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Linda Brown
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Post by Linda Brown »

Thats why some men call being bald "liberating" Linda
Martin Calloway
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Remember Justice League?

Post by Martin Calloway »

William Warwick (Justice League)

I notice that you are still flapping your gums about those black triangles and have been on a couple of talk shows since your experience with us. Not that I am going back for seconds in a raw experience but I wondered if you have mellowed any in the last year?

Yes, to all you forum stalwarts . Its been a whole year since Paul stepped in and locked Justice Leagues discussion down! ( really was HIS discussion because he sure locked the rest of us out with all of his ranting, I am still pleased that Paul locked the discussion down, and endlessly amazed at the patience that Mikado and others displayed ( in rotation because none of us could stand a solid dose)

And I have a suggestion. For those of you who are new. And maybe even for JimZimmer who seemed to stir that hurt we all sort of shared after running into Justice. We were just trying to deal with Williams personality. Actually though, after a year, the reading is more than interesting.

Just tour through the conversations and note then how very dedicated some of the members of the forum were. and Congratualations again Elizabeth. Now most of us have a far finer appreciation for what you went through trying to get some sense out of this exchange. Martin
Last edited by Martin Calloway on Fri May 09, 2008 2:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Deeyoob.......

Post by greggvizza »

Trickfox wrote:

Speaking of great musical sounds and beats, I would like to introduce this Spanish musician photographer artist Gabriel Orozco. He has a very catchy tune here and I was wondering what Gregg thought about it.
Be patient however, because it's a slow start. By the time you see the "lawnchairs" and "table", you will be into the "vanilla click" of his tune.

You put my name in there. Now I can’t just quietly read your post, check out your link, and be on my way. A response is now required.

“I was wondering what Gregg thought about it.”

That is a very broad question. Interpreted in its simplest meaning, it might be asking simply if I liked the song. In its most intense interpretation, it probably ends up far beyond your intended meaning. If I listen to a recording too intently the whole things comes apart into a million individual elements. I hear the sample they used for the snare drum and end up trying to detect the sample frequency, and what brand of ambience simulation they chose to apply to it and what setting it was set to. I hear the effects that were applied to the vocals to make them sound ethereal, I wonder whether stopping the sequenced drums abruptly throughout the song like they did was a good idea or not, I even wonder if it would have been better with a human drummer as opposed to a machine. I wonder what was used to make that bell like sound when the titles were rolling on the intro. It sounded like a balanced modulator, sometimes called a ring modulator, basically a carrier wave at an audio frequency (in this instance around 350Hz) that is being modulated by another audio frequency around 500Hz. This analysis can go on forever and I would be the only having any fun. When I would finally look up, I would find that everyone has slowly left the room and I would say to myself; how long have I been sitting here talking to myself?

If you were just asking if I liked it, yeah it was kinda cool. I like most songs of that etherieal nature.

If you ever want to have a neurosis contest feel free to contact me,

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So when I wonder

Post by twigsnapper »

So when , I wonder, did the " Dorchester Vase" turn into a flipping candlestick? twigsnapper
Elizabeth Helen Drake
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Post by Elizabeth Helen Drake »


Are these your words? Or are you quoteing someone else here?

"It is difficult to understand why anyone might take this report seriously. Firstly, it was found among rubble, with no proof that it was ever inside the rock. So why was that assumption made? Secondly, it is clearly a candlestick of obviously Victorian style. "

I am really confused here because when I did a followup on the " Dorchester Vase" more than a year ago the object pictured in no way resembled a candlestick, as THIS object obviously is. So what the heck is going on here?

And more disturbing Paul is the fact that you would pick the easiest piece of information floating around on the top of the pile here. Where I am sure it is meant to be left floating. And then post it. Candlestickshit! Elizabeth
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steady girl

Post by Martin Calloway »

Steady Elizabeth.

Its easy to see how Paul came to that conclusion.

Check this out. Even he calls it a candlestick.

The conversation is interesting though because it goes right back to the natural forces that none of us totally understand yet. And the forum has had its sites on tornados recently and the author ( Ted Twietmeyer) pretty much agrees with what you all have been saying. Perhaps our thoughts have been influenced by his writing before? Perhaps he might be interested in what Paul has written so far and what we all have been talking about here. Anybody want to contact him?

