A place to engage extended discussions of things that come up on the website. Anything goes here, as long as it's somehow pertinent to the subject(s) at hand.
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Universe According to Smith

Post by FM No Static At All »

Future - Past/Now|90°
where we show that the present is actually in quadrature with the Future-Past, and hence need not be a small differential at all, but can assume the proportions which we instinctively know it to possess.
If we use the symbol Q for this quadrature concept we can write the above as:
F - P| Q

which tells us the whole story regarding this relationship and leaves us satisfied that it is all in the proper perspective.


Post by AM »

Sorry for being such a Mexican jumping bean, but this bubble resurfaced again.

I know that Elizabeth Rauscher was mentioned at the forum several times and I thought the following might be interesting - especially considering the fact that Dr. Rauscher met Dr. Brown in 1985.

What did they discuss? Is it possible that some of Dr. Brown's ideas transpired into the theories explained below? wrote:The presence of the golden ratio as an organizing principle in torsion physics led the team of Haramein and Rauscher to arrive at a Unified Field Theory that connects black holes to the structure of an atom. Their theory proposes that an atom is formed from the pumping or “breathing” of gravity in the space vacuum between the shape of a cube (dual tetrahedrons) and an octahedron, forming the simplest possible harmonically oscillating structure. As these two shapes oscillate, they pass through an icosahedron (or its dual dodecahedron) to form a golden spiral. Space is then seen as being organized into a polarized structured vacuum, called a Schwarzchild lattice, organized into 120 tiny black holes, each in its own “cell” of the lattice. Each cell is itself organized as a 12-faced pentagonal dodecahedron (or icosahedron). The Haramein-Rauscher atomic model is then used to explain each cell as a harmonically oscillating cubeoctahedron that passes through the Schwartzchild dodecahedron in the space lattice (centered on a tiny black hole). This pumping action creates an electromagnetic Coriolis Effect and double torus identical to a miniature spiral galaxy or hurricane. From the torquing edge or “event horizon” of the black hole in each cell of the space lattice, resonant atomic structures can form depending on the number of particles or atomic weight of different atoms. Of all the known elements, one particular atom, carbon-12, is more stable and resonant than any other element, accounting for its use as the international standard for atomic weight. In fact, carbon-12 resonates so well that it easily bonds with itself and other small atoms to form polypeptide amino acid chains and DNA molecules capable of evolving into the wide variety of water crystals we know as life. From the micro to the macro, torsion physics describes everything as a double torus of orthogonal (or “right-angled”) gravitational and electromagnetic forces that together spin off resonant harmonic structure at the perfectly balanced event horizon between them. Based on this theoretical model, some scientists are calling for increased funding and research to find ways of engineering the torsion field. Nicola Tesla was the first to suggest this more than a hundred years ago. In 2001, German scientist Dr. Konstantin Meyl reproduced Tesla’s wireless electricity experiments using a simple demonstration kit he built consisting of a dual-coil transmitter and matching receiver. He found that as the frequency was increased on the transmitter, scalar components were produced that tunneled over to the receiver to light an LED. Sold as a simple demonstration kit to more than fifty universities, the apparatus not only proved that electricity could be transmitted wirelessly, it also showed that scalar information could not be blocked by a shielded Faraday cage. More stunning than this, Meyl found that the scalar born information traveled more than 1.5 times the speed of light, confirming Tesla’s own experimental results.
Dr. Meyl also wrote an interesting book about neutrinos. Above we see many interesting key terms converging: tunneling, black holes, shape power, gravity, etc.
Mark Culpepper
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that other Elizabeth

Post by Mark Culpepper »

Now thats really interesting AM. ( as your observations always are. The instructor in me marvels at you sometimes ... no actually pretty consistantly!)

I had forgotten all of those conversations about Dr. Elizabeth R and her discussions ( yes, going there) of mind control. Important people. Not a little bubble that just broached the surface again here with AMs help.

I had forgotten that she and Dr. Brown had met. I just barely remember that. Anybody want to run that information to the surface again? In 1985? That was the year he died, right? My impression was ( from the " Don't Go Daddy" Prologue) is that he was not well that last year. So I wonder where it was that they met and under what circumstances . I would SURE like to hear what she would say about that meeting!

So Paul, have you already talked to this lady? Is this part of the information that you are holding out for the hard copy? Yeah, well .... mind control ...... now that would open a whole bag of interesting worms wouldn't it?

