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Another non sequitur

Post by Trickfox »

wdavidb wrote:Mikado

Go with the inverse square rule, it is simple and tidy.

Yes, there is a corresponding equivalence in terms of opposites.

The 1 (one) is always balanced by the 0 (zero) which = universe.

Everything in between is either less than 1 and or greater than 0

I find it hard to imagine simplifying it any further.
It certainly appears to me (and perhaps a lot more participants in this forum) that you have commited an enormous error and that you have excluded yourself from the i portion of reality.
Your either/or statement above shows me that you have not really understood what this forum is all about.

You simplicity is fine and acceptable, however your ego is overshadowing your desire to join with us in sharpening our wits and discovering reality.
I strongly recommend that you try reading over many of the posts in this forum before deciding to make us feel like we need to learn all your confusing terminology. Pay particular attention to either/or assumptions.

Keep in mind also that your simplistic 1/0 definition is infinately more complex and has been studied in terms of Orthogonality. This is the concept that perhaps escapes your observable capacity. I have avoided discussing VASTS amounts of knowledge in this forum because everyone keeps telling me to tone it down and keep it comprehendable.

I am willing and able to keep up with our navigator and his course because it is a lofty point of view filled with imaginative and suggestive philosophy which yields a few diamonds every now and then.

You, however, have taken on the air of a wise old owl self assured that everyone else studying physics is wrong, -but when you make statements like this:
I have suggested to him that I believe he is picking up simultaneous events occurring beyond the EM range.

As far as I am concerned You are completely confusing every known and accepted understanding of electromagnetism, and perhaps you are ignoring the fact that perhaps this whole issue is more about electro-gravitic relationships and that magnetism is only the THIRD variable in this science.
Funny thing is; If you had said... I believe he is picking up simultaneous events occuring beyond the EM concept.... It would have made a lot more sense to me. By using the word range, you are implying that electromagnetism has many ranges (and you are quite correct, it does) however the bandwidth of these ranges are known and include X rays and GAMA rays, so BEYOND these ranges implies that you are simply talking about the speed of a Electromagnetic sinewave. It is confusing and simplistic and misdirects others (non forum members) who are quick to dismiss you as a purveyor of junk science. (even though I do happen to understand what you are trying to say)

There are other forces in this dynamic relationships of the known forces, however I believe that perhaps you choose to ignore them as irrelevant.....
Well perhaps if we had all decided that these other forces were irrelevant back in the 1930 era, then we could have avoided Hiroshima.
This is a justified ignorance of a most powerful nature. Indeed...Could we have lived the last 87+ years without nuclear energy and weapons?

And Yes Mark.... The rocks appeared to have been the recievers, however now we have our own rocks to build and play with to detect the sidereal radiation (which may not necessarilly be an EM radiation here). Perhaps we should just just call them an exotic Tunnel Diode Matrix instead of calling them rocks.

Like I said before there is crust forming between the past and the future as the present gets closer to the time porthole.

Last edited by Trickfox on Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mark Culpepper
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Post by Mark Culpepper »

Maybe it was just me then who picked up on what Elizabeth just said.

Can we meet in the middle of her message and try to work our way out into the light?

I understand Trickfox that perhaps Dr. Browns sensors were much more complicated than simple rocks ..... or perhaps .... they weren't and we just haven't gotten to that point yet. You said:

And Yes Mark.... The rocks appeared to have been the recievers, however now we have our own rocks to build and play with to detect the sidereal radiation (which may not necessarilly be an EM radiation here). Perhaps we should just just call them an exotic Tunnel Diode Matrix instead of calling them rocks.
Like I said before there is crust forming between the past and the future as the present gets closer to the time porthole."

When you say ( "which may not necessarilly be an EM radiation here") I think that I personally am well beyond that. I would almost choose to say that it would be necessarily NOT be an EM radiation here. Its something that we have been unable to see or record. When Dr. Brown called it Sidereal Radiation I believe he was just using the English of the day ... and that was the closest he could come to presenting something others might be able to grasp. So you are right Trickfox . Maybe Tunnel Diode Matrix might be better but " Rocks" works well enough for me at the moment.

Have you missed what Elizabeth actually said? It can't be that I am the only one who caught the implication of it? You guys are way smarter than I am.

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Post by Trickfox »

" Rocks" works well enough for me at the moment.

Have you missed what Elizabeth actually said? It can't be that I am the only one who caught the implication of it? You guys are way smarter than I am.
All she is saying is that we need to ground ourselves because there is yet more to learn. ( in solid marble mountains)

The only reason I want to go further is because I would like to surpass the limits of Dr. Brown's own designs for pratical communications and space travel. Mark, Do you think we should stop creating new technology?

I dunno.... I guess I feel I'm getting a lot more pertinent new and bizzare information from our Navigator than I am from trying to continuously read all the posted slashdots. (science blogs)

So Elizabeth is correct.... Clearing the desk and waiting for IT to come is important..... Now please tell me....


Victoria Steele
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seeing ahead

Post by Victoria Steele »


I think that I am seeing what Mark has pointed out.

And you do surprise me, because it is right in front of you, and still you don't see it?

Or maybe you just take it for granted what I find so astounding. Reading an event BEFORE it happens. What does that actually mean, I repeat the question. If someone were to be able to do that . Wouldn't that show what sort of system is being used, because nothing short of gravitic communications could " mess with time". Am I right?

Yet you read that message from Elizabeth and drew from that the message that she was trying to tell you to be more grounded? Seems to me perhaps you are too grounded right at the moment. Saying that with a smile Trickfox.... <g> ... see?

Look at that post on EARLY RADAR again. I think some of the things that we talked about then need to come around again. Victoria
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Post by kevin.b »

Did you all nail down what Dr brown in his snazzy white suit was demonstrating?
If you consider what wdavidb is saying, in that each field affects all other fields, than concentrate upon the moon, it is the nearest and the one that most often APPEARS to rotate, but does it?
Do we rotate around the sun?
Sounds silly doesn't it.

Try considering instead, that space is moving, in a fluid harmonic sequence, that to our limited senses, gives the appearance of all the statics actually moving.
To all , and for all practical considerations any attempt to move between the earth and moon will involve precise calculations to enable whatever is THRUST through space to arrive at its destination, when in fact, if the space opposite to the direction you require to move is allowed to move, without going with it, in other words stop still.
Time will be as simple as a film roll, fast forward or reverse.

Imagine realising that with instruments, with signals going back and forward in time, but always returning, from either direction?
To me the dowser , this has been the biggest hurdle, everything I detect when thinking of the lines etc, never ever moves, and from all past history and relics there of, it never has either, I therefore am confident that the planet doesn't move at all, space along specific lines does, can you imagine what a nuclear explosion will send along those lines, to whatever is next along those lines, I bet their well pissed at us.

I will try and better clarify what I am waffling about, try to imagine space as a sea, but that it flows in all directions at once, but to a sequence a rhythm, the ryhthm of time, and that as it encounters each and every ball of mass it is influenced relative to the size and specifics of the mass, especially the chiralics of the mass sending out the incoming flows of space along their pathways, thus affecting the next mass, add infirnitum.
All a hobbits opinion , who is just rambling on.
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Post by Trickfox »

So Elizabeth... is this true?

Am I too grounded..... Or is my granite mountain actually floating above earth?

Personally I believe the answer is very simple for me to accept. I'm suppose to build it but I can't use it myself.

Think about this carefully now..... I cannot possibly mess with time because I fear the paradox of it all will cause me to be in error and I will be caught chasing my own tail of woe.(that is the crust I'm speaking of)

So.... best for me to concentrate on immediate acheivable goals to reach a practical conclusion, and leave the application and use of such an exotic system to others.

I seek guidance from my peers but I have difficulty taking advice or putting my faith in people who wear masks. If you have looked into my eyes you have already understood this about me.

Mind you, all of this comes from a gut feeling so to all of you I ask...speak up if you have the answers because right now I'm feeling pretty lonely and all these riddles are just getting to be too much for me to swamp through.

Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

You are talking to someone here Trickfox who has been disadvantaged ( maybe) by a life worth of riddles. I say "disadvantaged (maybe)" because perhaps I have been "assisted" by those very riddles.

Perhaps having the riddles for me to puzzle over and striving toward the answers is what has made my particular life meaningful above my own personal needs? How am I going to know one way or the other? You and I are in the same familiar mental situation.

You said "Personally I believe the answer is very simple for me to accept. I'm suppose to build it but I can't use it myself."............ and truthfully I believe thats going to be the same for me too. Does it really matter? The thing needs to be built Trickfox. It will answer the other questions.

then you say "Think about this carefully now..... I cannot possibly mess with time because I fear the paradox of it all will cause me to be in error and I will be caught chasing my own tail of woe.(that is the crust I'm speaking of)" ...... I need you to rephrase that somehow Trickfox because you left me behind on that one. The only word that comes to my lips is ......" what?"

The Paradox of messing with time. Perhaps " messing with time" is a necessity? How can it prove you to be only in error when it just might prove you to be right ( or something that you had never even considered before?) Berhaps there is a door there that you haven't even seen yet?

"So.... best for me to concentrate on immediate acheivable goals to reach a practical conclusion, and leave the application and use of such an exotic system to others. " My response to that? YEA! Trickfox! Thats been my plan too. But you have no idea yet do you what THAT might lead to?

I" seek guidance from my peers but I have difficulty taking advice or putting my faith in people who wear masks. If you have looked into my eyes you have already understood this about me." And we are one on this Trickfox. As for those who wear masks ... judge them by what they do not what they appear to be to others.

"Mind you, all of this comes from a gut feeling so to all of you I ask...speak up if you have the answers because right now I'm feeling pretty lonely and all these riddles are just getting to be too much for me to swamp through."

That "gut feeling" is what has been guiding all of us.

And you can be lonely Trickfox in an apartment surrounded by snow .... or with a group of people underneath palm trees (when none of them have even a clue as to your life or your passions, or will ever know of those things)

These riddles are not too much for you! You can do this! What you most likely need right now is a little bit of sleep. Am I right?

You see, I can be tough on you because, as you said, I have looked into your eyes and I already know whats there. Elizabeth
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Post by flowperson »

A few things to dwell upon:

"Foreknowledge" was a well known concept to the ancients. Read your Bible. How would they ever have figured out a concept as complex as time, let alone fantasies about manipulating it. Yep...those Sumerian "tablets of destiny" were really somethin'. Think anyone's found one yet in Iraq and isn't talking much about it ? And I won't even go into moving 150k ton foundation slabs at the Baalbek Temple and Incan Temples and fitting them together knife-edge close. Did I tell ya' about the 1930's era crescent wrench that was found encased in a 300 million year old coal seam in the midwest ? It wasn't rusty either.

We speak and write from the heart. We were made that way. Anything less committed and our works tend to destroy us over time. That always tends to happen most often to those wearing false masks.

The past and the present are in the future; the past is the future; God starts in the middle and works both ways at once. But first Trickfox, IT must be built. There's lots of pieces out there, just like the million copper coins that long to be together. My belief is that we are here to facilitate the "coming together" process.

This all brings to mind Churchill's order to break the ten Collossus computers used at Bletchley Park during WWII into very small bits and dispose of them as salvage. Nothing to be stored or saved No construction diagrams or blueprints. Only the recollections of those involved back then existed to the extent that they recently rebuilt a functioning Collossus replica. But it's so slow it can't solve a problem as fast as an Intel II PC .

Look at and reflect upon the ripples in the pool and eventually you'll determine their origins.

Great Scott ! Back to the future!

flow.... :wink:
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Post by flowperson »

This is further to the above post.
I'm pretty sure ol' Isaiah wasn't just making this stuff up.
And I never post scripture, even on Religion sites. But here...?

Isaiah 41 : 22

Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come.

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Post by wdavidb »

Trickfox, I guess I should not be too surprised at your response, but I am a little disapointed.

You want to surpass Dr. Brown and you are blowing me off as an egocentric pain.......I'm confused.

Baffled is one thing.......confused is something else.

You want me to shutup because you don't get it? You could always ignore me you know, pretend I'm not here. A lot of people do that quite effectively you know, its not difficult.

You want to scold me for daring to speak my mind, or is this about something else?
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Post by wdavidb »

I did think that a gravitic sensor was a very exciting piece of work.

Tapping into the simultaneous events of universe is in my mind at least quite an achievement and something to be encouraged.

Perhaps I don't understand this forum.....maybe there is something someone needs to explain, but I thought it had to do with the work of Dr. Brown and the fact that much of his work remains classified. Therefore it would seem somewhat natural to attempt to unravel some of the mystery and bring some fresh ideas out into the light of day.

There are far too many secrets and the list grows longer with every passing day.

Suppression and subversion is the order of the day it would seem, in respect to anything that threatens the oil cartel.

Attempting to point out the limitations of a linear mind set seems to bring the worst out in some poeple, but it is not my intention to cause anyone anxiety. It is simply that our modern science is based upon an assumption that doesn't appear to hold water; such as the idea that it should be possible to employ linear terms to describe a non-linear condition of universe, which is simultaneous in nature.

Of course not everyone is going to agree, but that is a normal state of affairs and it is not about to change.

Hopefully that gives us something to talk about.
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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growing longer?

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

You said " There are far too many secrets and the list grows longer with every passing day. "

Perhaps ... Perhaps not.

"Baffled is one thing.......confused is something else." Gee.... my mind I can be both with the same results. Why are they different to you?

You have noticed the reaction of many people when we step outside of the linear path most of us are tuned to. And I am sure for every slight we have suffered , because of his age and experience, Dr. Brown probably suffered twice as many. Each one of us turns out to be both a bird and the window the bird smashes against. So our disappointments in others are generally also our own faults. Hard to avoid that. Not so hard to recognize that.

You keep using the words ... gravitational and simultaneous ... but you have not gone back to the report of the work where events were being recorded " ahead of their occurance". And I just wondered why that was?

Why did you mentioned it (almost under your breath) but then fail to go back to address that further? Did you think that we were " not quite ready for that thought yet?" I just wondered if it might be true that there are some things off of this path that you havent explored yet either.

I would like really to hear what you might have to say about what that result might indicate to you.

Many people have assumed that the military has classified Dr. Browns work and thats why it has not become available to us. I submit to you that classification by the military is just ONE of the things that might be going on here. And "uncovering the work of Townsend Brown" is not as simple as merely pulling it out from under the cloak of classification.

Morgan made quite a point months (years?) ago to Paul that there were some things that were classified and some things that were secret ( the thought coming up that the military has to know about something before it has the ability to classify it) and that there were some things held by what he called the " Caroline Group" which were bone deep secret.

Perhaps its a shock to some systems that the military could possibly not be availed of some of this technology.... but ... what if that were true? Then what would that mean?

As far as you two guys spatting at each other. I would expect it.
So are we going to spend valuable time trying to straighten each other out? or are we going to go on with the discussion?

I would hope though that this forum feels more like a family to alot of people here. We should know that we can spat, throw tantrums, hissey fits, sullen moods, display extended periods of " why me, oh why me?.... and still hope and expect that others here would go .... "oh, thats just your mood right now .... we understand ... when you get over it ... lets get on with this thing ... Do you feel better now?"

I use that scenario because Mr. Twigsnapper has done that to me more than once. ( And I reserve the right to slide right back into hissey fit whenever I want to! <g>)

Mark Culpepper
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simple question

Post by Mark Culpepper »

This is just a simple question for you Elizabeth. Do you ever get discouraged? MarkC
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consider yourself ignored

Post by Trickfox »

Look Davidb
I have tried over and over again to understand and work with your definitions, and I even put in several hours drawing up CAD drawings of your "unity project" saucer design (chalk full of linear requirements, see below), however when it came down to engineering the actual components, you came back at me with something like... "Heck I dunno how to do this,.. you are the scientist/mathematician so you do it".( I would like to have quoted your actual response however your forum section has been been removed from the website).

Here is the practical science part:
The Four Phase Modulator can be described as an electromagnetic drive unit, consisting of four tiered rings of magnetic discs, whereby each magnetic disc is mounted on an electrically driven control arm, which can lift and or lower the magnetic disc or turn the disc from side to side.

The calibrated and synchronized lifting and or lowering of the discs allows for the vertical focus of field in an up or down direction, while the turning from side to side allows for the horizontal focus of field in any direction relative to the vertical plain.
What I'm pointing out here is that your explanations do not actually pan out into anything practical at all. This theory of yours appears to be impossible to put into practice and when someone asks for details, all they get are more confusion.

This main theory of yours may have applications in engineering nanomaterials (because at this level the entropy force is reversable) so I am not discounting the possibility that you are correct with a few of your postulations.

You do not seem to have the detailed knowledge necessary to put your "unity project" saucer design together, and I doubt you have the capacity to be able to do it yourself. (if only because it would take others to build the peices)

I had volunteered to help in good faith but I never got past the quagmire of your confusing technical definitions.

So now I shall do as you suggested and ignore you.

I am deeply sorry it has come to this.

I am sorry Victoria.... It should not matter that all this junk science is in our forum, but I suppose that arguing about it just makes it a total waste of time for others to have to read.

Mark Culpepper
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do I

Post by Mark Culpepper »

Do I get discouraged? Yes. Elizabeth

That is what I suspect that your answer should be ... but I doubt that it will be. MarkC