SARBACHER/SMITH & "Fusion in Philadelphia?"

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Post by Paul S. »

Yes, this lead on "Corneillion" aka Jacgues Bergier is quite fertile. Yet another fascinating character.

This next chapter is shaping up as quite a doozy. Perhaps the most rich, detailed, and pivotal of all I've written so far. It started itself today, but is probably going to take two full weeks to cobble into shape.

Just a word to the wise for Victoria...<g>

Paul Schatzkin
aka "The Perfesser"
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Post by Radomir »

Jacques Bergier sounds like quite a complex character, not to mention amazing person to have as mentor.
Sort of surprised me when he did such a good overlay about the Pennemunde facility that Cook completely missed the name of the man whose intelligence network supplied the allies with locations and information of what was being built there.
Could it have been because Cook concentrated more on the time period after the A-4/V-2 rocket production had been moved to Nordhausen? He may not have been as aware of the earlier work at Pennemunde nor how the intel supplied led to production facilities being moved once threatened? [I say this because as far as I could glean, he doesn't actually mention Pennemunde by name in his text, but mentions Nordhausen 25 times by name.]

Not defending Cook, just wondering aloud. Just as possilble in his hit-or-miss dash to gather all the evidence he did gather, he simply missed lots of pieces that we're now following up on.

From my reading, the Poles also helped to provide intel about Pennemunde?

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true enough

Post by twigsnapper »


You are quite right of course. MANY people had a hand in the intelligence which filtered back to various Allied desks. And I understand that Cook was a man with a mission here and he was satisfied with the amount of material he gathered.

I know a little bit about what its like to be collecting information on a tough timeline and under stress. I am not sure what Pauls plans are but when he gets to that part of Dr. Browns story I think you might find it interesting.

Note though to all of you. There were ALOT of crews out there just before the end of the war, when it became obvious that the Russians were quickly on the move and that Germany was finished. Technology was laying about like cotton in a field. You might even call those crews "harvesters" because thats what they reminded me of. I had knowledge of the Mafia even sending teams. And then the Americans of course, the British, the Canadians, again, of course .... and the French ...... I even ran into a South African crew ... (and I thought my being there was dangerous!) There were black market privateers..... and just plain dyed in the wool bandits. Oh, it was interesting. twigsnapper
Victoria Steele
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back to Sarbacher

Post by Victoria Steele »

Time to put this topic at the very top of the list here after that last chapter.

I know, I know. Its an enormous thread but I have a feeling that its going to be worth reading. Sarbacher indeed! Look how much we have already talked about him without knowing that he was there in Germany in 1945 and that he and Mr. Twigsnapper were actially working together.

It looks like they were after scientists who had been working with high voltage. My mind is reeling actually.

And the odd thing is. Just look at the way that this thread "named itself" and now look at what we are going to be talking about. Its pretty obvious to me that Paul was "picked" for writing this book because of his understanding of Philo Farnsworths work. THAT MEANS SOMETHING. THATS NOT A COINCIDENCE, IS IT?

I am really feeling sort of sorry for you guys who are new to this forum. It IS sort of like the big freight train that Elizabeth mentioned. It goes along so fast you wonder how you can ever jump on board with a comment or two of your own but be like me and just DO IT. This whole discussion is going to just explode with activity. Don't wait for it to slow down because I don't think its going to.

Linda B. Encourage your friends too who are reading the chapters to join the forum. I REALLY think that individual voices will help uncover all kinds of mysteries! Look what has happened already! Victoria
Mark Culpepper
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Philadelphia and Sarbacher

Post by Mark Culpepper »

It is interesing how these two subjects seem to bond together in this thread. And that seems to be where we are in the story.

So some questions.

How long was Sarbacher in Germany? Did he come back right after the war? He must have because Paul said he was the dean of some college somewhere and though I know that you don't have to be punching a timecard when you are Dean, you really do have to make an appearence of being there......... Usually.

So then there is a five year span of time where he is ..... at the school?.... But by 1950 he is reported as being quite the man about the Washington circles...... well situated within military contract circles. And he is the one who tells the Canadian about the Flying Saucer program that is ongoing and is so secret. Well, all of you know that. THEN what happens?

In 1965-66 where is he? And do he and Dr. Brown communicate? Someone as important as he certainly seemed to be in Dr. Browns covert circle in Germany is not going to just walk away from those duties and responsibilities.

