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Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:42 pm
Good day to all!
Thought I would share a few items with everyone.
My economic situation is still the same-but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And no, it is not a train!
Lately I find that all my good ideas come to me at night and that if I sleep on a couch instead of in bed, I get some pretty good ones that require me to write them down on a tablet I keep close by.
A book called INSPIRATION by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, states that the most ideal time to be inspired by a HIGHER presence is around 3-3:30 am.
He states that this is ideal because we are at our most receptive then, due to a lack of noise interference and our minds clogged with life problems.
Anywho, here is what I have been up to lately.
I have found that ferroelectric dielectrics exist with high-k of 100,000.
Also, I have found where Jean Naudin of lifter website fame may have got his information from regarding plasma panels being used for airflow.
It seems that a W-H-O-L-E lot of research is taking place over there dealing with electric propulsion, I MEAN A WHOLE LOT!
Google: b-IONIC AIRFISH and follow -ALL- the numerous leads.
A company over there, you will find, also has developed high voltage power requiring NO EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY!
They are using these devices, ranging from 30kv-50kv, onboard lighter than air-remote controlled aircraft propelled using Mr. Brown's idea!
And here is something else they have found that I, as a layman did not know; by using dielectric barrier discharge methods, they are able to prevent arcing between two electrodes!
Now, I know some of our more educated people here may be aware of this already, but nobody told me :D
I did not know that by embedding the negative electrode in a dielectric, you could prevent arcing and STILL PRODUCE FORCE :shock:
Gregg, are you aware of this?
It appears that DANCING really does come easy if you know the RIGHT steps!
Now, I have also noticed lately, by looking outside the box, that this forum has info that could be used to compile another book in addition to the one being written about Mr. Brown.
I will leave this line of thought open to those TUNED-IN on the same channel, so to speak.
Can it really be TIME for Mr. Brown's work :?:
I have a GUT :D feeling that someone, somewhere is going to make some REAL-OPEN TO PUBLIC-announcement soon.
Maybe even sooner than we think.
Please people, tell me things that may assist me in our endeavors.
I like suprises too :shock:
Oh yeah, no I could not bring myself to part with my power supply!


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:49 pm
One last thing.
Was it not the Germans who were advanced in WW2 with radical ideas?
Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.
I mean that in a good way.


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:17 pm
by greggvizza
MARK MOODY wrote:I did not know that by embedding the negative electrode in a dielectric, you could prevent arcing and STILL PRODUCE FORCE :shock:
Gregg, are you aware of this?
Prevents arcing between where? Between plates, through the dielectric? I would be interested in seeing more detail. Do you have a link to that article?

Glad to hear that you are not selling the HV power supply. Better to go without heat or food than to sell the power supply.


Edit Per Mikado's suggestion:

Clarifying the above comment: I meant, that is what I would be doing in a similar situation. Some things can be just more important than food, to me anyway. It sounded like Mark had that joy overtone to his voice when making that statement, as well.


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:39 pm
by Mikado14
greggvizza wrote:Glad to hear that you are not selling the HV power supply. Better to go without heat or food than to sell the power supply.
Read your second sentence...I know what you mean but you could take with a wee bit toward sarcasm.

As I said, knowing you a bit, I could see you doing the same.



Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:38 pm
Okay Gregg,
You do know that by telling you this, I will be expecting some "inside" info from you too :D
Ditto, I was happy when I stated that I was keeping my power supply-no harm/no foul on your part friend.
So, here are the references you asked for; (see references also). (see projects,products, what's new,publications and literature) ... 05-261.pdf ... ik2004.pdf (notice the spelling!) ... et2005.pdf
And as a bonus to you, since you are also from Pittsburgh---( ... ipuls4.pdf)
Now, please let me know your thought on this info.
I only ask, because I have a sense of where you are trying to go and because although 2 people can think alike, we both will come up with different ideas that lead to the same results :D
I must run to the store for more printer ink.
Don't forget about me...


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:26 pm
by arc
The Festo company certainly does some interesting work. ... 2ba9c4.htm

The flying Air-Ray
The flying Jelly-fish ... re=related

I can see modified versions of these devices being very useful on Mars.


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:46 pm
I agree.
I too found their website and after persistent digging, I uncovered the above websites that I listed for Gregg.


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:10 pm
by arc
I just had a look through those links you posted, they are very interesting.



Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:29 pm
by Mikado14
The operative word in the links from Mark is - Plasma.

In the references there is the one electrode encapsulated in the dielectric and that is offset from the other electrode. Essentially, the air is ionized over the encapsulated electrode.

Also, on the German link of Electrofluid Systems it is curious to note that the input is limited to 360VA with the output limited to 220VA long time (continuous). Another note, the highest output voltage was 46.0 KVpp thus indicating that we are dealing with an AC component.

