Epilogue: The Sound of Time

Use this section for any discussion specifically related to the chapters posted online of the unfolding biography, "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown
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Post by Mikado14 »

AM wrote:
The Project Camelot website wrote:"...there are two secrets to making the alien saucers work. One is their advanced engineering, and the other is their mental ability."

Anyone want to play hot potatoe?

Never had Yorkshire pudding, what is it made from?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Post by AM »

Mr. Mikado wrote:Never had Yorkshire pudding, what is it made from?
Mr. (Kevin) B. can you jump in with your culinaric expertise and enlighten us? You are from the Isles.


Post by AM »

The Project Camelot website wrote:Material about Otis Carr currently in the public domain:

According to Otis Carr, "Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force... We have shown that a charged body, accelerated to an axis rotation relative to this attractive inertial mass, indicates polarity in a given direction.


"The dip-needle points, say, up toward the top of the body. But mount this while rotating body, with its spindle, on another platform and rotate this platform on a spindle, then if the counter-rotation is greater than the inertial forward rotation of the body, a dip-needle on the second platform will point down while the first dip-needle points up, indicating complete relativity of polarity. When the exact counter-rotation matches the forward rotation the body loses its polarity entirely and immediately becomes activated by free-energy (tensor stresses in space) and acts as an independent force... The above-described assembly of counter-rotating charged masses becomes weightless and will escape the immediate attraction of gravitational forces."

On April 15, 1959 a launch event was held in Oklahoma City with hundreds of people invited, having been told that a prototype disk would rise 400 to 600 feet off the ground from a gravel pit. After several hours delay, an announcement was made that the launch was being postponed due to a badly engineered bearing. However, it subsequently emerged that Carr had been admitted into hospital for eight days with a lung hemorrhage, in addition to which, in a preliminary pre-flight test, the accumulator had developed a leak which had sprayed mercury over the inside mechanism.
You have it all here! Voila.

- mercury (of which I have been constantly speaking about in different contexts.) ----> as mentioned in relation to Vimanas.

- free energy

- space-time travel

Read the first part of the quote regarding counter-rotating parts in light of what was said about Coulomb's law, the coulomb, Biefeld-Brown effect, capacitors, oriented dipole electrets, crystals, magnetic and electric dipole, etc.
The Project Camelot website wrote:In essence, the account is as follows. Carr and a small group of engineers and technicians, one of whom was Ralph, built a flying disk, powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called "Utrons".
The "Utron" also works on the principle of shape-power.
The Project Camelot website wrote:The Utron was the key to it all. Carr said it accumulated energy because of its shape, and focused it, and also responded to our conscious intentions.
Think of Dr. Brown's capacitors, think of SHAPE-POWER and PYRAMID-POWER i. e. THE SHAPE BIASES THE FLOW OF AETHER. Mr. (Kevin) B. where are you?


I hope now I am not falling for another red herring.


Post by AM »

P. S. Is it possible that Dr. Brown's lung problems stemmed NOT from OZONE, but from MERCURY.

P. P. S. According to my information there is in the Parliament of the EU a proposal for a bill which would become effective with 2011 and FORBID ALL TRADING WITH MERCURY EXCEPT FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES.

And even then a strict protocol would have to be followed where all the details of the purchase would be noted!


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Post by Mikado14 »

AM wrote:

Because when handled improperly, it is deadly in the long term.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Post by AM »

Mr. Mikado wrote:Because when handled improperly, it is deadly in the long term.
Oh, I know that mercury can be toxic if used improperly. Especially for the nervous system.

But apart from that is there another reason? I was aiming in this direction.


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Post by Mikado14 »

I want to point out that this is not the first time that Carr has been broached in the forum.

http://www.ttbrown.com/forum/viewtopic. ... 1366#11366

I just enjoy the way the ride circles about!