And we still haven't heard Paul what it was that they were after? Do you know? Was it plans? Or were they just trying to collect scientists for after the war? High voltage specialists? Is that what the poor dead guy was, right? So I guess that was a sad disappointment but now what? So many questions!!!!

Oh Paul , gave up on giving you grades. You graduated a long time ago. Now its up to you to make it up to your own standard. (But it was truthfully that all along, of course.) MarkC
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Post by kevin.b »

This may be an interesting book,
Mills of the Gods, hmmm
Hydra, camp X

I love this motto,

E Tenebris Lux / Out of darkness comes Light.
This Pat Bayly looks class.
fibonacci is king
James Barrett

Camp X connections

Post by James Barrett »

Interesting that you would bring this subject up right now Kevin, though, I don't know why it would surprise me!Its a great thread for us at this particular moment.

I just mentioned (in another thread) that the Catalina Islander ( Avalon, California) had just published a long set of stories on Dr. Brown using some of the pictures from Pauls site and now your comment bubbles up Co-incidence I think not again! and I thought of the other picture in the last Chapter of Dr. Brown standing in front of a pretty substantial radio tower. Hadn't someone from this Camp X identified it for Paul as an MI5 tower? Certainly they would know.

Great that they are uncovering so much historythere in Canada. And I believe if you look for his name it will not be hard to run right into comments about Sir William Stephenson. I take it that even in the Cold War efforts and activities his presence was just as hidden but just as forceful. Its easy to not see his influence.

Speaking of pictures. I really like that one of Dr. Brown standing with Mr. Twigsnapper and the sailors in France. Much to that picture I think! but looking at Mr. Twigsnapper does anyone doubt that perhaps he was as much a model for the later ....." Bond .... James Bond" .... as anyone else?

Thanks Kevin for this link.

Great! JDB

Post by AM »

I have been going through some old posts and perhaps I am repeating what has already been said or I am simply stating the obvious. If this is the case, then somebody please give me a nudge and I will edit the post accordingly.

Quite a while ago Mr. Twigsnapper made the following interesting post.
Mr. Twigsnapper wrote:Will it be you David who will be able to close the link between Dr. Brown, Dr. Sarbacher and Wilbert Smith?

There was a path which Paul has been able to follow before it went absolutely dark. It concerns a scientist by the name of Miethe, Sarbacher and your fellow Smith.

Paul, at the moment, can prove without a doubt that there was a strong physical connection between Townsend Brown and the personage of Robert Sarbacher. But connections to the other two? Some distance yet.
Let us first concentrate on the possible connection between Drs. Brown, Sarbacher and Smith.

When speaking of Dr. Sarbacher people usually have in mind his work on missile guidance systems. Then come the high frequency communications and Mr. Radomir noted very astutely the following:
Mr. Radomir wrote:So I'll assume that whatever TTB and Sarbacher had to discuss, it likely included more than "just" guidance systems, probably also had to do with high-frequency communications as they might apply to what TTB was developing with his radio set.
Further Mr. Mikado discovered this interesting information.
Mr. Mikado wrote:Also, Dr. Sarbacher wrote a book in 1944, "Hyper and Ultra High Frequency Engineering". Does this help to support your idea?
Another piece of puzzle is perhaps Dr. Sarbacher's work on the radar. He was a great expert in this field. In 1983 Stanton Friedman did a very interesting interview with Dr. Sarbacher. Look at this (S is Dr. Sarbacher, F is Mr. Friedman): wrote:S: That's what started it, (laughing) Yep I know the judge(???)
Because one of Hugh's men came to me, see I had a , in those
days I had a much higher rating than Raimo, about the only
thing we know about Raimo was that he had written some elementary
book on radio. See whereas I had written the bible on Radars


S: See when they left they took the contract with them. Hughes tried
to talk me into taking the job, well I had a very good laboratory
at the time.

F: In Washington?

S: Ya, I was really rolling along and that laboratory was really operating. We were building, General Electric got involved in that
Arctic Radar System. See at that time everybody was afraid Russia
was going to send planes over the Arctic

F: Ya, the DEW Line I suppose

S: So General Electric had been given a big contract to eh put in the
Radar detecting

F: Ya

S: And eh, and Radar stations and nobody had done more xxxxxxxx how radar worked. So General Electric hired me and I sent some of my
boys, I must of had 200 men up there. What I did (laugh) I hired
telephone(????) retired men and gave them a course in eh high
frequencies (laugh) you know, and then we, we, I gave them
transmitters to take with them so that when they got a problem
they didn't know, they could call me (laughing). We could work it
out down in the lab see.

