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Re: UPDATED - The Life of T. Townsend Brown - Book info

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:13 pm
by Mark Culpepper

This is going to be my last message on the ttbrown forum. Sad because I think I was one of a handful of the first to join.

WHAT, WHAT, WHAT WHAT are you doing here?

I took it upon myself to call Linda Brown myself the other day and I asked her point blank what your plans were for the future of the book that I thought that we could expect. The FINISHED, properly edited book .... and she was complimentary to you ( always the lady in your regard, has never said an unkind word) BUT she responded that she didn't know what your plans were. IF there were plans. That you had told her that your first book had taken seventeen years to complete AND THAT YOU FELT THAT MIGHT BE THE SAME SITUATION FOR THIS BOOK.

WHAT, WHAT, WHAT, WHAT? All I can say is this. I never thought that I would think you capable of selling out but its obvious to me that someone has gotten to you. How much was it worth I wonder Paul? You have left us all, walked off .... and for what reason?

I won't be back. I know how to reach the one true light in this situation and I guess then I won't have to deal with substitutes. MarkC