I just hope that we are making ever tightening concentric circles.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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mercury dangers

Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »

There are other environmentalists here that can answer that Mercury question better but my impression has always been that its "nasty stuff" although scientifically it would work well in the situations that Dr. Brown may have needed. ( and my paranoid express has stations along the line AM that speak " cornering the market" and " restricting supply city")

And that comment about that one fellow having lungs that were bleeding. There is much we don't know about that situation. Did he have a history of TB which perhaps blew up into a major problem at that time? Or was it part of the research ?... and if it was .... did Dr. Brown share in that situation? And if he did and it was related to mercury ....were there other signs of contamination? I understand that it affects the nervous system but I think we have already gone over the fact that Dr. Brown did not exhibit any of those signs .... so one has to ask ... was he getting special medical help? Its odd that he would be so sick while in florida that his daughter left school early to help him with the research ( which seemed then to include visits by Wm. Stepehnson) but then later was well enough to move to that situation at Deckers. How did he get so much better when his lungs were bleeding and local hospitals were sending him home saying they didn't know what was causing it? All very odd. off on another hunt down a dark rabbit hole. Elizabeth
Chris Knight
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Post by Chris Knight »

I'm not an environmentalist per se, but from a geological viewpoint, mercury has a relatively high density of 13.5336 g/cc and from there on up with increasing densities, you find:

Osmium / Iridium Os 22.5
Platinum Pt 21.5
Rhenium Re 20.8
Plutonium Pu 19.7
Gold / Tungsten Au 19.3
Uranium U 19.1
Tantalum Ta 16.4
Proactinium Pa 15.4

Once you get into the denser metals, you run into an increasing number of toxic and radioactive materials (heavy metal poisoning). They also become scarcer, more expense to procure, and more difficult to work with due to brittleness, workability, or hazard precautions.

Mercury is a CNS (Central Nervous System) toxin, which can appear as tics, flu-like symptoms, increased agression, lack of attention, trouble talking, walking and other motor skills, as well as memory issues.

It can be hard to pin down since the symptoms can vary greatly between individuals, and can go away at any point, or remain indefinitely.
Last edited by Chris Knight on Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Qualight Environmental
(http://www.qualight.com, http://www.qualightenv.com, http://www.qualightscp.com)

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It's all here now

Post by FM No Static At All »

I think that with all of he input from the various sources contributing to this forum, we have all of the puzzle pieces needed to se the whole picture. With disregard towards the who and why, it is evident (to me at least) that we are dealing with the very essence of who we are and what we are truly "made" of.

And I am not referring to spirituality in the religious sense. While a child I sensed that religion was keeping something from me. It wasn't telling me what I really wanted to know. And all of the commands and laws seemed to me more of a control mechanism than a path to enlightenment. Quite the contrary, they seem to be suppressing one's desire to "expand" and touch the heavens.

We are not our brains and bodies, our "mind" is centered outside of the physical existence of matter. In one of my first posts I offered the "Beginning began with the realization of self" and that consciousness itself is energy in its purest and primary form. I have been writing a manuscript to convey that postulation into a form that makes sense, not only to myself, but to others that read it. When my wife reads it and gets that "A ha!" then I know I am on course.

Matter is a condensation (to make it over-simplistic) of energy. That energy appears to be of electromagnetic nature. In most of these "experiments" and ancient rediscovered technologies, subtle forces seem to be the primary input, and that when combined properly can yield astounding output powers. Someone mentioned weather in a previous post and that is a great analogy. Moist, warm air rises and meets the cooler air, gentle breezes assist in forming the rotations just like everything else in nature.

(I wanted to post an image here but didn't know if that would be proper or possible)

From those subtle energies arise the powers to make hurricanes and tornadoes. The swirling winds mettle with the electromagnetics of the Earth and atmosphere and produce lightning bolts and balls. Tesla knew it, but his work was suppressed. Reich knew it but was labeled a nut. And some of the disinformation regarding Dr. Brown made him seem like he was "off center" a bit also. We should all be so tilted, eh?

I have many things to handle in my personal life, so I will not be building my FMT any "time" soon. But other wonderful technologies that can free us from the global slavery of oil and energy as a commodity our very much on the front burners cookin'. Getting tasty but not done yet.

