Elizabeth Rauscher Oral History

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Jan Lundquist
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Elizabeth Rauscher Oral History

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Elizabeth Rauscher was a co founder of the FUNdamental Fhysiks at Berkely. Her peers were Sarfatti, and Fred Allen Wolfe, among others. She was doing work at SRI while the RV experiments were happening.

She and her husband would discover that ELF broadcasts can be used to generate emotional and physical states in wittting and unwitting individuals. Apocryphally, perhaps, she has been quoted saying that with enough resources, she could change the mood of an entire village. At any rate, she was threatened at gunpoint about sharing her frequency list.

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Elizabeth Rauscher, AG Researchers Ning Li and Amy Eskridge. The unvarnished Dark Side

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For a time in the nineties, Chinese American, University of Huntsville researcher, Ning Li was doing such promising anti-gravity research that she was able to form her own company and receive a half-million dollar grant from the DoD. And then she seemed to disappear. In 2008, Sarfatti even put it out that she had defected to China.

According to her son, however, she never left Huntsville. She continued to work at the Redstone Arsenal base until she was hit by a car in 2014 and suffered brain damage, which led to Alzheimer's. She passed in 2021.

https://huntsvillebusinessjournal.com/n ... appearing/

I have, just today, come across this story of Amy Eskridge, another promising anti-gravity researcher from Huntsville.
Following her December, 2018 HAL5 conference presentation Dr. Amy Eskridge did in fact launch "The Institute" doing exactly what she said it would: research anti-gravitational systems. Amy stated they had recruited several scientists from NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (located in Huntsville, AL). Over the next several years "The Institute" appears to have been making progress with their research, refining some work that had previously been done at NASA and other research facilities, and was potentially producing meaningful results.
She was found dead in June, 2022, reportedly of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. In September 2022, Franc Milburn, a retired UK intelligence officer, raised some eyebrows when he claimed to know an anti-gravity scientist who was murdered by a directed energy weapon. Redditors believe that he was referring to Eskridge

Without accepting this as true, If certain frequencies" can induce marijuana giddiness, as Rauscher experienced, then there must be others which can bring about a suicidal depression, Alzheimers, and even brain damage. Such knowledge was an inevitable outcome of Rauscher's work. and is certainly within the possession of some agency, government, or corporate entity today. To deny the reality of this is to be willfully ignorant.

I would love for all roads to lead to the light, but this is one path that turns dark quickly.


Citzen Journalists of Reddit have become very interested in tracing the history of antigravity research coming from Huntsville:

www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16ni3zj/ ... ntigravity[/size][/size][/size][/size]
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Re: Elizabeth Rauscher Oral History

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Elizabeth Rauscher was a co founder of the FUNdamental Fhysiks at Berkely. Her peers were Sarfatti, and Fred Allen Wolfe, among others. She was doing work at SRI while the RV experiments were happening.

She and her husband would discover that ELF broadcasts can be used to generate emotional and physical states in wittting and unwitting individuals. Apocryphally, perhaps, she has been quoted saying that with enough resources, she could change the mood of an entire village.
I have long suspected Sarfatti and his social circle of being aligned with the US Psychotronic Association, simply because he talks very much like Tom Bearden.

Andrija Puharich (and Uri Geller, his pupil) was also aligned with that scene, I think. Puharich especially became very paranoid about the idea of certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation being used to damage the mind or body (I forget whether it was ELF or microwave types of frequencies), and Bearden in the 1980s was paranoid about the Soviets having "scalar wave" EM technology which could do something similar. How all three of these people (Puharich, Bearden, Rauscher) came to similar conclusions is an interesting question, but I imagine it must be because they were in a shared scene.

The Psychotronics scene popped into existence around 1975 - right around when MKULTRA got shut down - and at least initially, seemed to be heavily based around US Navy and CIA electronic warfare people. The term "psychotronics" was a 1960s Soviet term for ESP (Czech, I think), as was "biocommunication". "Torsion physics" was also a Soviet term, coming from two ideas: 1) that alongside electromagnetics, about the only other then-imaginable carrier wave for ESP was the gravity field, and 2) Einstein's General Relativity equations usually neglect a twisting component of motion, called "torsion", and then speculating 3) that adding this component back in might lead to unified field theories that could help build devices that could amplify ESP. I am not confident that this actually ever worked, but I'm pretty sure that's how the word "torsion" turned up in New Age ideas.

