Epilogue: The Sound of Time

Use this section for any discussion specifically related to the chapters posted online of the unfolding biography, "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown
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Re: Invisible ships and traveling time

Post by natecull »

Mikado14 wrote:
FM No Static At All wrote: Are there really bases on the Moon and Mars?
I don't know either but it would sure be fun to find out.
There's no base on the dark side of the Moon really.
Matter of fact it's all dark.
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Post by Mikado14 »

Well, I say we go and buy some Flashlights at K Mart and take 'em along. The white LED type.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
FM No Static At All
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Re: Invisible ships and traveling time

Post by FM No Static At All »

natecull wrote:
Mikado14 wrote:
FM No Static At All wrote: Are there really bases on the Moon and Mars?
I don't know either but it would sure be fun to find out.
There's no base on the dark side of the Moon really.
Matter of fact it's all dark.
I do beg to defer sir, as there is no "dark side" of the Moon. The sun shines there too. I don't remember which Apollo mission it was but I do remember reference to the sunrise. As for no bases, I think that is a matter of who and what you believe about NASA and the space programs.

Just as there is much misdirection and disinformation in uncovering Dr. Brown's works, so it is with other secret programs in government. With modern technology it does seem that we could resurrect the Apollo program with updated systems. NASA could have a crew waiting at ISS for a craft to be sent to them, or even a couple of missions from Earth to ISS, and rendezvous with the Moon crew waiting there. You can't pee on my foot and get me to believe it's raining (paraphrase of Hon. Judith Scheindlin)

The answer my friend(s) is blowin' in the wind

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Re: Invisible ships and traveling time

Post by Mikado14 »

FM No Static At All wrote:
natecull wrote:
Mikado14 wrote: I don't know either but it would sure be fun to find out.
There's no base on the dark side of the Moon really.
Matter of fact it's all dark.
I do beg to defer sir, as there is no "dark side" of the Moon. The sun shines there too. I don't remember which Apollo mission it was but I do remember reference to the sunrise. As for no bases, I think that is a matter of who and what you believe about NASA and the space programs.

Just as there is much misdirection and disinformation in uncovering Dr. Brown's works, so it is with other secret programs in government. With modern technology it does seem that we could resurrect the Apollo program with updated systems. NASA could have a crew waiting at ISS for a craft to be sent to them, or even a couple of missions from Earth to ISS, and rendezvous with the Moon crew waiting there. You can't pee on my foot and get me to believe it's raining (paraphrase of Hon. Judith Scheindlin)

The answer my friend(s) is blowin' in the wind

Where is everyone's sense of humor gone? why....it's blowin' in the wind

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
FM No Static At All
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Re: Invisible ships and traveling time

Post by FM No Static At All »

Mikado14 wrote:[

Where is everyone's sense of humor gone? why....it's blowin' in the wind

Fly me to the Moon and let me play among the stars...yes we all need to lighten up now. Taxes are out in the mail and now I can start thinking about which bills have to get paid first.

And didn't Gene Cernan take the Coleman lanterns up there on the last flight? He was expecting guests to have a cookout and they were all to sing, "Kumbaya" and make Smores!

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Re: Invisible ships and traveling time

Post by Mikado14 »

FM No Static At All wrote: Taxes are out in the mail and now I can start thinking about which bills have to get paid first.

And didn't Gene Cernan take the Coleman lanterns up there on the last flight? He was expecting guests to have a cookout and they were all to sing, "Kumbaya" and make Smores!

Mine went out today as well. I agree, kick back until next year. Since you threw it out there, what if fellow campers did drop by? Would anyone even have told the public?

time for excedrin or a drink and hope the Post Office is on time....

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Post by AM »

Speaking of lighting up. I present you with one of the pinnacles of American art:


I think we can all learn from Binky.

Elizabeth Helen Drake
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presenting problems/ working toward solutions

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

Now, that we have all had our moments of humor and tax time is over <g>... I have a discussion for all of you.

Its obvious that this forum has been the collecting area for all kinds of wonderful information, half of it I am sure has gone by without being properly recognized. A friend of the forum who reads what we are all up to told me recently that he was concerned that without some sort of direction all of this wonderful information would eventually be lost. Its coming in so fast and is so divergent that much of it has gotten sidelined.

I countered with the worry that " direction" in such a free flowing mental environment might just squash the co ordination of that special situation ... the wind in the chimes situation that we all see developing here.

But he does have a really valid point. At some point direction of this flow of information is needed so that we all can have a better view of what we have uncovered together.