I remember a perspective introduced to me while I was doing an "awareness" training. It was an analogy of nuclear reaction reaching critical mass. And the One Hundred Monkeys logic works equally well here also. In addition to sharing with all of you insightful souls here I also am "conditioning" others that I meet to be open to change and to look for "hints" of it. James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy) opined that we receive messages all of the time, but we are usually unaware of them because our beliefs and considerations get in the way. Perhaps in that way I will be contributing to achieving that critical mass that will enable us to move into a new plane of existence.

I feel that we all have the "power" but we haven't become aware of it yet. Of course many of you here are, and so I do make exception for those and many others that are seeking and discovering on their own.
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"You may be right,
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you're lookin' for"
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flying sausage box

Post by twigsnapper »

AM ..... I’ll just bet I know a little bit about Winston Churchill that you haven’t run across yet.

You mentioned Yorkshire Pudding and the cigar and the liquor .... but did you know that he could do all of that ... encased in a high pressure shell that he used to be obliged to remain in during his high altitude flights .... Casablanca, then Moscow and Yalta.

His doctors told him that he must not fly above 5000 feet.. He was as you recall, invested with a generous girth and other medical problems. Because of the threat of enemy aircraft most had to fly above the 5000 ft pressure they deemed safe.

So unbeknownst to his friends or his enemies the Prime Minister was shuttled about like a pearl in an oyster shell. Believe it or not he continued to smoke and eat and be on the phone conducting business while being encased in something that resembled an overgrown sausage container. And the air purifying system that was used at that time was a super secret development. One guess.

Of course the “ oyster shell” has probably been lost to history ( designed by a friend of Wrights, a fellow by the name of Graham) and of course its wonderful air cleaning system was not to be mentioned again either. Of course it was able to find a way to bubble to the surface Perhaps someday too the entire history of it too will bubble upward.

Fred.... good post... part of it "And I am not referring to spirituality in the religious sense. While a child I sensed that religion was keeping something from me. It wasn't telling me what I really wanted to know. And all of the commands and laws seemed to me more of a control mechanism than a path to enlightenment. Quite the contrary, they seem to be suppressing one's desire to "expand" and touch the heavens. "

You can't control those bubbles you know. No matter how powerful you think that you are. Bubbles just wait for that opening, that chance to head for the heavens.

The Navigator
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Post by kevin.b »

Arr be from York's t'old flower, Arr be a York's hobbit.

Flower , milk and eggs beaten together until the consistency of double cream.
A roasting pan is greased and placed in as hot an oven as possible.
Remove the pan and add the mixture back into the red hot oven.

My father used to have a plate full of York's puddings covered in rich gravy as a starter, before a full roast dinner of beef , almost still mooing, roast potatoes, carrots and turnips mashed together, parsnips and cauliflower covered again in rich sauce.

All the above of course after having drank ten pints of beer.

I was regurally sent to drag him out of the pub, needless to say my father died before he was fifty.
fibonacci is king

Post by AM »

Dear Mr. Twigsnapper,

I may be playing it now very fast and very loose here, therefore please fasten your seat-belt and roll that newspaper together that you are so adept at using.

Sir Winston Churchill - do you know that the first seminar-paper I ever wrote in my life was in primary school and it was about him?

I was inspired of writting a paper on him by an abridged version of " The Second World War" that I found in my grandfather's small private library.

I have always been a history buff, but the book was somehow too much for a 12 year old. Still I read it all and was very moved.

And then later I often read Churchill's quotes or listened to his speeches. He was one of the most if not the MOST BRILLIANT ORATOR OF OUR AGE. And do you remember how he pronounced the word "Nazis" with a prolonged snarrling r? I heard he did it intentionally.

I also noticed that Churchill was greatly inspired in his practice of oratory by the New York Congressman Bourke Cockran who told him that he should speak like a church organ - with thundering and rolling voice making ample use of phrases.

But enough of my memories.

Let me address the most salient points of your post.
Mr. Twigsnapper wrote:Of course the “ oyster shell” has probably been lost to history ( designed by a friend of Wrights, a fellow by the name of Graham) and of course its wonderful air cleaning system was not to be mentioned again either. Of course it was able to find a way to bubble to the surface Perhaps someday too the entire history of it too will bubble upward.
Ah, such a multi-layered beauty from your side and I do hope I will not ruin it with my loose and fast driving.

When thinking of the air purifying system I am always reminded of negative ions. This further stimulates my memory in the direction of Dr. Brown and his modified Fan described in his Preliminary Patent Application from 1978 entitled "Method and Apparatus for Producing Ions". Here an interesting excerpt:
Dr. Brown wrote:The applicant's prior patents Nos. 2,949,550 and 3,518,462 describe method and means for producing a flow of air without moving parts. They may be termed "motorless" fans which are "noiseless." This is highly desirable where a circulation of air in a room is desired. Ion generators (for the production of negative ions alleged to be beneficial to health) do not tend to circulate in the manner of an air flow but migrate outward from the generator largely in the form of a localized ion "cloud." Hence, ion generators in the existing art are seriously limited as to their effective range. The purpose of the present invention is to combine air circulation with ion emission so as to improve range. To accomplish this, the present patent application proposes the addition of an electrostatically charged grid (ionizing electrode) to the motorless fan (as described above) to inject ions into the (effluent) air stream. The present invention, therefore, is an extension of the aforementioned patents in combination with a (downstream) ion-emitting grid. As such it performs a new and useful function - that of emitting ions into a rapidly-moving airstream.
Now, please bear in mind that this is just an association and nothing more! Just my reaction of reading about the invention of Peter Wright's friend Graham. I will try to find out more on Mr. Graham. On the other hand and this is really a wild speculation Graham may simple be one of Dr. Brown's codenames. In case not, then Graham might have been a close collaborator of Dr. Brown.

Negative ions and pure air. And these little fellows (negative ions) do not just purify the air, but also ENERGIZE IT reducing fatigue and increasing concentration. They are probably also many other subtle effects.

Now let us get to the pearl in the oyster. No matter how far fetched this may seem, Pearl Harbor comes to mind and Peter Wright was related to it.
Chapter 63: The Mole, the Bug and the Prairie Chicken wrote:The unit that was found at Pearl,” our sources add, “was found because the Caroline Group had access to one of the latest detection devices developed by the Services Electronic Research Lab” — a British electronics firm that was formed under the direction of MI5 operative Peter Wright (who also had a hand in the construction of the midget submarines that tried to sink the German battleship Tirpitz in the straits of Norway during World War II).
Another thing comes to my mind - something that I have been asking myself for a long time already. Why did Dr. Brown keep his sidereal radiation detector at the volcano on Oahu for all those years:
Chapter 80: Avalon wrote:Dr. Brown and Josephine were living on Catalina (again) in 1978 when Dr. Brown started talking about moving to Hawaii. He already had one of his sidereal radiation detectors installed in an the lava tubes of an extinct volcano on the island of Oahu.

What comes here to mind is the fact that the researchers of neutrinos Reines and Cowan established laboratories in salt- and gold-mines in order to capture PURE and UNCONTAMINATED neutrino-streams that are not "polluted" by other particles that cannot enter into such depths.

Now, I know that neutrinos might be a red herring. The situation here is very, very tricky and I have to be really careful.

By the way, what do you say about Arthur Koestler? What is your opinion?

The above words regarding Pearl Harbor, Peter Wright and Oahu were made as a response to your references of the "four meeting points".

The canditates for where the four points meet are in my opinion:

a.) Hawaii - by the way, do not forget that Huna is Hawaiian (and keep in mind Mr. Freedom and all those pesky Berbers riding Strabo's horses, will you?). Mr. Kitselman was very much into Huna, besides being a lover of Sanskrit.

Something else. It was said that Dr. Brown moved to Hawaii, because he was concerned about the dangers of an atomic explosion and Hawaii would be the safest place in the U. S., because it was surrounded by the ocean and very far away from land in each direction.

Might it be possible that he chose Hawaii, because it's isolation would be especially beneficial for studying sidereal radiation due to the reason that no influence from the mainland could easily reach the islands? The readings would therefore be very pure and "uncontaminated".

Or was it because of the special geometric nature of the island and due to the fact that they are positioned on a special point in the grid?

Or are both reasons valid?

b.) Catalina - Dr. Brown did not move there just, because of the nice weather and the photo in chapter 80 shows him collecting rocks on Pebbly Beach, Catalina Islands in 1980.

There must have been something special there on those Islands. Some special rocks and other things.

Finally let me finish this wild ride with the following. Might it be possible that even Dr. Brown's burial place was not choosen by him simply, because of the beautiful view, but because of something else?

You see, in old China it was very important how you chose the correct burial place. Mr. Twigsnapper do you know how the Chinese art of feng-shui (風水) started? Exactly with the concerns on how to find the most optimal burial place for one's ancestors, because this would ensure continuig prosperity for the descendants. Other uses are just extrapolated application from this.

Feng-shui literally means "wind and water". Mr. (Kevin) B. you talked about water, rocks, electric discharges and the healing properties of the rocks! Mr. B. where are you? We need you here.

Mr. Mikado wrote about the permeability of minerals, which prompted you Mr. Twigsnapper to make your post about limestones.
Mr. Twigsnapper wrote:Grass ... and limestone ... and underground springs.... that combination helps create ( along with their natural abilities) some of the finest racehorses in the world.

Fred..... you talked about recognizing the winning horse in a race. I wonder if there are places in upstate New York for example which are " aligned" properly for certain foals to realize their fullest potential? If it might be that children respond the same way to this influx of ... whatever it is that we are talking about here....( I will use Morgans "stuff") ... then as a horseman interested in such things I would be interested in finding the most optimum pasture to raise my foals?

Anyone wonder why Dr. Brown collected rocks from all over the world? Anyone think that was merely random? Anyone want to bet that he didn't have the exact location already plotted? " Where the four points meet" he said. twigsnapper
Please Sir give us an additional nudge and tell us about places in upstate New York!

Last edited by AM on Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:07 pm, edited 8 times in total.
The Navigator
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Post by kevin.b »

If I dowse a person, in other words I simply think of them, my rods then show the field diameter around the person, i simply move away from a person to find the edge as shown by the rods .
I then switch thinking to allow myself to see the field rotation direction.
each person has a twin directional field circulation , one on top of the other.

To check any detail of this, such as shape etc, I simply think of that which I require to see.

My good friend who's great grandfather was one of the leading jewish men of Bagdhad, tells tales of her ancestors having to regurally pull him down from the ceiling where he had arisen to.
He was Ben ish chai
" the pathways of the heavens were clear to him "

I have felt myself arising in the same way , if I position myself precisely and relax.
I have gone through the air with the greatest of ease, and ended up laughing, it is difficult to verbalise why you laugh, you just KNOW.
fibonacci is king
FM No Static At All
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Re: flying sausage box

Post by FM No Static At All »

twigsnapper wrote: Fred.... good post... part of it "And I am not referring to spirituality in the religious sense. While a child I sensed that religion was keeping something from me. It wasn't telling me what I really wanted to know. And all of the commands and laws seemed to me more of a control mechanism than a path to enlightenment. Quite the contrary, they seem to be suppressing one's desire to "expand" and touch the heavens. "

You can't control those bubbles you know. No matter how powerful you think that you are. Bubbles just wait for that opening, that chance to head for the heavens.

True, yet some cannot see the bubbles even as they burst upon there noses. We have all these bubbles rising up and with all of the efforts to stop it, they still come up. All of those here are each sharing those bubbles and collectively we have the "Whole Shebang", we just have to apply our consciousnesses and they will all "magikly" fit together.
Pink Floyd wrote:The time is gone, the song is over, thought Id something more to say