F: You didn't have to get cold.

S: No. So we did the job for General Electric xxxxx xxxxx got the
contract but we were his sub contractor
Then we should not forget that Dr. Brown also had a profound knowledge in this area (please also keep in mind his later involvement with the OHT-radar).
Chapter 43 wrote:The first obvious question is “what commander in his right mind let go of the man who knew ‘more about Radar detection than any individual in the U.S. Navy’?” Of course, the part about “techniques and theory more advanced than in present use” is the really intriguing proposition, and may be the clue that gives the lie to the whole to the other dubious allegations.
And then comes Dr. Smith. Look what one of the posters at this forum wrote a long time ago.
Mr. Wdavidb wrote:
Look what it did for W. Smith and a few others, not a good news story, yet Smith was one of the leaders in his field, radio communications.A sad commentary indeed. Smith was no wingnut, he was a very capable and dedicated individual.


Smith's field was radio communications and he had made many contributions to the field over the years, so most of his patents were not his own, but the property of the Government of Canada, that's how it worked up here.
Dr. Brown and Dr. Sarbacher were both TOPMOST EXPERTS ON RADAR.

An additional link that connects Dr. Brown, Dr. Sarbacher and Dr. Smith is the area of communication.

Richard Miethe has been through Mr. Schatzkin's book clearly connected to Dr. Sarbacher i. e. Dr. Sarbacher saved him along with Mr. O'Riley from that Soviet prisoner camp.

It is said that Richard Miethe SUPPOSEDLY later moved to Canada and worked for the AVRO-company. Well, here we are already treading on very thin ice and should be extremely careful, therefore let us return to safer waters.

Richard Miethe was an expert on high voltage. Definitely an area which would be of great interest to Dr. Brown - mainly or also, because of his capacitor experiments. Today I found the following interesting tidbit (interesting for me as a layman in the technical field, that is): high-voltage capacitors play a crucial role in radar-systems.

Now, please do not understand me wrong. I am NOT saying that now all the three or four above mentioned persons met and did some super-hidden work in connection with the radar. No.

I am just trying to note down interesting links that may or may not be of significance later on.

Finally and perhaps I am again digressing too much or drawing unsound parallels, but I would be interested in the exact relationship and co-operation that existed between the following four men:

Dr. Brown - Dr. Sarbacher - Jacques Cornellion - Richard Miethe

Is it really possible that after Dr. Sarbacher saved Richard Miethe their ways would simply part?

The Canadian connection is also interesting. It is rumoured that Miethe ended up in Canada. Dr. Smith was a Canadian.... And so was Sir William Stephenson.

This was already quoted in one of the previous posts by Ms. Drake, but let me just refresh your memory a bit.
Chapter 38 wrote:At the dock in Nassau, the foursome were met by a car and taken to a buffet brunch at the historic Greycliff Hotel, which until only a few years earlier had been the private winter home of Mr. and Mrs. Izaak Walton Killam — a Canadian financier who built a fortune from wood products and hydroelectric plants throughout Canada and South America. Killam was believed to be the richest man in Canada at one point in his life — and was, not surprisingly, a good friend of Sir William Stephenson.

“All operations have their command centers,” Morgan said later, “and for the Caroline Group, the Greycliff was it. It was the center of operations out of Nassau, a place where important men gathered and smoked fine cigars” — a blend of Nicaraguan, Dominican and Brazilian tobaccos that are still hand-rolled on the premises of the resort today. While they smoked their exclusive cigars, these patrons often played a “free ranging version of a card game called Russian Bank” while conducting their business.
Ok, now. Waffle off.

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Post by JZimmer »

Greetings all!

This post many be in the wrong place, but...

Have been skimming the forums again, just trying to take more in each time I read them.

One of the things that I have paid little attention to is any connections between the UFO community and TTB. So, whille reading the last page here, it occured to me to wonder if anyone as tried to connect the start of the UFO sightings/movements that started in the US, with the possible work and time frames of Dr. Browns activities, work locations and expreiment.

This may be way off base, but I thought it interesting.

Jim Z.
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The chicken or the egg?