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Post by kevin.b »

This vase/pot/candlestick seems to have hit a nerve, interesting, and suddenly I am propelled again into freemasonery.
The best way to hide anything will be to make it sort of frightening, mysterious etc.
Tubal cain jumped at me, that directed me to this,

And I find that this lucifer fella has fire coming out of his hands, does he indeed, a fellow dowser me finks?
And if you look at freemasonery symbols, there sure are many vases or chalices ?
What was this meeting hall place?
fibonacci is king
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Another "missing link"

Post by Paul S. »

Elizabeth Helen Drake wrote:Are these your words? Or are you quoteing someone else here?
I was a tad distracted last night when I put up that post, and while I THOUGHT the all-important link to the referring site had been included, apparently my wife's preoccupation with something in HGTV got me going sideways. The links is there now.

As to the veracity of the claims, I make no conclusion one way or another. Just wanted you all to see some of what's out there.

Whichever way you slice it, "evidence" is going to be hard to come by.

Paul Schatzkin
aka "The Perfesser"
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Post by JZimmer »

Well Martin,

I will assume you are sending me some typs of message, but since I have no idea what you are talking about the collectors are empty. Afraid I fail to see where I have said anything negative or hurtful to anyone.

You are more than welcome to enlighen me!

Jim Z.
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Re: Another "missing link"

Post by Mikado14 »

Paul S. wrote:
As to the veracity of the claims, I make no conclusion one way or another. Just wanted you all to see some of what's out there.

Whichever way you slice it, "evidence" is going to be hard to come by.

Here is a link for you Paul, or anyone else:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Post by Martin Calloway »


I am sorry that I didn't explain my self better so that you could catch the drift of what I was trying to say.

Trust me, my words carried IN NO WAY any kind of a negative reflection of you at all. I just remembered how the forum reacted to your use of the name " Twig" for Mr. Twigsnapper.

I realize (and actually I think that we all realized even then that you meant absolutely no disrespect.) I am sure that Mr. Twigsnapper took no affront either.

But some of the other members of the forum reacted as if you had thrown a flaming gauntlet across their face. And if you just glance over the Justice Leage posts you will see why, Mikado especially, was sort of a touchy grouch about shortening Mr. Twigsnappers name. ( admit it now Sweetie ...<g>) It wasn't the shortening of the name ... it was Williams attitude that was linked to it.

I have read Williams posts over and actually I think he might have had something there that could have turned into a fruitful discussion but he just lacked the diplomacy to get it done. Thats why I wondered if he had been able to tone himself down or does he still think that we are the bad guys in this? Martin

( but after I wrote that .... I realized ..... I don't even want to get involved in that discussion again. Stay on the sunny side! works better for me. )
Martin Calloway
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Post by Martin Calloway »

And Paul,

Perhaps the "evidence" is not as hard to come by as the understanding that it will take to recognize what that evidence means. Its a big leap. Its easier to scoff and dismiss. But at some point, Like the Emperor wearing no clothes .... things will become suddenly evident. Martin
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Post by JZimmer »

Thanks Martin and everyone,

I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I find that I have always had the ability to say things that some would not take very well, but I am who I am, and tend to see and state things in black and white to those that I trust and respect.

That may or may not be good for this community, but it is just who I am. Everyone, I would hope you all get to know that I will never say anything intentionally designed to make anyone on this forum mad or upset.

I am here because of my respect for Paul, Elizabeth, Linda Brown and of course Mr. Twigsnapper. I have been following the life of Dr. Brown and all involved for the better part of a year and a half, and find myself compelled to be involved, and help any way I can.

I would hope that as time progresses, my thoughts and comments are valued ( as many of yours are), and that anything I say or do helps to make this group stronger, and in the end helps make everyone successful.

Thanks for listening everyone!

Jim Z.
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Re: explanations

Post by Mikado14 »

Martin Calloway wrote: But some of the other members of the forum reacted as if you had thrown a flaming gauntlet across their face. And if you just glance over the Justice Leage posts you will see why, Mikado especially, was sort of a touchy grouch about shortening Mr. Twigsnappers name. ( admit it now Sweetie ...<g>) It wasn't the shortening of the name ... it was Williams attitude that was linked to it.
When you call me sweetie, let's be sure there is a Lobster Tail dinner with that.....or at the very least, a whole lot of King Crab legs. <g>.. But you are correct, it was his shortening names and taking liberties with a bit of sarcasm and innuendo thrown on top for garnish, in short, his lack of respect of anyone except himself or his views.

As for me, there are only two people that can ever shorten my name, my Mother and those that have sex with me...<G>

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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Re: Thanks

Post by Mikado14 »

JZimmer wrote: I would hope that as time progresses, my thoughts and comments are valued ( as many of yours are), and that anything I say or do helps to make this group stronger, and in the end helps make everyone successful.

Thanks for listening everyone!

Jim Z.
We all agree to disagree. As to who you are, well, how about just keep giving your thoughts and opinions, listen to others, interject when you either feel the need or just want to get things going.

..that will tell us who you are. So speak up.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy