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putting words

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »


I think that you are putting words in Kevins mouth. I didn't take it the way that you did at all and I have to ask... are you just filling in your own thoughts here?

I see some similarities, of course I am no scientist. And I thank kevin for bringing this to our attention. I had heard about the Joe Cell of course but am still not quite getting it.

What does everybody else think? Elizabeth
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Post by kevin.b »

If I can find the time, I will build one of these things.
I am a pipe fitter welder , and can easily construct this, of course it will be a Kev-cell.
I am not overly concerned about simply driving an engine though, however benificial that may be.
Its perhaps a more solid way of collecting the required energy and life support that we need, rather than kill another lifeform and devouring it, as we will all have possibly over Christmas?
Space makes everything, but it takes something else to organise it into substance, thought, thats what I think anyway.

It takes a leap mon ami, a big leap to realise what life is capable of doing, just by thought.
I have a sort of unfair advantage, this leads Me to recognise certain consequences and better eveluate them.
I am just pointing out the consequence, so that we can better understand something that we have been alienated from for thousands of years.

If I didn't consider it central to Dr Brown, I would not have posted it.
Water is the key, we are 90 % water, a fluid computer capable of manipulating the very substance of creation, its just so subtle that this eludes us, concentrate the substance though, then we will understand real magic.

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Post by Trickfox »

OK..... well Like I said.... I am not sure what Kevin is trying to say when he just tells everyone to try to understand Joe Cells, then gives us a quote to yet another explanation of the BB effect...

What are we suppose to do?

The effect may not be exactly as he says, or as anyone else says according to the either or rule..... so it does not mater.......

I suppose I could just help kevin build his own joe cells and we could just test all of this theory to get definitive results instead of just arguing about who knows what about science.

No offense meant Kevin.... I am just trying to see what you are sending in the way of messages.

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Post by kevin.b »

Dr Brown was a scientist, therefore the comprehension of His works will be fully utilised by such sciences, but.
Its a big but as well, it is crossing over from the mere physical science and into this very strange science of creation that will be most difficult.

All our laws of knowledge are based upon the hard physical evidence of the small area known as earth.
It and ourselves are symbiotic of the condition relative to here.
Many of those laws will be also relevant to all universe/s. but its half the picture, putting the other half into the normally accepted definate reality most occupy will be almost impossible.

Therefore simple examples will be better than suddenly revealing all.
The simple part of the joe-cell is not its construction or operation, its the concept that we can operate with the water as one, that the water takes on our personel signature, memorises possibly our DNA then reacts and operates at our thoughts.
A trickfox-cell will be part you, we are all one, where everything is connected, best to comprehend this with a can of water first?

The charge involved is science, it will be better achieved in other ways, but the charge allows the water to operate, as we are doing, we are taking in and utilising the dual charges available, we that are water are storing this and utilising it to drive our own engines, I doubt we require much food as such, fresh charged water yes, but food is part of the control held over us.
I am dowser, charged underground water is a doddle to locate, I just think of it.
We are not just independant things that have to work as slaves, we are all one, we have simply gone off down a certain track , its a dead end, we actually are in a maze where you can go to the centre and back out again.

By comprehending the way of nature, we can free ourselves of the slave like condition we have so brilliantly constructed, those who operate the slave trade will not want the people freed, you can't blame them.
So it has to be in their interests as well to allow all to change.
They whoever they are , are not going to publicise or allow any knowledge that will sink their empires.

Nature will probably shortly take over, I desire to KNOW, to know the altered condition and consequences.
fibonacci is king
James Barrett


Post by James Barrett »

Reading what you both have written I sense that you might consider that you are in different boats here when actually I believe you are both a part of a very good crew on a very fine ship. And each of you has a strong impression for the future.

As the news of the past twenty four hours demonstrates. You can have a flame of beauty, brilliance, dedication and hope for the future and it all can be wiped away in a moment of stacked agendas.

The Lady had no security of any worth. Otherwise they would have told her to sit down when her natural impulse was to stand and reach out. A lesson out there folks of what the real world is at the moment. JDB
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Post by Trickfox »

James Barrett
I was aware that we were both crewmembers, however I use to have all kinds of agendas. Now, I have just thrown out most of the agendas and concentrated on anything do-able immediatly. The general idea is to leave your options open while demonstrating a tactical knowledge of problem solving in short order.....
Like telling the lady to sit down and slidding the blastproof moonroof closed above her head.
Those bomb jammers she wanted are faily inexpensive devices to make or buy, so I do not believe she should blame too much on the man, because they both had a lot to loose over her death.

Look All I know is that fast moving situations are a real big problem and as a strategis, I would yield to a tactician to handle these issues. She refused to do it and paid the consequences.

Back to practical science issues:
Nowadays, I see a lot of people talking about all this technology, however I hear very little complex knowledge of the subject matter. Everyone throws around the word Frequency, Phase, higher energy, and a lot of buzz words. None of it is static, quantified, or qualified.....

