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Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:48 pm
by grinder

Sweeping up " dustbunnies?" or " parts thereof. Can I be so dense as to ask? HUH?

Would these be the same sort of "teams" that showed up at Roswell and other places where something strange has been reported down? I have always sort of wondered how those various teams got to such remote places so fast. Is there a ready at the door rapid response team for this sort of thing? There must be. It would only make sense.

What would be the organization which would be tasking these teams? The Air Force? grinder


"Sweeping up dust bunnies"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:03 pm
by Trickfox
Your right Grinder.... that sounds a lot better than the line in the MIB movie: "Ridding the Earth from extraterrestrial scum".

Probably not much you can do to controll it at some points....

That was a Great line Mr. Twigsnapper


maybe an answer

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:11 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
Of course, wait for someone really who knows all this stuff to answer before you take me too seriously, but I think I have a couple of answers for you.

I have run across the phrase " dustbunnies" which mean " loose nukes" The phrase used to be " Broken Arrow" until John Travolta made the film of the same name and then it slowly switched to " dustbunnies". Of course this is from almost the same section that called a radiation study on humans Project Sunshine, or something similar. So go figure.

There is an organization that is in charge of the " edge of space" monitoring called the National Reconnaisance Office or NRO. They have a complete link with ground forces as well as submarines to track all activity in that particular area using various spy satellites. I would hope that not much enters our atmosphere without the NRO tracking it accurately. If there were teams sent in to " mop up" I rather expect that they would be getting some of their information from that office.

And reading your message above Trickfox I agree that the phrase just might mean " anything else that is loose and dangerous and needs to be delt with." Good point!


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:58 am
by Mikado14
And my questions for the day are.......

Where are the Randall sister's?

Why are they not posting here?

or are they................


silly boy

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:42 am
by Victoria Steele
I luv ya Mikado, but you are getting stranger every day <g> Victoria

Great stuff on Péru

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:03 am
by Trickfox

I specially like the stuff on that Peruvian comet thingny with the boiling water and stuff. The Creature from the black lagoon is the next discovery there I suppose. No seriously..... I like all the spin so far.
Let's keep an eye on that. Some medicine man may decide to start his own cult down there over it.


BTW I was thinking of the FTM technology and stumbled onto this:

good thing

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:30 am
by Elizabeth Helen Drake

Good thing I can't get UTube. I am offended enough with just the reviews. Whats the point? Elizabeth

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:16 pm
by flowperson
Elizabeth...I believe that the clip indicated our collective devolvement back to the values of ancient agricultural Anglo-Saxon tribal roots wherein "f***en" was used to explain the function of the seeding new life. It meant "to sow". Of course in contemporary times the word "sow" also denotes the female phenotype of the "pig" species.

Have a better day !

flow.... :wink:

Re: silly boy

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:36 pm
by Mikado14
Victoria Steele wrote:I luv ya Mikado, but you are getting stranger every day <g> Victoria
Strange is a matter of relativity...<g> , perhaps my brane is adjacent to another's and that thin veil seperating can be poked through via a finger of thought.

The sisters are here, one who enjoys climbing mountains, either physical or mental, and another who likes dogs and frisbees. It doesn't matter though, may they contribute as they are.

As for me, I am waiting for that dance from you and a chess game from Mr. Twigsnapper but it appears that it will be en passant....<g>

And one more thing red, what do you like on your vanilla ice cream? Sometimes I prefer a bit of creme de menthe.....I love mint!


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:53 pm
by Mikado14
flowperson wrote:Thanks Mikado, I would not expect anything other than the excellent analysis that you gave. I appreciate it.

On the other hand there are the various scientific efforts afoot to examine and expand the phenomenon of "lucid dreaming" in which the dreamer enters his/her own dreams by force of will and psychological self-conditioning with the purpose of directing their dreams' outcomes. This seems to be a thriving and growing set of efforts, especially in California institutions. Where else ?
Mr. Flowperson,

Sorry for the late response on this but your description above reminds me of something I read a long while ago. The gist of the article was to attempt to poke holes in deep meditation and say that essentially it was a form of self hypnosis. Don't really know the bearing on what you said but it did remind me of that article and I saw a similarity.

I can't say that in my case that is the situation for most "downloads" occur in the early morning and for the love of it all, I can't see where I would be performing self hypnosis but then that is subjective. But what about those that happen during the day? They are the hardest to sort out. I find it amazing how when something that cannot be explained is almost always explained as some form of psychosomatisism. Perhaps it is, and then perhaps not. Sometimes I am in the right church and maybe the wrong pew and other times I am not even in the same town <g>.

Well, I thought about your question and I felt that not only would I answer you in a "nuts and bolts" answer but I would wait a bit and give an answer that was a little more personal and not as cold of a response.

With the light,


removing my complaint

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:30 pm
by Elizabeth Helen Drake
You see, thats what happens when you see only one side of a situation. I remove my complaint! What happens when you are flying blind.

And its interesting to me that this subject would pop up just now because Paul has hit a moment in his writing where Dr. Brown actually uses that word ..... (Now most of us have learned a little about his mild mannerisms and gentlemanly behaviour so its an interesting moment) So that particular word has served as sort of a marker. I don't think I will ever actually look at it in the same way again.

Sometimes I feel that this forum is responding in its own way to a type of communication that none of us actually sees. Its just sort of a wierd set of coincidences. Maybe others here feel it too, maybe its just me.

Its like we are sa school of beautiful differently colored fish flashing through the water and suddenly all of us decide at the same moment .... TURN. Elizabeth

Saving It For Later

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:23 pm
by Paul S.
Griffin wrote:So, Townsend Brown’s negative ion generator fan can be of enormous benefit. Not only does it clean our increasingly polluted air, but it elevates our qi as well for multiple beneficial effects. Then there’s the interdimensional consideration. What next from Townsend’s legacy?
I just stashed this post in my notes where, hopefully, I'll be able to recall this and similar ideas as I get into the concluding chapters of this odyssey. Thanks for the thought...


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:58 pm
by Griffin
You're welcome, Paul. I told you when I signed on board that it would be an exchange.

Elizabeth - Jung's concept of synchronicity becomes more apparent when there is more meaningful material to synchronize. But it does appear mysterious in its own way because it seems acausal.

As ever,


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:10 pm
by Griffin

I like your school of fishes imagery. It reminds me of Townsend's fish story, especially when we remember what's above us.

We are all swimming in an ocean of qi energy, anyway.

Happy swimming!

As ever,


bright colored reef fish

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:18 pm
by Mark Culpepper
I think that discussion has gone by a time or two about bright colored fish and always interesting.


I have a challenge for you. You admit that this last chapter was a situation where you " invented" the conversation based on what Tula had told you. I have a challenge for you and even a request of Linda Brown, if she is inclined to follow up on it.

You wrote that conversation as you thought that it would have come down but my thought and interest now is ... How would Linda have written that conversation? Would she make any comments on changes that she feels might be made? Or additions that she might insert?

I thought of this as I was reading your words Paul and I did realize that the conversation did in fact sound alot like you. Which is impossible to NOT do. But I wondered how much closer to sounding like Townsend Brown that chapter might be if it was written by his daughter. You said you were sort of breaking the rules here. Can we break just one more? MarkC