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its Paul

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:31 am
by Victoria Steele
Nice to meet you Radomir, welcome to our group. But before we cause this aspiring young author any trauma lets make sure we get his name right. Its Paul. But I don't think he will mind much because perhaps you were thinking of Philo Farnsworth and that just sort of came through ... or maybe even wierder than that, maybe Philo was thinking of him.

This is a strange forum group Radomir. Anything can happen! Welcome! Victoria

what train?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:38 am
by twigsnapper
And what train was it that your grandfather was so ill fated to be on? And the year? Coming up from Florida. perhaps?

You must know by know that assasination in that kind of world never actually was obvious. Most of the time it was a "fall from a great height". Course I think that a moving train might have qualified.

Pity. Grandchildren should get to know their Grandfathers. twigsnapper


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:57 am
by Paul S.
Victoria Steele wrote:theres always next Thursday
Isn't that what Rick said to Ilse? "We'll always have Thursday..."

Here's lookin' at you, kid.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:47 am
by Radomir
My apologies about that Phil/Paul mixup, classic me with names. I corrected the post. I'm embarrassed but thanks for catching that. You may be right about the Philo association. My son does the same thing and it drives my wife crazy. At least we know where he gets it from. We describe roads, places or people in extreme detail about their qualities, expressions, coloring and characteristics but can't remember their names. After three years, I still mix up basic street names in our own neighborhood that both begin with the letter M. When verbalizing I'll constantly mix up my wife's name and my daughter's name. If you have a brain that's great at free-associating, it comes with trade offs. Regardless, again my apologies Paul.

Mr. twigsnapper my understanding is that the train was going from Texas to DC. I will have to dig up the brief newspaper article I found after inquiring with the university where he taught. It was very light on details of the accident, which was a one liner essentially "fell from the train while en-route to..."

Thanks for the Casablanca reference. "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in this establishment!"


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:47 pm
by kevin.b
Elizabeth Helen Drake,
Vril Ya
Its just a word, and I am the one that that recognises it, good job I am a simple Yorkshire Man?
totally weird that this post should end up here on the welcome page, i did not post it here?


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:56 pm
by Bulwark
Hi all,

Been poking around in here for awhile now and reading everything and thought I would join.

I see that the Philadelphia Experiment is a "no no", anything else?

I'm not shy so let me apologize up front for I do stick my foot in my mouth at times, if I'm wrong, please correct me.


not this crowd

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:58 am
by twigsnapper

I happened to notice your post so I thought that I would jump the gun sort of, and welcome you to the forum. As soon as she notices I am sure that Elizabeth will be here with what she calls her "welcome wagon" generally filled with all the good humor that she demonstrates.

Don't worry about hitting "no no" subjects. All of us would happily go there, regarding the Philadelphia Experiment ......... Its just that, speaking for myself, I don't have alot of time and what time I can spend I feel should be aimed in a positive direction.

For reasons that Paul will someday perhaps be able to explain " The Philadelphia Experiment" is a bit like a swamp. Its slow going, messy, and difficult to slog through. Getting through to the truth should be easier going, or at least the end of the journey should be worth the exercise. And Paul has tried to stick to the high, solid ground.

But if you have something about the "Philadelphia Experiment" that you would like to discuss I am sure that there are some very brave souls here that would be happy to jump into that swamp with you. Have at it!

Again, welcome! twigsnapper

Thank You

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:12 am
by Bulwark
Thank You, I hope that I will fit in and look forward to Elizabeth's welcome. I see that you are the guru here? Paul's the author, Elizabeth the researcher and a cast of thousands.

Again thanks for the welcome.


perverting things

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:21 am
by twigsnapper

In answer to the question " Why does man pervert what he discovers?"

Because in doing so he makes the discovery somehow uniquely his own. Its a compulsion I believe is so deeply inbedded that we don't even realize that we are doing it. This urge to " own" what we discover, to stake a claim on it ... part of the nature we have called human.

Anthropology students will tell you that mans first act, which distinguished him from the others .... was his compulsion to take one rock and put it next to another, and then go get a third and put it on top of those two. He wasn't building as much as just stacking and making those rocks and that place HIS. We are still sort of doing that.

