A place to engage extended discussions of things that come up on the website. Anything goes here, as long as it's somehow pertinent to the subject(s) at hand.
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Post by MARK MOODY »

And when it pours!
Good morning to all.
I just got in from work, where I was released from employment.
Everything happens for a reason.
Anyway, I found out that my fuse keeps blowing because the mosfet transistor was damaged during my experiment time.
So the company is sending me replacements for free and then WE will be back up and running!
Thanks for all the concern.
Now, can someone please tell me how to post photos so that I may share with everyone?
I would like to show a photo of the disc and the power supply.
Yes, I did see movement of the disc.
Horizontal motion will not be a problem, because I have experimented with smaller discs made of solid balsa wood covered with foil. The balsa discs, although solid, did rotate around a central pole, which was my old power supply.
I must say honestly though, that even though I did see motion of this big hollow, plastic disc with my 50kv supply, more voltage or amperage will be necessary. Also, I think combining this supply with a Tesla coil may also do some good.
So until later......
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Post by htmagic »


I hope you find employment soon. I am an engineer in the consulting business and my contract is not being renewed. In fact, none of the contracts here will be renewed. I suspect the government is moving the money to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And I just had a birthday yesterday. I'm getting too old to chase the stupid work anymore...

Mark, you upload a photo to webshots or photobucket (free sites) or some other site. Then you use the image tag [IMG] to show the photo.Don't forget to close the tag with the [/ IMG] (no space). You'll see the buttons on the menu bar above your post.

If that sounds confusing, just PM (private message) me and I will give you further instructions. You can send me the files via email and I will post them.

Hope you get your supply up and running.

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Post by Mikado14 »

MARK MOODY wrote:Anyway, I found out that my fuse keeps blowing because the mosfet transistor was damaged during my experiment time.
How do you know it was "time" and how did you verify that the MOSFET was bad?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by standeyo »

Recently, I had cause to visit Townsend's authorized website. It was on that visit that I found your forum and the many threads regarding various aspects of Townsend's work. I also found quite a few references to myself and conjecture on many things concerning me and my works over the years.

So, in an attempt to set things straight I joined this forum today to impart some facts about me, Townsend and our respective researches into gravitic control.

1) My contact with Townsend Brown was a brief one. As I recall I received one letter from him when he was on Catalina island. This was only a few years before his death. We also had a discussion by telephone while I was living in Perth, Australia. I asked Townsend a number of questions which he freely answered.

I asked him about the veracity of the statements made in the Philadelphia Experiment book which attributed participation in the Experiment to Townsend. Townsend then - as tactfully as he could - explained that the author had embellished his participation in the Experiment a great deal and that I should not be misled by what I read.

I asked another question in that phone call. It was a simple one and nonsequitur to the other more technical aspects of his work. I noticed he was missing a finger on the Bahnson films I had acquired from the Bahnson boys years before; so I asked him how he lost it. He told me he had been turning a disk model on a wood lathe and it spilt - slicing his finger at the same time.

We discussed the Biefeld Brown effect and its implications to propulsion. As I recall I think he told me the effect did NOT manifest in the vacuum chamber. It has been many years and my memory is not what it used to be (I am a great grandfather). The tests he did for the French government were in air and the disk was propelled by pulsed, high-voltage charges. The disk did not immediately reach the high speeds reported in the press. It had to build up to the final speed over a few seconds. The pulse rate was important and it was low - again, as I recall - in the 60-200HZ range.

We also discussed his current work at that time into making an electrostatic speaker system for some company (as I recall one based in Hawaii?)

Townsend was a dedicated research scientist and a straight-shooter. He did play the press in the early days but only to obtain funding for his work and never giving false information to the press. When he left France he was hired by the Bahnson Company in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There circa 1958-1959, he built a research lab with a faraday cage in the basement of the Bahnson Company.

He kept daily lab books which Agnew Bahnson or another company officer signed at the end of each day. I obtained copies of these books from J. Frank King who worked as a young aeronautics engineer in the lab with Townsend. (J. Frank King was yet another unsung hero in this field of research whom I met and interviewed and had correspondence with until his death many years later).

The 16mm film reel I have here was compiled in a New York film restoration facility. I paid the Bahnson brothers (Frank and Agnew III) to costs of assembling the many short reels of footage they had discovered in their barn in bad repair. The original film was so brittle that some of the reels fell apart before they could be transferred.... That is why I referred to the "surviving film". I had no control over the order in which the films were put onto the master 16mm reel but the calendars in the reels do offer a method of putting the segments in order for the most part.

My film crew and I managed to get the officers of the Bahnson Company to let us down into the basement into what was left of the Bahnson/Brown laboratory. Before we could start filming, we had to sign legal documents threatening the full weight of the American judicial system if we told where the lab was located. As it turns out they sold the lab's contents to collectors within a few years of the film going to air. However, I was privileged to see, touch and film the interior of that storeroom before they decided to sell it off. I felt a huge wave of nostalgia as I touched the Beta high voltage generator, held the 6-foot diameter aluminum disk, pondered the toriodal coils and imagined the high hopes of that crew so many decades before. The dust of those years covered everything and I had our cameraman film everything. The masters of that video shot inside the lab are still in Australia with the man who produced the TV documentary.

Townsend's work did not produce antigravity. I have a huge file of correspondence between Agnew and him regarding the progress of the research from which I deduced this opinion. After Townsend left the Bahnson Company, Agnew become increasingly despondent over his own failure to find the secret behind the propulsion system(s) of the many UFO sightings which could not be explained. On the morning of his death Agnew flew over his home and dipped his wings to his sons standing in front of the house. The flight was to be a proficiency flight. When Agnew returned form the flight he hit a power line at the end of the runway and his plane flipped, crashed and burned immediately as the fuel tanks had exploded. Ironically, he had warned the local aviation authorities many times about the danger of that power line at the end of the runway.

2) Although it is difficult to document completely, in 1971 I really was recruited by Dr James R. Maxfield on behalf of himself and Dr. Edward Teller's clandestine research group to finish my disk propulsion research with them in Australia. At that time I had been designing a plasma-driven disk-shaped craft using a toroidal entrainment concept. Later I discovered I was already about 20 years behind their own developments at that time. It turns out that they wanted to get me out of the country and into their program before I began to go public with my findings which might have compromised the secrets they were trying to keep from the nations and peoples of the planet. You may believe it or not. That is what happened and somehow I have escaped to tell you as much as I have about it. I have done so without making certain technologies I learned about from inside the group available to the public to avoid putting lethal weapons of mass destruction into the hands of terrorists and other people who might misuse them like others have done with nuclear energy.

3) HALO Orbital technologies is a company that my wife, Holly, and I established last year (2007). It has only been spending our money on R&D of an aerodynamic version of the electrogravitic craft that so many people are asking me about these days. We have no other investors at this time - although a couple of friends have offered to loan the project funds should we need them to go to stage Two.

I did not state I would release antigravity to the public. I think it would be irresponsible to do so at this point in the world's development. As a youth I argued against keeping the technology from the public but in my later years I realized the dangers associated with doing so. It was the main reason I left the Teller R&D group and was nearly buried in a deep mine shaft for my efforts.

However, I do intend to publish a three-part paper on both the repeatable empirical and mathematical results of my studies into gravity and the connection between it and electric fields. I have finished Part 1 and a portion of Part 2; but it may be next year (2009) before I can take the time from the family businesses to finish the paper.

The HALO craft uses an entrainment propulsion system based upon a ducted fan as the prime mover. The craft generates a recirculating bubble of air which breast-strokes itself through the ambient medium while using as much as 75% less fuel to travel a given distance in a conventional aircraft. It uses air like the electrogravitic systems use electromagnetic fields to achieve high-speeds without creating a sound barrier.

We have completed the designs of the avionics and superstructure and are assembling the various systems now. The model will be remote-controlled and about 22" in diameter. Our first test could prove problematic in the method I have chosen to control the airframe but we have a newer design on the drawing board just in case.

4) To answer some of the skeptics in your forum, I do NOT intend to print and release a 30th year version of my book, "The Cosmic Conspiracy". It is out of print because I simply haven't got the time or the money to reprint it. The same applies to "The Vindicator Scrolls." One day I may make an ebook form of them available online but that day is a long way off as I am busy with the HALO craft and getting it ready to make its maiden flight.
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Post by Trickfox »

I have finished Part 1 and a portion of Part 2; but it may be next year (2009) before I can take the time from the family businesses to finish the paper.
Get your Violin Mikado. I'll get the Banjo.....We got ourselves a good old fashion HO-DOWN here.
Ladies......woulds you-all like to dance.... :lol:
The psychopropulsier (as pointed out in the book The Good-bye man by Linda Brown and Jan Lofton) is a Quantum entanglement project under development using Quantum Junctions. Join us at
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Post by Linda Brown »

Mr. Deyo,

Thank you so much for responding to us here on the Forum and for giving us your valuable insights. I can almost hear my Dad saying with great delight "Ah! Another Country heard from!" (That was a phrase he used when someone popped into the conversation which was a benefit and a help. It captured the feeling of certain joy he had when more information was brought into the open. And I am sure he would have uttered that upon seeing your message!)