But expanding the thought. Maybe mind control has been part of the " Caroline" Groups method of protecting themselves all along........ Just look into the flash folks and everything will be alright? Mark

Oh... this quote from A, which started me on this rant

'In 2001, German scientist Dr. Konstantin Meyl reproduced Tesla’s wireless electricity experiments using a simple demonstration kit he built consisting of a dual-coil transmitter and matching receiver. He found that as the frequency was increased on the transmitter, scalar components were produced that tunneled over to the receiver to light an LED. Sold as a simple demonstration kit to more than fifty universities, the apparatus not only proved that electricity could be transmitted wirelessly, it also showed that scalar information could not be blocked by a shielded Faraday cage. More stunning than this, Meyl found that the scalar born information traveled more than 1.5 times the speed of light, confirming Tesla’s own experimental results."

And all I can think of here is the conversation that Paul writes about in " How Fast a Fat Pony?" where Dr. Brown tells his daughter about the thoroughbreds that never go slower ..... than the speed of light. And that was in 1955 folks. I am really feeling the drag of time here folks.

A kit? To demonstrate this? Perhaps at the NEXT Townsend Brown Conference? MarkC
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Dr. Elizabeth R

Post by ladygrady »

Everyone needs to go back to these discussions and look around really hard.

viewtopic.php?p=5195&sid=9de93814bd1d4f ... f90df#5195

"Our" Elizabeth was really working her butt off trying to get all this information to the surface ( and Linda Bolland too, as I recall) but the discussion just went by like an Express train going on to the next station.

Now revisiting. I would REALLY like to see this Dr. Elizabeth respond to this forum.

Paul can you invite her? Can someone speak with her? More information there I can just feel it. She has said I guess that she met with Dr. Brown so you have a very valid excuse for contacting her. The lady seems brilliant.

And she was a speaker at that first Townsend Brown Conference. ( the one that was held some .... how long ago? DECADES? ) Maybe she would be interested in being a speaker at the next conference? grady
Last edited by ladygrady on Sat May 03, 2008 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Aspden - Creation: The Physical Truth

Post by FM No Static At All »

You can find this at
According to Dr. Aspden:
The Aether Factor in Atomic Structure
Before concluding this Commentary I wish now to outline a physical concept that could justify effort by young would-be researchers who are interested in contributing to the advance of physical theory. It is briefly touched upon on page 41 of my book CREATION: The Physical Truth, where I refer to the discovery that silicon atoms having a nuclear charge Z of 14 have been produced by experiment in a form in which they have a nuclear mass 42, rather than the normal value of 28. I here quote the paragraph in the middle of page 41:

'The clear significance of this is the involvement of aether structure in the sub-structure of the atomic nucleus of atoms other than hydrogen and the implication this has for aether drag ......'

What, you may wonder, is meant by 'involvement of aether structure in the sub-structure of the atomic nucleus'? I really feel I have done enough in my theoretical physics efforts without struggling to prove my case and going even further but here are a few thoughts that warrant some attention.

Physics as presently taught requires acceptance that atoms comprise a combination of Z protons and A-Z neutrons. Suppose, however, that there are no neutrons in atomic structure and all we have is a combination of the isotopes 1H1 and 1H2, meaning protons and deuterons. This might imply that A-Z cannot exceed Z, but it can if we say that some of these charged nucleons can form into a structural lattice array that locks onto aether structure, replacing some of the quons, enough to equal A-2Z, these then serving as what might seem to be neutral particles having zero electric charge.

What, if any, support can we find for this hypothesis. Well, just scan through the well-established data for the atomic structure of the whole list of known atoms. There is only the 1H1 hydrogen form that has a Z value less than twice A and none record A/Z values as high as 3, which is why that discovery of 14Si42 is so exceptional. To proceed, and with the physics of the atomic bomb and nuclear fission in mind, let us look at the case for uranium. It has an abundance that is quite high given its position in the atomic spectrum. It is therefore stable or effectively so, given that its half-life is estimated at 4.5 billion years. It has the isotopic formula 92U238, whereas the isotopic form 92U235, the extracted form that features in the atomic bomb is unstable. What then is so special about 92U238? Well, just assume it comprises nothing but deuterons, of which 27 have taken up positions in the aether replacing quons. The mass of 27 deuterons will be seen as contributing no charge to the nuclear properties of the uranium atom. It will have a Z value that is half of 238 minus twice 27, which is 92. Why then is 27 so special? The answer is the 3 by 3 by 3 cube configuration of aether structure within the nucleus, a symmetrical structure, symmetry being conducive to stability. Such stability does not exist for the 92U235 atomic nucleus.

