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Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:30 pm
by AM2
Mr. Fish wrote:There should be much talking about it. Especially today! This transformational experience is what can change the the level of the individual first! Paradigm shift.
Yes, but then we should do it with all the rigour necessary. We must know what we speak about.

Otherwise we will end up like William Moore with his speculations regarding Dr. Brown's life.

The phrase I learnt at this forum is: "essentially correct". It's good to talk, but at least some critical distance is vital. Otherwise we will always remain "essentially correct" and not evolve beyond this point.



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:56 pm
by Rose
AM, I notice that you refer to Mr. K as a that an actual or honorary title?

Skyfish, I don't think I would be so quick as to assume that everyone is permitted to speak about their experiences. Nor to assume that they would do so on a public forum. Witness Mikado's recent invasion,...who knows what he said here that encouraged the copperhead that slithered into his hard drive in the middle of the night?



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:06 pm
by AM2
Ms. Rose wrote:AM, I notice that you refer to Mr. K as a that an actual or honorary title?
I use this more as an honorary title our of respect for Beau Kitselman, because if my memory serves me well he actually didn't acquire a formal Ph. D. degree.



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:31 pm
by Rose
Thanks, I didn't think so either. I love the fact that although we know him as a mathematician and secret agent, he is best known (in the "outer" world) as a psychologist through his publications from the Institute of Integration in San Diego.

What a pair he and Dr. Brown must have made. Their brilliance would have greatly irritated their academic counterparts who did everything "by the book." I remain convinced that this envy was behind Gunn's initial dismissal of TTB's work in the early thirties.


And I remain convinced that this first impression was later changed, though I have no proof of that. Gunn was noted for being a genius in the design of instrumentation. TTB's work would have been completely dismissed if there had not been some ability to verify its predictions with measurement instruments. Given Gunn's VERY long run at NRL, there is no way those two men did not work together over the years.



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:54 pm
by skyfish
Am wrote:

We must know what we speak about....
Otherwise we will always remain "essentially correct"

From the upanishads:
Brahman is not grasped by the eye, nor by speech, nor by the other senses, nor by penance or good works. A man becomes pure through serenity of intellect, thereupon, in meditation, he beholds Him who is without parts.

That is the tricky part of samadhi. It is not the product of the intellect. All of the discussion and thought in the world will not get one to samadhi. Actually, all of your intellectual "property", your total sense of self, what you identify as "you" cannot pass into the golden disc. This is no theory for me. You must litterally die...death of the ego, to enter into the living water....the true death and rebirth. That is why it is SO cannot be grasped by the thought process! There were those that mediated for a lifetime and still did not grasp it....other grasped it in an instant.

Rose wrote:
Skyfish, I don't think I would be so quick as to assume that everyone is permitted to speak about their experiences.

Rose, who will give you permission? I permit myslef....unless Pual pulls the plug! A public forum? Why not? Let the snakes come! Kevin says they are already in my head! lol If they can access my pc when it is turned off...well then they deserve all of the data I have on my pc! Don't mind the porn.... ; ) If they are interested they should read the upanishads...and meditate. This is no matter of national security. It has already all been written anyways! I just hope to be a signpost...I can point the direction. If this offends the fine folks on the forum, then let me know. I will stop. There will be no book. This IS relevant to Dr. Brown, his work, and his life.

...and this should be fun! Or I could go stick my hand in a bear trap!

Folks, I am not pretending to be anyone but who I am An IT guy from Ohio. And skyfish!
>( { )">


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:40 pm
by Mikado14
AM2 wrote:Well, I now at least know how Mr. Mikado felt when in my flights of enthusiasm I was mangling his beloved physics, electrical and electronic engineering.

Now when people are treating Sanskrit and Dr. Kitselman's insights as they be would like some kind of Apfelstrudel, then I am also not very happy.

If Mr. Mikado's verbal bastonades accomplished anything, then certainly that I am trying to be much more careful, sel-critical and rigorous in my thinking and reflecting. Mr. Mikado was right.

AM, I didn't think I was that bad...<g>..was I really that hard on you or did it just seem that way at the time? Remember, the student teaches the teacher as well, now, out of the two of us, which one was I? I believe I was both.

I agree with you, for reasons of my own, that Dr. Kitselman (I believe that perhaps I too will start calling him that for he deserves the title, honorary as it may be from myself along side you) had VERY good insights. Just as in reproduction of mammals, it takes do huts.



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:48 pm
by Mikado14
skyfish wrote:Rose wrote:
Skyfish, I don't think I would be so quick as to assume that everyone is permitted to speak about their experiences.

Rose, who will give you permission? I permit myslef....unless Pual pulls the plug! A public forum? Why not? Let the snakes come! Kevin says they are already in my head! lol If they can access my pc when it is turned off...well then they deserve all of the data I have on my pc! Don't mind the porn.... ; ) If they are interested they should read the upanishads...and meditate. This is no matter of national security. It has already all been written anyways! I just hope to be a signpost...I can point the direction. If this offends the fine folks on the forum, then let me know. I will stop. There will be no book. This IS relevant to Dr. Brown, his work, and his life.

...and this should be fun! Or I could go stick my hand in a bear trap!

Folks, I am not pretending to be anyone but who I am An IT guy from Ohio. And skyfish!
>( { )">
Mr. skyfish,

You are absolutely correct. Only I can give permission to myself. But what if there is someone else involved? What if you and I were working on something and we wanted to keep it to ourselves until the time (there's that damnable word again) when we would be ready to release it? Would not I be required by honor and word to ask your permission to release any info?

Also, I can't help but wonder why you believe that there would be no book if you left the forum? Is any one person that important? I know I don't feel that way about myself but then, I have a low ego problem at times. Just a thought but the book will get done even I cease to exist on this plane and the only way I see the book as not getting done is if Paul ceases to exist.



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:30 pm
by Linda Brown
Skyfish, As kevin might say and with a grin " Whoa Neddy!"
You are going too fast.

You have said ...."Rose, who will give you permission? I permit myslef....unless Pual pulls the plug! A public forum? Why not? Let the snakes come! Kevin says they are already in my head! lol If they can access my pc when it is turned off...well then they deserve all of the data I have on my pc! Don't mind the porn.... ; ) If they are interested they should read the upanishads...and meditate. This is no matter of national security. It has already all been written anyways! I just hope to be a signpost...I can point the direction. If this offends the fine folks on the forum, then let me know. I will stop. There will be no book. This IS relevant to Dr. Brown, his work, and his life."

Let the snakes come you say and all I can think of is that massive statue of the bronze Lion in Rittenhouse Square. He has his paw squarely on a huge snake but he does not consider it a safe toy or assume that he has complete mastery. To say such a thing ... well, perhaps you ejoy a certain amount of " whistling in the dark" but I am not sure that I share your enthusiasms for that!. THIS IS NO MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY? And you have a good close handle on that? IT HAS ALREADY ALL BEEN WRITTEN ANYWAYS .... ( whew, I am so happy to hear that. Elizabeth Drake and I then can gather all of our notes and book passage to somewhere in the Bahamas, never to look back,)
You hope to be a signpost? Yea!!! We need as many of those as we can get!!! You can point the direction?

Suddenly I have a mental image of our dear Mr. Twigsnapper walking around a tall strapping and very handsome young man. They were both taking the measure of each other. Morgan said later that he thought of Twigsnapper " I am taller by a whole 12 inches maybe, stronger and younger. I could take him ... easy ...." He admitted that he smiled a sort of smirk because those thoughts went to his face.

Morgan ended up on the floor .... his face,, he said " bleeding from parts he didn't even know that he had before then"..............Just slow up here a tad Skyfish. There are forces at work here you have no concept of yet. Be just a little more circumspect.



Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:38 pm
by skyfish
Mr. Mikado,
I am so sorry! I meant that I would not be writing a book! lolPaul's book will rise with this tide. I am a huge fan.

I don't think I have that much to say that is new. I just try to connect dots. I would recommend Krishnamurti...the

And surely...the whole permission thing...I agree...I personally would never violate another's privacy or trust....that's just who I am....but I do not have anything to hide either.

I do remember the story of how Tesla's life wound down and he kept his secrets and we still do not know them all...but somebody does.....that's fer sure!
I can understand if you are concerned about security. Judging by history you should be. But maybe....just should just throw it all out there....downloads are for free after all...
Maybe that's what Tesla should have done! Give it to all of humanity...use the it! It is time! Now!
Just a thought.... ; )

As always my friend...
Ababa qingana{ malgaku{.:


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:49 pm
by Linda Brown
Can you see why yet?

AM. This message is for you.

You said

" It saddens me that some people who have never read a word of Dr. Kitselman's texts on conscioussness think that just a couple of posts at a forum will do full justice and resolve all the problems.
I took the pain the spend my money and time both in acquiring those materials as well as reading them. And I do not even have all of his texts. Over the past few months I was able to establish several connections in respect to his thoughts on conscioussness, mathematics and Indian teachings."

Why do you assume thats what some of us on the forum are thinking? How do you really know what the purpose of some of our posts was? Why do you assume that others have not already read Beau Kitselmans words and that you are the only one who has had those texts made available to them?

Perhaps you were meant to spend your own money .... spend your own time ... because that excercise will make you better at what you are meant to do in the future.

Do you think that Paul has been financed through his six year project? I can assure you that he has not! Do you even dare to think that the answers have just been handed off to him? He has spent his own money and his own time .... who else would then deserve his position as the PRIMARY AND MOST AUTHENTIC Biographer of Townsend Brown. No one has put this sort of time and effort in and it shows in his work.

Don't you deserve the same respect in the future? Linda


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:22 am
by skyfish
Hi Linda!
Ok...when I get on a roll...ok..maybe I am a horse...maybe the back side...maybe this horse just wants to run!

I do plead guilty to being the impatient type. I am kind of fearless...always an adrenaline junky and a risk taker...
Have a very fast motorcycle!

Maybe I am trying to upset the "status quo". Maybe now is the time for people to lose their fear. Rise with the tide. Maybe my computer will crash...again!!! really!!!! lol

I can shine light on the meaning of the upanishads...and how brahman, consciousness and sanskrit and vedic physics is related to that regards, I can give direction.

When I say a matter of national security...I mean that I do not think that what I am saying is of enough importance to generate ANY interest. I am just an IT guy from Ohio.

I do think that anything I may have brought up is already on the web.

Excuse me...guys in black suits at the door....



Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:38 am
by Griffin
It's either Mormon missionaries at the door or... Are they wearing sunglasses at night?



Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:41 am
by skyfish
Animal control!


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:06 am
by twigsnapper
Or as one mouse to another said , noting the approaching cat,

Cheezit .... the Fuzz."

And I am definitely dating myself here....... <g> twigsnapper


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:46 am
by skyfish