I had not realized that Mr. Bahnson had crashed on landing ( not on takeoff as I had thought or assumed... I figured and actually had been told that he had miscalculated his fuel weight for the take off and had simply not gained enough altitude. I had not learned about the crash from the family, and I can see now that I had placed my faith in the wrong sources. I find it somehow very sad that he circled one last time before approaching the field......and that such a talented pilot should make such a terrible mistake.

You mention " Tellers group". Had you ever developed any more information on the identities of these people or is this information you would prefer to leave alone? I can certainly understand if that is the case.

I think that you and I are in sort of the same situation where there are things in this area that we need not to know. Questions should be asked in any case.... so please bear with me.

Thank you again for joining the forum. PLEASE continue with us. What a delight it is to see your name out there..... Linda
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Post by MARK MOODY »

Does anyone besides me feel joy?
Is this a great time to be alive or what?
I for one sure am glad you joined us here Mr. Deyo.
Although I must admit, I feel that I can call you Stan after all these years, even though I never met you.
Here's why. I became interested in this work by reading an article by Wm. Moore entitled "The Wizard Of Electrogravity".
On the cover of that old article, was a graphic drawing of a saucer being flown by a remote control unit in someone's hands.
That was bite number one. Then I read The Philadelphia Experiment, that was bite number two.
Later, I was able to write and verbally talk to Mr. Brown. Thus I realised I was infected. The more I looked for info the more I found. Then I was lucky enough to not only read your books, but also to see the video of you in the Bahnson lab.
So, as you can see, I for one have a full blown epidemic for any and all things dealing with Brown.
It started before I reached high school and I really am not looking for a cure, only a placebo if you will.
Welcome! And may I say that I will be awaiting all your posts with great anticipation, for I respect you and your work.
Because of you and others, I am here.
Now, can someone please tell me when we will all meet in Philadelphia?
Because I sure am ready to DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Chris Knight »

Mr. Deyo,

Thank you so much for adding to the knowledge we have. The historical corrections are always appreciated.

I only have a few minutes at an internet cafe here, so I'll just say that I remember buying the Cosmic Conspiracy video in the early 90's from a Hollywood company, which was a lot of fun.

Best regards,
Qualight Environmental

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Post by htmagic »

Dear Mr. Deyo,

Welcome to the rabbit hole as we say around here. I never knew about your works until I visited this forum. I have visited your websites and you have quite a bit of information there. I do not have a copy of Cosmic Conspiracy but would like to get a copy and read it. I and others would probably be interested in an ebook and would encourage you to do so.

Thank you for your historical contributions. If you have more information on J. Frank King we would be most interested in hearing about him and his views on working with Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB). Also any information on the Bahnson boys would also be interesting. I don't know if you have read a copy of Paul's ebook but you might be able to give light to some of the darkness behind the veil of TTB. We appreciate the fact that Dr. Brown was a straight-shooter and that is what Paul gave us a picture of as he wrote his book. Maybe you could care to give us more insight on this or other details here. Did Dr. Brown tell you which year he lost his finger?

Mr. Deyo, did you meet with Dr. Edward Teller directly? What was your impression of the man?

We wish you well in your HALO project as you launch your new craft.
Again, welcome to the group.

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by greggvizza »

Stan Deyo,

I know you are busy with Halo, but I would like to encourage you to read Paul’s biography of TT Brown. I guarantee you that it is not what you might think it is. You speak of TT Brown with a certain distance. Paul’s book puts you in so close that I would wager to bet that even Linda Brown, after working on and reading the book herself, now knows her own father better, and she was his lab assistant, typist, and daughter, which one would think is as close as it gets.

With your background I am sure you would pick up so much more from the book (reading between the lines) than someone like myself. We would love to hear your comments.

Than you for taking the time to post on this forum.

Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

Dancing here too Mark.