Then ask if stability is enhanced where the charge components, 92 in the case of 92U238, sit outside that 3 by 3 by 3 nuclear core component. Symmetry indicates a 5 by 5 by 5 structure enclosing that 3 by 3 by 3 core meaning that there are 125 minus 27 or 98 possible sites for the 92 deuteron charges that attach themselves to the aether sub-structure but do not replace the quons. A cube has six side faces and so if the central position on each side face of the 5 by 5 by 5 structure is not occupied by a deuteron we do have a symmetrical configuration and 98 minus 6 is 92.

If one now draws attention to the fact that 90Th232 sits close to 92U238 in the periodic table and has a similar stable form, one can say that symmetry is still preserved for this case because there need be no deuteron at the very centre of the 3 by 3 by 3 structure and, instead of 6 sites at face-centres in the sites of the enveloping cubic structure being unoccupied, the 8 corner sites are unoccupied. The result is that A is reduced by 3(2) and Z by 8 minus 6, as is the case.

Also relevant to this same line of enquiry is the reported 'unexpected' appearance of barium and lanthanum as products of neutron bombardment of uranium, as reported in 1939 by Hahn and Strassmann (Naturwiss., 27, pages 11 and 89). The uranium nucleus is said to divide into at least two nuclei of lighter weight when fission is triggered. What is so special about 56Ba138 and 57La139?

Well, just suppose that the 3 by 3 by 3 aether lattice core sites within the nuclei of these two atoms are occupied by protons, 26 having replaced the quons, the central site being unoccupied in 56Ba138 but being occupied by a proton that has not replaced a quon in 57La139. Note that 138 minus 26 is 112, which can be the atomic mass of 56 deuterons and 139 minus 27 is 112, which can also be the atomic mass of 56 deuterons. Note then that 125 minus 27 is 98, which indicates the number of sites in the outer aether lattice group. So if each of the 8 corner regions has 7, corresponding to the number of sites in a 2 by 2 by 2 cube corner of the 125 group less the corner site of the 27 group, we have perfect cubic symmetry.

As to that silicon topic raised on page 41 of my book CREATION: The Physical Truth, the 3 by 3 by 3 configuration has 8 corner sites plus 6 face-centre sites on the cube faces, 14 sites, that can be occupied by protons that do not replace quons, leaving 13 sites which involve quon replacent, 12 by protons and one central site by a deuteron. Overall this accounts for the A 28 value and the Z 14 value. Concerning that special case where silicon could have Z of 14 and A of 42, this would apply if the 14 sites occupied by protons were occupied instead by deuterons.

For the simple case where A does equal 2Z, as for oxygen atomic nuclei, attachment to aether structure need not have quon replacement if the nucleus comprises nothing other than deuterons and for the more complex situation posed, for example, by 20Cd40, which does have A equal to 2Z there can be a need for quon charge replacement. 13 deuterons plus 14 protons could account for a value of A of 40. Based on a 3 by 3 by 3 structure, cubic symmetry might not be possible but stability could depend upon two diagonally opposite corner sites having similar composition. There are 20 sites on the cube edges, meaning 27 less one centre site and 6 face-centred sites. These 20 sites do not involve quon replacement and contain 14 protons and 6 deuterons. There is quon replacement by deuterons at the 7 other sites. At two diagonally opposite corner sites the three adjacent edge centre sites are occupied by deuterons, the other 14 edge sites being occupied by protons. This configuration satisfies the A of 40 and Z of 20 requirement.

What I am suggesting here is that the understanding of the nuclear fission of uranium atoms involves physics which must take account of the aethereal cubic lattice structure in space. I see this as explaining why, based on proton and deuteron content alone, the atomic nuclei can have A greater than 2Z without neutrons being an essential component of the atomic nucleus. This is important because, by this brief analysis above, we see that there is good reason to believe that the electrical vacuum medium suggested as the basis for understanding quantum theory has a role that governs atomic fission as well as atomic fusion evidenced by the proton-deuteron transformation.
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sand, again

Post by ladygrady »

Silicon structures again here. I have a mental image of Dr. Brown smiling and scooping up some really white sand in his fingers and smiling. Don't know where THAT is coming from but just need to say "Sand again . Sand"

Thanks Fred for finding this.