So I ask all of you. How do we go about getting the best out of all of this information? How do we organize it ? How do we decide how that freeflowing information will suit our purposes here? EVEN A BIGGER QUESTION What IS our purpose here?

For a long time our stated goal was to help Paul complete the book. Well. Seems to me. even though much polish work might need to be done. seems to me I did see the words " THE END '.

So what is it that we all want to see accomplished now? Am I the only one that feels nearly driven to uncover more and more information surrounding the life of Townsend Brown and the information that he represented? I have the gnawing feeling that there is so much more out there to uncover and I am sure it is important to all of us. ... then how should we go about in a solid way to accomplish that goal?

Or is my attempt to organize any of this totally out of line? That might be too. I need input from all of you , please.

Otherwise, I agree with Jim. All this information will blow and flow right past us and we will all talk and talk and talk but in the end, years from now , will we ask if we should we have made a move to make this a more permanent effort? Should we be aiming all of this mental energy to some goal that we can all agree on and work toward together?

I just fear that we will go in so many different directions that the force of this flow that we have together will dissapate and be eventually lost. And I just don't think thats meant to happen. Comments? Suggestions?

Perhaps a large hat with all kinds of questions thrown in. Questions that you all find intriging and important. Perhaps we draw 10 ... and focus on answering them....... to the best of our ability. What might happen with that kind of focus? Elizabeth
FM No Static At All
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Directions, purpose, and goals

Post by FM No Static At All »

When I first started reading the book, it was not by chance. I have a purpose to discover truths in science, as I have seen so many so called inventions turn out to be nothing more than snake oil in fancy bottles.

The other thing I notice is that with all of the connections made with Dr. Brown and various scientists and companies, and projects, it made a great biography, but I wonder if it appropriate to call it "The End" as we are all learning more and seeing more facets to that diamond known as T. Townsend Brown.

I am not looking to uncover any conspiracies or plots. If they show themselves in the course of pursuing technologies attributed to Dr.l Brown, I nod and move on. It's of no real concern to me as a factor in enlightenment. If on the other hand those plots are such that we all are being duped, then I certainly would want everyone here to raise hell about it.

And here is something that I copied from another site that seems appropriate to this current discussion.
New York Times article [i]The Odds of That[/i] wrote: "Coincidence -- unexpected connections that are both riveting and rattling. Much religious faith is based on the idea that almost nothing is coincidence; science is an exercise in eliminating the taint of coincidence; police work is often a feint and parry between those trying to prove coincidence and those trying to prove complicity. Without coincidence, there would be few movies worth watching (''Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine''), and literary plots would come grinding to a disappointing halt. (What if Oedipus had not happened to marry his mother? If Javert had not happened to arrive in the town where Valjean was mayor?) The true meaning of the word is ''a surprising concurrence of events, perceived as meaningfully related, with no apparent causal connection.'' In other words, pure happenstance. Yet by merely noticing a coincidence, we elevate it to something that transcends its definition as pure chance. We are discomforted by the idea of a random universe."
One of the reasons that I brought up alleged bases on the Moon and on Mars, is not because I want to know who is there or what they are doing, although at some point separating the facts from the fiction may lead us to technologies that will prove beyond any doubt that Dr. Brown's work was of vital importance on a global scale, in fact maybe to prevent the total destruction of humanity. I wanted to see if I could be of some support it getting Dr. Brown recognized posthumously as being one of the great researchers and scientists of the twentieth century.

But more relevant to the now we live i, I am looking at ways to free us from energy enslavement. If antigravity can be used to travel in space, then I want to see that become a reality. Now as far as FTM is concerned, I don't know if I am ready to take that trip yet. But I would like to at some point.

Personally, I would like to have the entire group participate in a space flight and then we can see for ourselves if there is life on Mars, or if there are secret bases there and on the Moon. I'm not from Missouri but showing me is what I will take as fact, and all else is theory and speculation.

I don't know that it would be one person's task to sort through everything and come up with "the answer" or any answer for that matter. But having a database or wiki is a great place to start. In that way each of us could sift and stir and see what's cooking under all of the steam rising from the pot. Pretty much as we are doing now, but with a more focused approach with common purpose.

I did not discount or throw out anything because unless I have an alternative that feels right, anything and everything is possible, and the probabilities are then where I focus my energy since the answers will come if we are vigilant and open to them. I have many questions as we all do, and while we sometimes get off track, we all seem to be heading towards the same direction. We just are taking different routes to that destination.

Is the Great Pyramid at Giza a power generator? An ancient weapon? Or as some have discovered, a great place to store your razor blades and they'll stay sharp and rust free?

Okay, I'm through for now, gonna go watch t he horses grazing and dream of riding days gone by and yet to come.