Post by Griffin »

Greetings Jim Z-

It is interesting.

I can assuredly say, since this was a central point of our dialogue when I met Townsend Brown, that the early UFO sightings and contact were not a direct result of his own work. Who knows about some of the sightings now, though. But back then, he was vitally interested in the UFO phenomenon and its displayed propulsion characteristics. He told me that the Adamski photographs and description provided the first detailed working model to refine a propulsion system which he himself had been working to develop.

I realize, of course -- given what we know now about the “wounded prairie chicken” routine and all – that this could be considered as disinformation. But I do not believe that it was. The Adamski Affair did not need to become a highly classified matter which merited disinformation tactics. The method of squelching it and hiding it in plain sight was ridicule and some obvious disinformation and confuscation directed against Adamski himself and his claims by certain persons and government agencies. There was also the inherent disbelief factor involving incredible claims of this kind, especially as knowledge increased about the physical life support conditions of claimed planets of origin. But now we can readily consider different dimensional densities and spaces which can still reference these planets. I’m essentially referring to Adamski’s claims and activities through 1952. I have to be at least agnostic about some of his later claims which may well have been subject to external distortions. They’re not necessarily relevant anyway.

So, I believe what Townsend Brown told me – that he was able to incorporate the Adamski photographs and descriptions in his work. I also believe that this served his “wounded prairie chicken” ploy at the same time in an almost incredibly seamless way. Both true and seemingly false at the same time – a classic Both-And situation, as Morgan might see it. Of course, you need to believe me and also believe that what was told to me was not disinformation. A tall order, I know. But hey, there’s no limit to how high we can stretch.

As ever,

Elizabeth Helen Drake
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crossing paths

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

Hi Jim,

Paul has very carefully traced Dr. Browns steps from his resignation from the Navy in 1942 to Vega aircraft in Burbank California later that year. As he has explained once embarked on that trip west Dr. Brown seems to have entered into a very secretive world.

He wrote a couple of important papers during that early time period. One was called " The Structure of Space" and the other was written in a style which would have been suitable for a science fiction. Those have been dubbed " The Rain on the Window " papers.

EXACTLY what he was doing during those years is still very much a mystery.

As far as what the public was learning about UFOs ( then the early reports dubbed them " Flying Saucers") rotated around the famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold. and of course the now infamous Roswell crash in 1947

Where was Dr. Brown then? Taking his family to an isolated Island in Hawaii, setting them up with provisions and a garden and then leaving ( for quite an extended amount of time.)

Did it have anything to do with " Flying Saucers " of the age? Hard to tell but of course when he moved his family back to the mainland in 1950-1952 there was quite a flap going on about sightings over Los Angeles and his name has been linked with those strange discs ever since.

He has made mention of having a "lab" but no one yet has been able to supply any solid details on what their scope and interest was. The names Bradford Shank, Beau Kitselman, and even Bill Lear are mentioned in official documents directly connected with the work of Townsend Brown. So maybe you might have an interesting theory. What do you think was going on?

And any one else out there also have any thoughts on the subject? All welcomed! Elizabeth
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Post by JZimmer »

Thanks for the responses!

A pleasure to talk with you Griffin, and as always Elizabeth!

I guess to be more specific, it occured to me that much of the UFO sightings that we have had maybe were the result of Dr. Brown's work. Think about it for a second here. Early on, UFO sightings were crude things and the pictured often depicted craft that some would class as unrefined by our "modern standards".

As time has gone on, the shape, style and visual look of pictures that we have seen had gotten better. So, is it the photography that has gotten better, or have the craft gotton more advanced as time has gone on.

Could it be that the crude craft that Dr, Brown and company built in the 40's and 50's have gotten better as our overall technology has improved?

I know that there is much speculation that UFO's and "ET's" have existed way back in our past, but maybe we have two sets of experiences here. One tied to the UFO topic, the other to Time Travel.

Who knows, but certainly an interesting topic to consider.

Jim Z.
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Post by kevin.b »

This was amazing to listen to dr sarbacher, and wilbert smith, ... %20Web.swf

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Post by kevin.b »

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it's time...

Post by Griffin »

Jim Z-

Of course, time travel and parallel occurrences can't be ruled out. Although TTB did confirm his own belief in the validity of the early Adamski incidents, he didn't clearly state an opinion of what specific space, place, and time factors may have been involved. But he did tell me the Fish and Boat Story.