I wanted to add something to your letter to Mr. Deyo. You might not realize this but you are one of only a handful of people that Dad responded to when asked about his work. Just a handful. I know this because I used to type the letters which basically said to the others " While I appreciate your interest I am not able at this time to discuss.... etc etc etc. It got so that I could practically write that letter in my sleep. ( Now theres a thought... Anyone out there who remembers getting one of those letters? He usually said something about not being well ... or the fact that another company had put restriction on him regarding issuing statements .... Or sometimes he just wished the person well, encouraged him to continue and expressed his disappointment at not being able to say anything more.

I remember some of the letters that went to you Mark and I remember Dad saying that he hoped that you would not let the lure of the research pull you away too far. He was concerned that you would run into the problems that he had experienced by not actually having his Doctorate. He sensed that you were so impatient So I'll bet that he gave you a hard time about staying in school ..... but I just wanted you to know that he spoke to very few people .... and wrote to a rare few also ...But he saw something special in you ..... so you might not have realized at the time what faith he had in you to sort of single you out the way he did. Perhaps he recognized already that you would do something with the information that he shared with you you .. and that you would go on to do something on your own ..... and look at you now !!!! cha cha cha... I am dancing in the kitchen with you!...... Linda
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Post by natecull »

Count me in as another person who is extremely happy to hear from you, Mr Deyo. Like Mark Moody, I got infected with this bug before high school (mid-80s in my case) with first Philadelphia Experiment, then Cosmic Conspiracy. I've been fascinated with alternative physics and history since then, though I'm no electrical engineer. Though I'm disappointed to hear that Townsend Brown didn't crack actual gravity control in 1959, I'm not entirely surprised.

Definitely dancing here.

I'm a Linux and 'open source' geek so I would love to see 'full disclosure' of all this hidden information as far as is legally and morally possible, but I agree with Linda that if there is any dangerous weapon potential with some of this stuff then I want to not know.

But I'd love to know just what information you feel you can safely reveal in public about Teller and Maxfield. From a cursory Google search about Maxfield it seems he was deeply involved in early nuclear and submarine medicine (hyperbarics and radioisotopes, early positron emission tomography), and given another researcher's statements that early radiotherapy was often used as a cover for MKULTRA I suspect him to have been a leading figure in that too though I have no hard proof. (At least one 'MKULTRA survivor' claims early PET systems to have been involved in dissociative-state research, presumably with Bluebird/Artichoke, though I'm aware that MKULTRA claims are extremely controversial at best). Can you clarify any connections there, particularly with regard to the USAF Academy 'honor scandal' of 1964-1965 that you allege to have been linked to sleep-teaching experiments? I am intrigued by reading a Time Magazine article of the day which says that the investigation of that scandal was classified. Have there been any leaks in that wall of silence that you know of?

Also, what are your feelings about the Adamski saucer and Townsend's interest in it? Hoax, speculation, or genuinely 'offworld' entity?
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Post by htmagic »


What is the status of your project? Last time we heard from you, things were not going so well.

Did you get your power supply fixed? Did you get a chance to do any experiments?
Are you still having problems with images? If so, please PM me and I will try to help.

And the most important thing, did you get a new job?

Speeding through the Universe, thinking is the best way to travel ...
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Post by Mikado14 »

Mr. Moody,

What ever you do, don't stop building. Keep track of all your experiments, modifications and don't forget to graph all the results. You would be surprised at what you can see when you graph your results.

Don't give up.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by MARK MOODY »

Okay I'm back.
First, my power supply wil be ready next week.
I had to delay the repairs due to my job status (but really, my wife can't see justifying money on "that thing" when I'm unemployed) :)
But my brain juice continues to boil on high!
No, I have not found employment yet, although my prospects are better today!
I will be having MagicBill post a few photos for me that will show my disk and an invention from overseas that some may find interesting.
Remember the toy called a Levitron?
Imagine that but not needing spin to be stabilised!
When everyone sees it, please try to imagine the possibilities.
It's all a matter of how you perceive things in life.
Now, about this "venting" thing.
Grab that energy, re-direct it in the opposite direction while staying on course and watch what happens.
I never went to college, but I see people every day accomplishing things that even I could do.
Here we are, a forum full of brain juice bubbling on high, and we get distracted when someone attempts to turn the burner on low.
Maybe someone, or something STILL doesn't want progress?
But like a levee that has broken, you can not stop the inevitable!
The time has come.
Who will be attending the dance to DANCE, and who will be attending just to remain on the sidelines holding up the wall, procrastinating?
I may be old, but I like to think that I still have a few good moves left in me.