Mark Culpepper
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more focused approach

Post by Mark Culpepper »

I think thats the phrase that seems to jump out at me from your message Elizabeth and then Freds. "A more focused approach". The strangest thing here is that I don't believe that anyone here is going to be able to name specifically what it is we are actually looking for! We just feel somehow that we will know it when we see it, or hear it, or read it! And each of us is different so one persons aha! moment still might be anothers " huh?" moment.

But I agree with you that what we seem to have developing here is an enlarged research group of some kind. Where each of us seems to need somehow to go out and find something interesting and then haul it back to the campfire so that we can all discuss it. Hard to know what to even call it. But anything to make that chore easier ( since we seem to be determined to do it anyway) well that would be really the ticket I think.

And regarding the " ticket to ride" I think that I would just as soon pass on that. I personally have decided I am just not ready for that level of adventure. But point me in the direction of another propulsion or communication system and I am all for it. The FTM may just be a little beyond me. But... doing something NOW about uncovering technology that can get us all out of this upcoming mess I see on the horizon. That I can put my shoulder to. And maybe by doing that I can do my part to even change what I might have seen in the future? A thought.

The other thing. I never really got to know my Dad well but through Mr. Twigsnapper I have learned what that commando knife really meant. I believe Dad changed what could have been the future for me. I'd like to make that sort of mark too. MarkC
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people are noticing

Post by ladygrady »

I don't usually say alot. But I need to point out here that there are MANY readers to this forum who are not saying a whole lot but THINKING big time and when ever one of you uncovers something they didn't know about some big wheels turn out there , trust me.

I know that this has been a worry of yours AM, that you would perhaps say too much.

This is just my take on the collection and focusing on this information. It can't happen soon enough. And it can't be broadcast out there for everyone to learn about soon enough. Let the chips fall where they may and trust in the ultimate goodness of people who will be given the vision to continue Dr. Browns work!

Thats what counts right now! Why I don't want to see this forum dwindle down . Because it still has work to do! If it can funnel new thoughts and ideas and yes, rare and raw information into the hands of those who can take that information and do something positive with it then I say ..... GO FORTH... just as I think that DR. Brown would have said.

I am completely invested in the conviction that this book was started for the reason of getting this technology out there in the right hands and recognizing Dr. Browns seminal contribution. But thats not all thats involved. And this forum I think designed itself to do that and more of what still needs to be done!

I believe also that more and more information will stream through this forum here and into proper hands ( and maybe even some improper ones) But you can't let that stop you from contributing here.

Focus folks! Thats the word. There is still "alot of work out there to be done." Damn. Jimmy Buffett Mango talk. And from me. My Last Mango in Paris adventure was mango sherbert at the Menger Hotel, but I wish it had been Key West. <g> grady
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Re: people are noticing

Post by Mikado14 »

ladygrady wrote:I don't usually say alot. But I need to point out here that there are MANY readers to this forum who are not saying a whole lot but THINKING big time and when ever one of you uncovers something they didn't know about some big wheels turn out there , trust me.

I know that this has been a worry of yours AM, that you would perhaps say too much.

This is just my take on the collection and focusing on this information. It can't happen soon enough. And it can't be broadcast out there for everyone to learn about soon enough. Let the chips fall where they may and trust in the ultimate goodness of people who will be given the vision to continue Dr. Browns work!

Thats what counts right now! Why I don't want to see this forum dwindle down . Because it still has work to do! If it can funnel new thoughts and ideas and yes, rare and raw information into the hands of those who can take that information and do something positive with it then I say ..... GO FORTH... just as I think that DR. Brown would have said.

I am completely invested in the conviction that this book was started for the reason of getting this technology out there in the right hands and recognizing Dr. Browns seminal contribution. But thats not all thats involved. And this forum I think designed itself to do that and more of what still needs to be done!

I believe also that more and more information will stream through this forum here and into proper hands ( and maybe even some improper ones) But you can't let that stop you from contributing here.

Focus folks! Thats the word. There is still "alot of work out there to be done." Damn. Jimmy Buffett Mango talk. And from me. My Last Mango in Paris adventure was mango sherbert at the Menger Hotel, but I wish it had been Key West. <g> grady
Hello Lady!

I agree. However, I am seriously in need of an extremely good Mathematican.....Recommend anyone?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by ladygrady »


I might as a matter of fact. Dr. Brown was notorious for not including any math and there are many out there who would be bold enough and fascinated enough to stake their careers on investigating his work.