It seams to be all new-age talk of some kind.
Like I said, When it becomes time to solder the copper pipes together, you can count on me to do the cutting, cleaning and preparation of the tubes. I am past the arguing about what works or not, It is time to build something.

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Post by kevin.b »

Right towards the end of this film, they wobble.
Watch for the ones that wobble.
watch the film
Fast forward to 42.50, they wobble.
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Post by flowperson »

Who do you think was the director ? I'll bet they fired the lighting guy,

flow.... :wink:
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Post by flowperson »

Here's an interesting article I ran across whilst waiting out my withdrawal symptoms yesterday.

Rockets, satellites, missles...always start at the beginning to understand the whole, developed thingy.

flow.... 8)
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Radiant Resistance

Post by wdavidb »

Mikado 14

Took long enough didn't apologies.

Radiant resistance refers to an isometric increase in resistance to a further increase in energy originating at the center of any system. Therefore the resistance to a further increase in energy is zero at the center whereby there is a proportional increase in resistance to a further increase in energy the further you get from the center of the system.

I was reading what Kevin had to say about science a page or two back and then trickfox expressing how he wanted to build something.

Good show lads, enthusiasm that's the stuff.

Unfortunately we have a bit of a problem. It appears we are not supposed to build anything or know anything about the required science.

A reference to practical science got my attention as well. Seems that is a bit of the problem right there, we have to be practical do we? Well, I don't want to be practical, in fact I darn well refuse.

Practical means what is practiced, as in it works so it doesn't need fixing. And that may be very fine if you want to pump oil out of the ground, but its not fine if you want to get past the shackles of oil.

Putoff, I think it might be Puthoff, told me the energy requirements for gravity control were far beyond our capability today or anything achievable in the near future, but this gentleman is a gate keeper of sorts, he decides what is and what isn't practical.

The number of fatalities of late in the new energy field are quite shocking to say the least and the remarks by Hitachi to the effect that they could build a free running magnetic motor, but they wont as it would cause to much conflict with big oil is equally shocking.

Lots of talk and little action, which is certainly not surprising. I find this whole business of secret science disgusting. Such as the idea that nuclear weapons provide some sort of security, when in fact nuclear weapons are exclusively offensive and completely useless in terms of defense.

How far are we going to sink before we realize the ship has a big hole in the the buckets and the pumps someone yells. It might be a tad too late for buckets and time to start thinking in terms of lifeboats away.
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Post by kevin.b »

Thats why I want to fly about in a pink pig.
Until something gets out into the whole counciousness of all, they, whoever they are can hide it.

A pink pig flying about would not need to say anything, there are litterally boatfulls of people building all sorts of devices, TOTAL silence ( strange I used total? )
Trying to wade through the acronyms of American military shows how its done, compartments, everyone in a box, no two boxs can enter another box, each box doing what it is told, bah, bah, bah.

They can isolate anyone and anything then, add into that ownership of all media, and they have us by the short and curlies.
Clever so and so's, very clever.
But the matrix will beat them, enough people thinking and demanding anything, and it will happen.
They have the sheep well penned into little boxs at the moment, with nobody able to jump out , but a little pig that could fly would simply float by them.
Then all the world will know another reality, gravitycontrol reality.
you can achieve that, I know you can.
I mentioned this to my Israely friend, she thinks it may be better to not fly over Isreal in my pig.

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point of it all

Post by twigsnapper »

Aye Navigator, thats the point of it all.

"But the matrix will beat them, enough people thinking and demanding anything, and it will happen.
They have the sheep well penned into little boxs at the moment, with nobody able to jump out , but a little pig that could fly would simply float by them.
Then all the world will know another reality, gravitycontrol reality.
you can achieve that, I know you can."

All those involved in reaching for needlenosed pliers .... put the above on your walls.

We have talked alot about " little boats" here.

Linda Brown had a dream once of an enormous whale in grey choppy water taking down destroyers and boats of every description. She said the gigantic thing sounded, taking all sign of life with it. But as she watched pieces popped to the surface. A piece of this ship, a piece of that. She described then that she heard a voice which said " Now build your boat"

Paul missed out on a ride on a little green boat.

And I have had my experiences too.

I imagine we all have our contributions to that boat that is being built. And I think that we all have our place on board. Is it a lifeboat being built, or a pink pig? we promise kevin, if it ends up looking like a pink pig ... we will avoid Israeli airspace.

twigsnapper ( good morning Mikado)
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non sequitur

Post by Trickfox »

wdavidb wrote:Radiant resistance refers to an isometric increase in resistance to a further increase in energy originating at the center of any system. Therefore the resistance to a further increase in energy is zero at the center whereby there is a proportional increase in resistance to a further increase in energy the further you get from the center of the system.
Question: Is this resistance you are taking about working against a FORCE caused by the energy?
The reason I ask is because traditionally Resistance is a form of matter which works against the free moving actions of electrons hence the matter is an acting force against the energy, be it radiant or conductive.

The key issue is the definition of Matter and Energy. If you want to define the FORCE of the resistance, you have to define the matter which the force is acting against.

For example: The sun radiates energy in outter space so are we to assume empty space (void of matter) is resistance to this radiation?
The further away you get from the sun the colder things can get (so it would seem) however if you are in the empty space between the earth and the sun all you need to do is block the radiation and you will decrease the temperature dramatically. This tends to prove the fact that the void of space has nothing to do with resistance to heat energy, because it is the radiation which decides if and where the heat energy is felt.

Another point about resistance is that it has a dynamic property (as traditionally defined) You cannot speak of resistance without first definning FLOW.

My point here is that you are confusing the traditional observations of physical quantitative parameters. It is very easy to redefine quantitative values but it becomes increasingly hard to integrate your newly defined terms with objective and repeatable experimental evidence. It is a bit like trimming one leg in a chair that is unballanced. I becomes very difficult to do unless you coordinate some sort of Quantitative measurement. If you try trimming each leg by aproximating the cuts using sight alone, then you risk creating more further unballances and the chair will never sit straight without rocking. Of course none of this is important in the rabbit hole because these are just ideas.

It is only important when you try and actually build a flying pig. You can start out with the intentions of building a flying pig, however you may end up with a Zepplin made out of LEAD.

I want to see the lead zepplin fly, and according to the results of the various quantum mechanic theories, this can happen if I can convince myself and everyone on Earth that Lead Zepplins can fly (regardless of the physics of Newtonian laws).

I am just not sure I can do that.... I think I would rather use something more practical like rubber. I believe that if I create a zepplin out of rubber and helium, It will be a lot easier than trying to convince everyone on earth that Lead is a better material to use, and thus why should I even try to transmute the accepted laws of physics.
It appears we are not supposed to build anything or know anything about the required science.
I suppose you can accept that conundrum if you want DavidB, however I do not accept it. If something can be imagined in every minute detail and the required forces, matter, and traditional laws are carefully taken into consideration, ANYTHING is possible. FOCUS and experience are needed.
The Apollo 11 mission was a wonderous man made ship, and if everyone accepted your point of view, that ship and everything else which can fly or go underwater would never have been built.

Now..... I may just agree with you on WEAPON SYSTEMS however, If I could conceive a much bigger bomb (say 1000 times more powerful than the largest nuclear warhead). I may decide that such a practical creation is not suppose to be built.

I admit however, that it may not prevent me from imagining or creating the plans or means to do so..... Such is the power of creativity. We have the power to decide NOT to create or play with certain sciences out of a sense of moral ballance. These choices will make themselves a whole lot more difficult to make as more and more scientists get involved in Genetic sciences and nanotechnology.

I suppose that is what my little cartoon was all about last year.
Anyone remember this:

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Post by kevin.b »

Of course a led zeppelin can fly, they built a stairway to heaven.
Though they do ramble on a bit about the hobbit
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Re: Radiant Resistance

Post by Mikado14 »

wdavidb wrote: Mikado 14

Took long enough didn't apologies.
No apologies necessary, figured that you would get to it eventually for you never let a question go by and you always have gotten to them.

wdavidb wrote:Radiant resistance refers to an isometric increase in resistance to a further increase in energy originating at the center of any system. Therefore the resistance to a further increase in energy is zero at the center whereby there is a proportional increase in resistance to a further increase in energy the further you get from the center of the system.
I too would like to question what you have written but Trickfox has asked and I will wait...patiently.

wdavidb wrote:I was reading what Kevin had to say about science a page or two back and then trickfox expressing how he wanted to build something.

Good show lads, enthusiasm that's the stuff.

Unfortunately we have a bit of a problem. It appears we are not supposed to build anything or know anything about the required science.

A reference to practical science got my attention as well. Seems that is a bit of the problem right there, we have to be practical do we? Well, I don't want to be practical, in fact I darn well refuse.

Practical means what is practiced, as in it works so it doesn't need fixing. And that may be very fine if you want to pump oil out of the ground, but its not fine if you want to get past the shackles of oil.

Putoff, I think it might be Puthoff, told me the energy requirements for gravity control were far beyond our capability today or anything achievable in the near future, but this gentleman is a gate keeper of sorts, he decides what is and what isn't practical.

The number of fatalities of late in the new energy field are quite shocking to say the least and the remarks by Hitachi to the effect that they could build a free running magnetic motor, but they wont as it would cause to much conflict with big oil is equally shocking.

I would like to agree with and do in a way but most importantly, I believe that there are those that live outside of the norm, whatever that may be. Remember the old Bugs Bunny movie where he doesn't fall because he exclaims that he never studied law? Laws of science are meant to be broken as we explore new ideas and I would bet a quite a few have been but then you are right, it's all about the fracken oil.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy