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Post by kevin.b »

The pyramids are all over the world ( possibly/s )
And here in the UK, ... /nav.17511

And of course because hobbits live in such places, well I sort of recognise them, I consider I know were plenty more are, here.

All you need to do is consider that instead of this evolved from apes business, perhaps we are evolved downwards from super intelligence?
Whatever the source, knowledge of universe is encoded in the earliest pyramids, descending in understanding through the ages.
Giza is a scale model of this planet, therefore it will have exactly the same signature as the planet.
Its position is precise upon the planets geometric position upon a matrix, that matrix does not move at all, I percieve of it been out into universe, not just of this planet.
If you can follow this matrix as the likes of I can, then you just think of the points, and go straight at them.
No need for any silly compass,THE LINES NEVER MOVE

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Post by kevin.b »

sorry Elizabeth , another youtube clip, this chap KNEW things,
He KNEW about pyramids, so he built one.
He may have killed himself overdosing on the aether?
He's called Les Brown, so its very apt.
You can read this link which Mentions Dr brown

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Post by kevin.b »

If any of you are similer to myself, and can't watch television anymore ( it's a brainwasher )
Here's a game, or is it?
As a hobbit, for me the game began awhile ago.
GR80, is class
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Post by Trickfox »

The concept is that reality can be composed and created from information which originates from the microcosmic "brane". The information itself is used to create a desired MACRO-reality. If you are wondering if such technology is possible at all.

The answer is YES, and someone is putting it together NOW...

Here is the latest...... AS OF TODAY ONLY. (Nov. 2nd 2007)
Harnessing the electrical and mechanical properties of the carbon nanotube, a team of researchers has crafted a working radio from a single fiber of that material.
Fixed between two electrodes, the vibrating tube successfully performed the four critical roles of a radio--antenna, tunable filter, amplifier and demodulator--to tune in a radio signal generated in the room and play it back through an attached speaker.
Functional across a bandwidth widely used for commercial radio, the tiny device could have applications far beyond novelty, from radio-controlled devices that could flow in the human bloodstream to highly efficient, miniscule, cell phone devices.
Combined the above with this technology:
Software that turns groups of ordinary camera cellphones into a "smart" surveillance network has been developed by Swiss researchers. The team says it will release the software for programmers and users to experiment with.
The software employs Bluetooth, a short-range wireless technology included in many modern phones, to automatically share information and let the phones collectively analyse events that they record. This provides a platform for a group of phones to act as smart network capable of, for example, spotting intruders or identifying wildlife.
Other researchers are developing similar intelligent camera networks. These work like an ordinary CCTV surveillance system, but use software instead of a human analyst to interpret what is happening on screen, comparing the footage captured by each camera for a more complete picture.
Philipp Bolliger, Moritz Köhler and Kay Römer at the Institute for Pervasive Computing in Zurich, Switzerland, wanted to make such camera networks more accessible. So they developed software called Facet that transforms a few cellphones into a smart camera network.
To test the software, the researchers attached four Nokia 6630 phones running Facet to the ceiling of a corridor in their department. The phones were angled so that the camera of each could see a different part of the corridor and so that they could all see peopling walking past.
Self assembling intelligent systems are next!

I'm just itching to find the right place to work on this and it's looking more and more like that town called Eureka is the right place.

Am I the only one who sees this here?

The information about how to change reality is hidden and twisted into the curle of a vector function which describes the scalar of the field.

If "E" is the scalar, then "G" is the isomorphic and isotropic refference. "M" is only important to determine where the star Polaris is, and thus identify Chirality by using polar and cartesian coordinates.

just more Random Ideas from:

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Post by flowperson »

You go guy !

flow.... :wink:
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Post by Mikado14 »


Have you ever been gifted with an aerial display of a crop circle and glyphs at night? ..and (I am not talking about looking from an airplane down) if you have, you, or anyone else will understand me.

I'm still trying to figure it out.

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Post by flowperson »

I have been researching the life of an interesting early 20th century person by the name of Lenox Riley Lohr.

He grew up with a former Vice President of the U.S. and Nobel Peace Prize winner Charles Dawes in Evanston Illinois (where Northwestern U is) and went on to become the manager of the 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair, A Century of Progress, then he moved on to become President of NBC during the period that they developed the first broadcast television facilities in New York City prior to WWII. Then he was the president of the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.

Prior to all of this he was a Captain and then Major in the U.S. Army during and after WWI and participated in the development of Intelligence ciphers and codes at a facility in Geneva Illinois known as the Riverbank Laboratory. I'd never heard of it and I'm from Illinois. It specialized in research into architectural acoustics and is acknowledged to have been a major forerunner of the NSA and CIA. It appears that Lohr even published papers on his work there.

Here's a little bit of info on the history and work of the lab that I found. Anyone know anything else about this place ? Gregg, you're a sound guy.
And don't worry, I only eat grilled chicken burritos these days.

flow.... :wink:

And from a wiki entry on cryptographi during WWI

Most American cryptography in WWI was done at the Riverbank Laboratory where Elizebeth Friedman, William F. Friedman and Agnes Meyer Driscoll worked. The Riverbank Laboratory, Chicago was privately owned by Colonel George Fabyan.
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Post by greggvizza »

Wow what a surprise. I never knew about all the cryptology research at Riverbank Laboratory. I only knew it as an acoustical lab. As a matter of fact I just received a lab report from Riverbank just last week. Riverbank is like Mecca to the acoustics field. Wallace Sabine being the father of acoustics. He was the main man at Riverbank, he also designed the acoustics for Boston Symphony Hall. The Sabin which is a unit of acoustical absorption, was named after him.