You have to find the bold ones though right now, but later, if you give the rest something to look at ... like Dr. Teller was given the fan........ you will have everybodies utmost attention. ( But who wants it then, right?) This is career making ground here. Till then most are afraid to go against the grain. I think the good ones will find you instead.

I personally would love to hear more about Mr. Kitselman and I will wager that the first one to his papers or work will find a mental gold stash. Well hidden though in a very strong box, I'll bet. waiting for the right person with the right combination. Maybe this forum will uncover that individual. Maybe thats part of what it is destined to do? It won't be easy going or it would have been accomplished by now. All very interesting. grady
FM No Static At All
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Post by FM No Static At All »

Mikado wrote: I agree. However, I am seriously in need of an extremely good Mathematican.....Recommend anyone?
Do you need to find the equations or to calculate the results? I would think that it's the former and those Aspden pages I posted may be of assistance. If there is an algorithm that you seeking, I may have someone close by that I can call on.
Mark Culpepper wrote: I think thats the phrase that seems to jump out at me from your message Elizabeth and then Freds. "A more focused approach". The strangest thing here is that I don't believe that anyone here is going to be able to name specifically what it is we are actually looking for! We just feel somehow that we will know it when we see it, or hear it, or read it! And each of us is different so one persons aha! moment still might be another's " huh?" moment.
Focus inward. Focus on what your particular question is and then allow your intuition to show you the answer. If we don't all do that, what we wind up with is debate over this and that, and who agrees and disagrees. I feel things that are much larger than anyone one us can imagine. As Ralph Ring said in the interview regarding Otis T. Carr, it's beyond what the brain can comprehend. It was also phrased to me as surrendering to what is true regardless of how I feel about it. Accept what is truth without an opinion. You can always add the opinions once the truth becomes part of your reality.
Mark Culpepper wrote: And regarding the " ticket to ride" I think that I would just as soon pass on that. I personally have decided I am just not ready for that level of adventure. But point me in the direction of another propulsion or communication system and I am all for it. The FTM may just be a little beyond me. But... doing something NOW about uncovering technology that can get us all out of this upcoming mess I see on the horizon. That I can put my shoulder to. And maybe by doing that I can do my part to even change what I might have seen in the future? A thought.
I have to admit that I was afraid to even think about FTM. What if I could not get back? What if I did something to change everything when I did get back? And one day it hit me. If I was able to do it, and was willing to do it, then I would do what serves that highest good of all, and so any effects that my travels would have would not be detrimental. I know that cannot be held as fact, but until we do it, it's still Jules Verne science fiction.
ladygrady wrote: This is just my take on the collection and focusing on this information. It can't happen soon enough. And it can't be broadcast out there for everyone to learn about soon enough. Let the chips fall where they may and trust in the ultimate goodness of people who will be given the vision to continue Dr. Browns work!
Well you may not say much, but when you do it's a valuable contribution. Those that know this technology may be the “bad guys” or maybe they are keeping it from the bad guys. The main point of all this is that none of us is willing to just say, "Thanks for all your efforts Paul” and then go ride off into the sunset. I arrived later than most but have felt the energy draw me in and now the forum is the first place I surf to when I get my morning coffee. Each of you has given me an experience to learn about many different things, including much about myself and how I operate in life.

To allow this to just end without furthering the work that was started would be sad, if not tragic. There is much more work to be done, and with all of the collective years that each of us has spent on all the various aspects of physics and esoterica, I have no reservations in putting out that I feel that we can do what “they” all failed to do. That my dear friends is to put the puzzle pieces together and see the whole picture.

Energy of being (consciousness)
Formation (the quantum structure that supports the space in which matter can exist.)
Creation of Mass (the condensation of energy to form mass.)
And frequency, vibration, oscillation (The heart beat of the universe and all of the universes beyond)

This diverse and eclectic if not eccentric lot that we are, form a very unique group with experiences that most research groups lack. Our differences are our strength as a unit, and that will allow us to see beyond what is taught in textbooks and lectures. You don't get this stuff on reality TV. I agree that we have work to do, and that it is a challenge. So without further ado, where do we begin?

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Post by Trickfox »

Very happy to hear about your enthusism Fred.... but consider a few things ahead of time. There are perhaps one or more groups of people already working on things. This forum is filled with people who understand some of the nitty gritty details that you are speaking of.

Perhaps some of these people are unable to say what they know and why it is secret.

Surely there is some project you may want future involvment after reading over all the posts and the book. There is soooo much information that it is rather disturbing, and some disbelief is a major concern.

Of all the possible information there is to look at I am only concerned with some rare references to Orthogonal Functions and calculus terms.

The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at http://www.Peeteelab.com