing, I do affiliate with an institutional Christian church (complete with dogma, doctrines, creeds and traditions).

Growing up Roman Catholic and then ending up at Wheaton College. Yes, 'that' same conservative evangelical bastion which has produced Billy Graham (and Wes Craven and Barth Ehrman), former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dan Coats (prior to Avril Haynes and John Ratcliffe) and also Ken Klippenstein of the Intercept! Wheaties also include Wallace Broecker who first popularized the term "global warming" and Kenneth Landon who worked in the OSS with Wild Bill Donovan pre-CIA.

On campus, we have C.S. Lewis' wardrobe as a trans-dimensional portal into Narnia, J.R.R. Tolkien's desk on which he wrote the mythopoeic, Pre-Arthurian "Hobbit", and Madeleine L'Engle's drafts of "A Wrinkle in Time", a children's primer on Einstein's theory of relativity and space-time and Planck's quantum physics theories. Wheaton's campus also has one of Roger Babson's anti-gravity monuments given to only a dozen universities around the U.S. in the 1960s.

So as you can see, Wheaton alumni and like-minded friends are a gaggle of inconsistencies and contradictions, a ragtag of truth seekers and misfits, raggamuffins and vagabonds, skeptics and believers. I started this journey with fellow Watcher, Coleman Luck of Thorncrown Studios (who produced the original Otherworld and Equalizer TV series in the '80s, and is old friends of Bryce Zabel). He put me onto works by: Jacques Vallee, Allen Hynek, John Mack, David Jacobs, Leslie Kean, Ross Coulthart, Hugh Ross, Michael Heiser, and Diana Pasulka.

I'm a trained archivist and professional librarian of 20+ years (think last scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark at Area 51). I'm reading, I'm listening, I'm testing the spirits, but I'm treading water and feel isolated, alone, and afriaid of just taking another "blue pill" rather than trust that the Matrix is real and head down the rabbit hole. So give a shout out if you're a fellow Wheatie (Crusader or Thunder) kindred spirit in these Stranger Things matters, or just a fellow pilgrim looking for the Celestial City.

Synchronistically yours, Cunning Doves

So, that's my Prologue...with likely many more chapters to come.

Glad I can finally put on one of Uncle Andrew's magic rings and jump into the pool at the Wood Between the Worlds.

Best, David Osielski ("O-SHELL-ski")
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Re: Hi, I'm David

Post by natecull »

Greetings Earthlings! "Nanu Nanu" (yes I'm GenX born 1973). Please hear me out as I introduce myself. If you're afraid this is TL;DR here's the quick 'so what': I'm looking for my Lost Tribe.
Hi David! (And for some reason I wonder if you've ever read the book "I Am David" by Anne Holm, 1963? That one gave me the mother of all frights when I read it as a kid.)

I'm an X'er too, and I also came to this subject from the Evangelical tribe, back in the 1980s. The film Close Encounters left a heavy mark on both pop-culture and the Christian bookstores; and my father was in the airline industry while the Kaikoura Lights were a thing in New Zealand, so while I've never seen a UFO, I'm satisfied that they are things people really do see. What they *are* is a much bigger mystery, but the older I get, the less I feel it's a sinister one.

I'm not quite sure what I am, although I attend an Anglican church. My mother had Near Death Experiences, my brother has witnessed faith-healings, and one of my neighbours for many years was a vicar who, in the 1970s, held many tape-recorded conversations with the ghost of Saint Stephen the Martyr and published them in a book. (A case of mediumship; he wasn't the medium.)

And in all this, somewhere, the subject of Townsend Brown seems to resonate strongly with me, and I'm still not quite sure why. It just seems to be one of those connections that some think we are born with. What initially drew me was that here was a real-life person and not a myth, although his life seemed on the borders of possibility, and whose scientific research might form part of a much wider body of proof of a world beyond the conventional.

I lurk sometimes on the Reddit "UFO" and "Experiencers" forums, where I sometimes mention that Paul's book and this site exists.

I wish you all the best on your journey beyond the Slough of Despond and towards the Delectable Mountains.

Regards, Nate
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Hi, I’m Mary

Post by montanamare »

As a kid , driving with my Dad through Tennessee, I saw mountains where
it appeared that someone had shaved a path through the
trees straight down the mountain. I asked my Dad about it and he said
“ Well that’s where the flying saucers slid down “. I still have my Dad’s
copy of the Rho Sigma Ether-technology book from
1977. Happy Paul wrote this book…
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Jan Lundquist
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Re: Hi, I'm Mary

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Welcome, Mary. That's a great memory. Your Dad sounds live a very interesting person.

Did you ever look into UFO reports from that area?

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David Osielski
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Re: Hi, I'm David

Post by David Osielski »

Welcome, Mary!

Which part of Florida? In another life, I was supposed to see a shuttle launch for my 13th birthday in February 1986. The world changed forever one month earlier...

I'm also new to the forum, but as one of the few non-retired folk, my loyalties are torn!

Any connections to Altamonte Springs???

Best, David
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Re: Hi, I'm David

Post by Jan Lundquist »

my loyalties are torn!

Even us retired folks have this problem, David. So many sources, so little time!
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