The Psychotronics people seemed to see it as their duty to try to reverse engineer whatever it was that they thought the Soviets had discovered. Their ideas did not stay in the military (I assume they probably weren't very welcome there) and so they leaked out into the public domain of the "New Age" scene, alongside (and probably associated with) the Remote Viewing experiments. They've remained as a big toxic soup in pop culture ever since.

It strikes me that Watergate, Vietnam, the shutdown of MKULTRA, and the death of J Edgar Hoover, all together within the space of a few years, probably was very terrifying to a faction of people who had been researching the possibilities of the human psyche with an eye to countering what they feared was a Soviet-led mind control arms race. It must have felt as if their world was ending. Tom Bearden's "The Excalibur Briefing" (1978) is a snapshot of this state of mind.

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Re: Elizabeth Rauscher Oral History

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Speaking of Pyschotronics, Nate, William Tiller's work in has been fascinating to me. His Intention Experiments kicked off quite an era of attention on Intention. For those who are not familiar with it, the blurb for his Psychoenergetic Science (2007)
The fourth book in Dr. Tiller s remarkable psychoenergetic science series is an integrator of the first three in much simpler language and with practically no mathematical equations. It has been written for the intellectual level of an undergraduate college student. Here, he shows why and how both (1) today s quantum mechanics must be expanded to include human consciousness as a significant experimental variable in today s physics and (2) expansion of our reference frame for viewing nature s manifold expressions in domains other than spacetime are required by us to seriously integrate human consciousness into a new paradigm. His earlier work has revealed a second, unique level of physical reality which can be integrated with the first, our normal electric atom/molecule level, via the proper use of human consciousness to condition normal space to a higher electromagnetic symmetry state. In this coupled system, human intentions can significantly modulate material properties as detected instrumentally. The newer work reveals a detector system that provides continuous measurement of conditioned spaces to show a quantitative measure of the excess energy of such a space compared to our normal reality. In addition, this work has shown that the human acupuncture meridian/chakra system is at this higher symmetry state in an overall body which is not. Thus, directed and focused intentions by individual humans diligently working on themselves can transform them into higher states of beingness. Finally, in Chapter 8, Dr. Tiller shows us why these psychoenergetic science applications will usher into our world revolutionary changes of at least Copernican-scale magnitude!
https://www.amazon.com/Psychoenergetic- ... 1424338638

I know that there is much happening in "Pyschotronics" that we don't see, but it has certainly spawned thousands self help consumer electronics devices, to help with stress, insomnia, anxiety, brainwave modulation and pain.* Wonder what psychoenergetics will bring?

*Personally, I am loving my pulsed EMF sleep aid.

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Re: Elizabeth Rauscher Oral History

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Wonder what psychoenergetics will bring?
I remember William Tiller's name, but I haven't yet read any of his books.

I have been fascinated by the question of the interface between the psychic and material worlds ever since my mother described her near-death experiences to me in the 1980s, and wondering why the worlds she was describing didn't seem to have any counterpart in the physics I was reading in Scientific American. Particularly the dogma about the speed of light being a fundamental limitation just didn't seem to apply. In "the next world over", as she described it, it seemed that thought was a form of light, people communicated by telepathy, and time and space didn't exist as such, they could all just be blinked away by focused mental intention. In the face of this, Relativity and all of the theoretical towers of cosmology built on top of it seemed about as useful as trying to build skyscrapers out of damp tissue paper. The universe must be fundamentally more connected than the "speed of light limit" claims it to be.

Then there are the cases of physical healing, where organic matter seems to grow suddenly (within seconds, in the dramatic cases). The matter/energy interface must be capable of doing something unusual, and "conservation of energy" can't be the hard limit we think it is either.

Whatever is happening in particle accelerators, it doesn't seem to have much to do with what happens in biological systems. Biological systems at room temperature and pressure seem to be capable of carrying energies which can transcend space and time. Our Standard Model of physics gives no clues to what's happening here (maybe "quantum entanglement' might explain some of it, but it can't be all of it).

We have huge gaps in our basic physical knowledge, and also in the will to believe that there *are* gaps. In the 1970s there was a brief period of openness to exploring some of these mental/physical energy systems, but it seems like two generations have passed since then and the hard wall of disbelief in science is stronger than ever. On the other hand, The "New Age" community often hasn't conducted itself with the coherence and grace needed to win over the skeptics, and has often fallen into angry, dissociated, conspiracy thinking.

Mental intention does seem to be a large part of the flow of nonphysical biological "energy" (qi, or similar concepts of it). How this works at a physical level is very hard to understand, but it seems to be understandable (and can be experienced) at an intuitive level.

The concepts of thankfulness, release, forgiveness seem to resonate as keys for helping direct mental intention in a healing way. But practicing this still requires rigor and focus and a slow, long-term attitude. A miracle might happen in an instant, yet it is still not a quick fix.

It seems that we need a physics that's more intuitively accessible, but I don't know how to begin to get there. Some forms of mathematics are more intuitive than others. For me personally, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are not intuitive at all, yet they predict results. The material world seems to be quite well described by mathematics, but the "next world" (or the world "inside") maybe isn't so much. Yet these worlds can't be completely separate. There must be an interface, presumably at the level of our cells, or we couldn't exist as both biological and sentient beings.

I suspect water, and particularly the odd state of water between liquid and solid, when it's trapped between cell membranes, might be an important part of this interface. Particle physics probably isn't going to help us there.

The other thing that's been whispering at my mind for the last eight years or so, has been the whole structure of thought coming down from the Taoists, Gnostics and Kabbalah. There's something there in that ancient thought system - about the interface between dark/light, matter/spirit, chaos/order, multiplicity/unity - and the idea of "emanations from the One", that feels like it resonates with modern complexity and systems thinking. It also feels like it was maybe *communicated to us* as a primer about the structure of subtle worlds and how they interface with us. The details are probably incorrect and much less important than the core of it. It reminds me of the "quantum particle zoo" but in reverse: instead of small particles building up larger structures, this system of thought seems about a single unified (but intelligent) system/entity giving birth to more and more diverse, yet still integrated, substructures.

I don't know. It's hard to explain. But I can sense its outlines there, this thought-system, in many of the big ancient philosophies. It also feels like the sort of conceptual structure that humans would not naturally come up with on their own and that, wherever its outlines are seen, some kind of "contact event" may have occurred, from the subtle worlds to ours. Like it's a sort of familiar "hello pattern", trying to communicate the essentials needed for further contact. Or perhaps it's the default human way of thinking and it's just *modern* humans, trained in the analytical mode, who have taught ourselves (slowly and painfully) how not to think like this. But it seems to be appearing in the future. Ecology, for example, seems to be converging on similar concepts. Christopher Alexander's approach to architecture, also. I think David Bohm is a bit overplayed, but his "implicate order" was probably also playing with a similar structure of thought. And in computing Alan Kay I think has been touching something similar, and facing similar gulfs of misunderstanding when trying to communicate it.

I have hope that, if this set of thought-constructs is there "in the ether", that we will eventually figure out how to integrate it into our current physics, sociology and technology. But it's going to be rough until we do.

Regards, Nate
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Re: Elizabeth Rauscher Oral History

Post by Jan Lundquist »

Nate, this make me think you might be interested in Chris Blesdoe's story.
I don't know. It's hard to explain. But I can sense its outlines there, this thought-system, in many of the big ancient philosophies. It also feels like the sort of conceptual structure that humans would not naturally come up with on their own and that, wherever its outlines are seen, some kind of "contact event" may have occurred, from the subtle worlds to ours. Like it's a sort of familiar "hello pattern", trying to communicate the essentials needed for further contact. Or perhaps it's the default human way of thinking and it's just *modern* humans, trained in the analytical mode, who have taught ourselves (slowly and painfully) how not to think like this.
A former Pentecostal minister, he has been a contactee for many years. He believes he is in contact with the divine. Evangelical interviewers, Rick and Bubba aren't having it. (I felt like I was watching The War of the Archetypes).


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