Maybe we think that by changing inature, by bending it , dominating it ...somehow we will win a place in the Universe?..... my ten cents worth. twigsnapper


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:43 am
by Paul S.
Just one note of caution: we're starting to experience "forum sprawl" with similar topics being discussed in multiple threads. You're welcome discuss whatever you want but I encorage you to use the search function to see if there is already a thread going with that topic. For example, for the subject you're asking about, try searching "TPX."



Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:10 am
by LongboardLOVELY
Bulwark wrote:Hi all,

Been poking around in here for awhile now and reading everything and thought I would join.

I see that the Philadelphia Experiment is a "no no" anything else?

I'm not shy so let me apologize up front for I do stick my foot in my mouth at times, if I'm wrong, please correct me.

Welcome to the pool!

Alaska is beautiful this time of year. Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? I intend to take my husband there someday to see it.

You'll find that in these forums there isn't any subject off limits. Subjects covered include literature, art, music, math, history, spirituality, time travel, secret agencies, birth of the CIA, Spies...this book forum is the rennaissance of worthy subjects. Or at least, of myself and a handful of Paul's groupies.

You are most welcome to observe all you like, and frequently comment as much as possible. Do you do an AM or FM radio show? Is it news, music, or a combination of both? Or, maybe it's one of those shows that does live radio mystery theater? 8) JK

Oh, and here's the link to TPX

My name is Linda Bolland, my husband is Andrew Bolland, and his website is


PS And Welcome Dolfox. I know I sent you a message a long time ago, but drop me a line please! WHhen you get a chance

About Dolphox

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:27 am
by Trickfox
I'm sorry to announce that Dolphox was injured recently due to a bad fall. She broke her wrist and severely injured her tail bone. Her planed trip to Québec City to visit me had to be cancelled and I'm very sad to say that we won't be hearing much from her for a while. I will relay everyone's well wishes and try to encourage her to pop in and say hello to everyone.

I continue to pursue my plans without her near me and I'm hoping things will develop to the point where I can finally be by hr side to help her the way I wish to.

A breif welcome note to Bulwark. Hope you will find this forum as rewarding as we have.

Best wishes to everyone

Re: About Dolphox

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:38 pm
by LongboardLOVELY
Trickfox wrote:I'm sorry to announce that Dolphox was injured recently due to a bad fall. She broke her wrist and severely injured her tail bone. Her planed trip to Québec City to visit me had to be cancelled and I'm very sad to say that we won't be hearing much from her for a while. I will relay everyone's well wishes and try to encourage her to pop in and say hello to everyone.

I continue to pursue my plans without her near me and I'm hoping things will develop to the point where I can finally be by hr side to help her the way I wish to.

A breif welcome note to Bulwark. Hope you will find this forum as rewarding as we have.

Best wishes to everyone
My deepest sympathies to you! Please tell her that I will keep her health in my thoughts.



Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:51 pm
by Victoria Steele
Sorry too, Dolfox. I ws hoping that the ladies on the forum here would be able to enjoy your company. But take care of yourself. We will hold down the feminine viewpoint here at the fort until you can join us again.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:13 am
by Bulwark

Salutations to you as well.

I will say that I have a morning show on a little AM station, nothing really big. If you know Tlingit then it is the "place where the northwind blows", then you will know the borough I'm in. The northern lights are beautiful when I see them. You say you want to show your husband the lights? Some folks believe that if you conceive a child under the lights at their high point you will have a genius for a child. I suppose Alaska should be full of a lot of budding Einsteins (lol)

I'm impressed with the website. I take it from the site that you and your husband are furthering the work of TT Brown? Must be very rewarding to teach the wonders involved to a new generation of young minds. It must be hard work. Do you operate as a non-profit for this education purpose? How do you fund the research and pay your staff? I just can't imagine the undertaking you have underway. My hat is off to you!

Sorry for all the questions, just my nature from interviewing I guess.

I would say goodbye but we have no word for it in Tlingit.