Of all things, Sabine was initially invited to Riverbank by the owner to help perfect a levitation device.

Here is a more colorful history of Riverbank. ... acoustics/

A few links on Sabine. ... urement%29

James Barrett

Riverbank and Wright

Post by James Barrett »

Wouldn't Riverbank have had contracts with Peter Wright and the MI5 operations in England. Acoustics was their bag as I recall reading. JDB
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Post by flowperson »

Hi...Thanks for your responses on the Riverbank Labs stuff. There's another group of questions still being discussed regarding a famous sculpture on the grounds of CIA Headquarers in Langley. It's called "Kryptos". If the artist, Mr. Sanborn, wanted to baffle the bafflers, it looks like he's succeeded so far.

I am fascinated that the entire piece seems to emerge from a log of petrified wood. And the sculpture resembles a wave form in it's entirety. It also looks like the edge of a lasagna noodle, or a stack of postcards that might have gotten wet in New Mexico.

Everyone seems to be taken up with trying to make sense of the supposed meaning of the letters inscribed in/on the piece. I believe that the artist's message to us, and the CIA spooks, is one having to do mostly with the origins and contexts of important, coded messages...such as genome code sequences for instance.

I also believe that the materials that Sanborn chose to render his work, copper, a log of petrified wood, other metals and alloys along with copper which seem to have emerged from the log, are central to the themes of timelessness that we address here day by day.

If one were to set out creating a work of art that exemplified the notion of sending complex coded messages through time, it looks to me as though Sanborn has succeeded magnificently. And he's got a sort of cosmic HAHA going on by having it in a courtyard of a building housing the govenment people who think that they know more about doing that sort of thing than anyone else. I'd sure like to meet the man.

What does anybody think about this stuff ?
I think it has to do with something buried at Arlington cemetery which was originally in Egypt, until the 1920's.
Indiana Jones, where are you when we need 'ya ?

flow.... :?: ... yptos.html
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JDB is correct

Post by Trickfox »

Peter Wright was England's best acoustic intercept specialist to ever write on the subject in public. I was stunned by his technical descriptions of using a simple long wire as a microphone. He was a master at translating sound into electronic signals. There is no doubt that such a person would have had connections with the lab mentioned in this post. All of this is technically close to Dr. Brown's own work on gravity and acoustics by way of the famous speaker/fan/otherdevice.

Here is the Trickfox version of the "cookie cooling" T.T. Brown fan:

I think Kryptos is a very good puzzle message bv itself.
Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of illusion. It was totally invisible. How's that possible? They used the earth's magnetic field. The information w as gathered and transmitted underground to an unknown location. Does Langley know about this? They should: it's buried out there somewhere. Who knows the exact location? Only WW. This was his last message. Thirty-eight degrees fifty-seven minutes six point five seconds north, seventy-seven degrees eight minutes forty-four seconds west. ID by rows. Slowly, desparately slowly, the remains of passage debris that encumbered the lower part of the doorway was removed. With trembling hands I made a tiny breach in the upper left-hand corner. And then, widening the hole a little, I inserted the candle and peered in. The hot air escaping from the chamber caused the flame to flicker, but presently details of the room within emerged from the mist. Can you see anything?
Anybody? ... inates.htm
What's he talking about?
Looks to me like an invitation to dig under the coordinates of the yard at CIA because there is yet another portion of the message there.
Last edited by Trickfox on Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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wonderful things

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

Thats what I think the response was. Wonderful things. King Tuts tomb, not unlike what is happening here. We are just seeing the flame flicker and feeling the breeze from inside.

Trickfox. Responding to something that could only be a copper coin transmission .... Paul needs to know what connection Peter Wright and this Riverbank place might have had ..... remember for this next section we are indeed talking acoustics here and apparently TTB was involved in something which interested Peter Wright very much. Can you see connections that I might have missed.

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Post by flowperson »

Trickfox...I'm fairly certain that WW is /was William Webster, a former head of the FBI. And I'm pretty sure that the coordinates are in the Pentagon/Arlington Cemetery vicinity. I'll do a google earth and let you know.

flow.... :wink:
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just click

Post by Trickfox »

Flow Just click on the link. Isn'T that CIA HQ courtyard where the actual sculpture is? ... inates.htm

What we really need is a "googlepano" right next to the sculpture.... How about it guys, could you please put a little blue in your HQ google maps for us people who love STREET VIEW!!!!!
Just remember to tell everyone on campus before taking the shots ok?

For those who want to know what a "GOOGLEPANO" IS:
Last edited by Trickfox on Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trickfox »

Don't mind me.....
I'm just fooling around that's all

here is some of my art for those who are "interested"
These sphere devices are all googlepano cameras/sensors

Image ... &z=19&om=1