Very interesting but not Bielfeld-Brown, but still interesting.

It is should also be noted that Dr Brown not only worked with shaped dielectrics but also an encased electrode in certain disc experiments.



Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:56 pm
by skyfish
Mark, ARC,
Very good links! Imbedded electrodes... interesting.
I do love the Airfish...I want one!
Imagine one hundreds of feet long!
It would be interesting to see applications with higher power levels.
I am sure we will!


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:48 pm
by Junglelord
Plasma Technology is the key to most things that involve the next level.
Plasma Technology will give Stealth Effects and that is real important.
Plasma Technology will give Antigravity Effects which is a no brainer.
Mercury Vortex Plasma Drives for the TR3B. Relativistic Birkeland Currents.
Rotating Magnetic Fields. Charge Seperation, Magnetic Field Seperation, Torsion Field disruption.

I always think of Voltage as a Hill in the Electric Field.
It is not accurate to call it pressure. A proper physical image of magnetic fields is given by Howard Johnson
in the Secret World of Magnets. Just do the same of Voltage.

Topology is a more accurate physical adjective for voltage, the hill.
Therein lies the potential difference.

The Plasma Universe is the key to all Cosmology and advance technology along with Nanotechnology of materials.
Quantum Confinement is the geometric key to the Nanoworld.
The marrige of these two worlds, Plasma Technology and Quantum Confinement behaviours of NanoMaterials is the future now.

The Birkeland Current is reproduceable and the most powerful force in nature.
Magnetic fields are not equal. The north pole is always stronger.
Also all Magnetic Fields are a Dual Vortex configuration, with a stronger North vs South Vortex.
The theory that things are equal and opposite is downright incorrect. A magnet is: imbalanced forces in a balanced system.
Therein lies the constant inequality (perpetual potenial difference) to drive technology into the true nature of magnetic fields.

The ability to make two like charges (Birkeland Current) or two like poles (Spintronics) attract is the next level.
This is the two things they do not tell you. Attraction of the same is possible and most powerful and things are not equal.

Inequality and attraction of like (charges, poles) is the key to displacement of the Torsion field.


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:49 am
by Mikado14
Junglelord wrote: :wink:




And these all mean what?


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:58 am
by Trickfox
Just keep reading and stay tuned... you are correct in many ways and we are all very appreciative of you and your efforts. Hang in there... there is more to come surely..... Even I haven't finished putting forth pertinent information.

Everything in due time I suppose.



Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:26 am
I appreciate your input and suggestions also.
However, I have come to find from past life experiences that time is of importance.
As you know, no one is promised tomorrow.
Sidetrack with me for a moment...........
My father went into a hospital years ago for breathing problems associated with emphysema
that he acquired after working over 20 years in the Pittsburgh steel mills.
My father supported 6 boys and 2 girls while my mother never had to work.
My father never got higher than third grade in school, but yet he provided for everyone.
When he went to the hospital, we all assumed we would see him at home the next day
because he was sitting up in the bed talking and joking and the doctor said he would be getting
out the bext day.
You can guess the rest.
Tomorrow never came.
So I've learned an important lesson that day, one that we all know.
No one is promised tomorrow.
I do not tell this story to impress you, but rather to impress upon that time is of the essence.
Of course I do not want anyone with government connections to reveal info they should not, for obvious reasons.
But, for those of us with no such ties, I ask that you review ALL the posted replies on this forum and take notice of something.
Although we all have come to understand each other over time, for all these postings,
TIME has continued to march on.
Imagine how far we would be if only...........
A few of us here have "our" little projects we are currently working on.
Kinda like Mr. Brown, Bahnson and King.
What could they have accomplished if they had more time?
Everything in time.
You have any idea how much that statement is funny :D
I mean all this in a good way, and please take it as such, I mean not to offend anyone.
Other than meeting with each other or exchanging ideas, how much true progress have we made?
The technology is here.
The parts are available.
The team is assembled.
Money is but a small issue for a prototype.
Maybe, the flame jet generator project will be finished tomorrow.
Maybe, I'll finish Pegasus tomorrow.
Or, maybe we all will continue to say...........
What if.


Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:12 am
Do tell, do tell.
Please enlighten me about your last statement.
You said that Mr. Brown encased electrodes in certain disc experiments.
Please tell me more.
Also, about the AC component.
Perhaps there is more to this AC thing then meets the eye :idea:
Anyway, I offer up to you and everyone else another tidbit I have come across.
On this website is an article/ publication on Mr. Brown's work.
They imply that it.....I will not spoil it for anyone :D
Rather thought provoking to say the least.
Has anyone here have a clue as to where any of the discs Mr. Brown used may have ended up?
It sure would be nice to hold a piece of history, no matter how small.