"This is important because, by this brief analysis above, we see that there is good reason to believe that the electrical vacuum medium suggested as the basis for understanding quantum theory has a role that governs atomic fission as well as atomic fusion evidenced by the proton-deuteron transformation."

" AS WELL AS ATOMIC FUSION" Grains of sand here . All connected. grady
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Re: Dr. Elizabeth R

Post by Mikado14 »

ladygrady wrote:Everyone needs to go back to these discussions and look around really hard.
I can't agree more with this statement. Reminds of Virginia City, just dump that "blue stuff" over there. Upon reexamination there was silver in them thar piles.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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piles of silver

Post by Linda Brown »

Absolutely Mikado. Piles of valuable information, all buried here in the forum. And you know the most magical thing? I keep running into notes from Flow. Its wonderful.

Regarding a meeting somewhere. You guys come to a consensus. All of you vote for the area easiest to reach for you individually. That should make it easier for Paul to name the spot. I know that he has been busy but I feel too that this meeting, this " Conference" is going to be important. and it is calling out to happen. Hard to miss the push. Even if its just a handful of us sitting by a fire its going to be an important event. Linda
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Re: sand, again

Post by FM No Static At All »

ladygrady wrote:Silicon structures again here. I have a mental image of Dr. Brown smiling and scooping up some really white sand in his fingers and smiling. Don't know where THAT is coming from but just need to say "Sand again . Sand"

Thanks Fred for finding this.

"This is important because, by this brief analysis above, we see that there is good reason to believe that the electrical vacuum medium suggested as the basis for understanding quantum theory has a role that governs atomic fission as well as atomic fusion evidenced by the proton-deuteron transformation."

" AS WELL AS ATOMIC FUSION" Grains of sand here . All connected. grady
I do know Correa references Aspden, and I am pretty sure that Meyl does also. It would be great to see Dr. Aspden gain some recognition in the "scientific" community.

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On my soapbox!

Post by JZimmer »

Hi all,

This gives me a great opportunity to bring up a topic that I have brought to Elizabeth’s attention several times. I have followed these forums for quite a while now, and I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I have seen a valuable topic under discussion just drop off the face of the earth as some junction is reaches that takes everyone from their original lines of thought.

Not sure what the best method would be to do this, but seems to me that there is a lot of useful, important and maybe critical information buried in these forums that we are not considering or have forgotten about.

Anyway, just my opinion but I think an organized effort to locate and document all these ideas, thoughts, suggestions and in particular topics that were brought up but never completely investigated or resolved could be very important to us now and in the future.

Jim Z.
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Post by Griffin »


Yes, a compendium would be quite helpful.

With your computer background, how do you think this could be best accomplished?

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Post by JZimmer »

Hey Griffin,

I would have to think on it a while but I am sure that we could construct a substantial knowledge base from what we already have.

I can tell you that this would take some computer equipment, software development tool and a lot of work; not just from a programming standpoint. I bet however that it would be worth it, for while this is just a guess, I bet that there are a lot of answers already out there that we are just not seeing because the mass of information that has been collected and discussed is just too large to examine from memory.

While I have a good idea of how to do this and could go into specifics now, I don’t know enough about how this forum site is put together to suggest a exact coarse of action at this time. If everyone thinks this is a worthwhile effort, I will start putting together some thoughts on how to do what may turn out to be a complicated task.

Make any sense?

Jim Z.
Victoria Steele
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alot of sense

Post by Victoria Steele »

Makes alot of sense Jim because I believe just as you said, there are probably ANSWERS left stagnant and not investigated ( because at the time they were introduced we might not have been ready to see the value of them.) But now that we are all sort of dredging up the past things are coming to our attention again and it would be SO much easier to have some sort of a system to it. Victoria
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new book

Post by Victoria Steele »

New book Paul .... " And the Forum Says". Victoria
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Post by twigsnapper »

Or perhaps " A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Forum"

Oh wait. Been used. <g>

Paul. Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Gust. The perfect Beau Kitselman. twigsnapper