Big Bang Cosmology Meets an Astronomical Death

This morning I was reminded of a suggestion made to me earlier this year to look into the work of one Dr. Hannes Alfven, a contemporary of Dr. Brown’s who speciliazed in ‘plasma’ physics.’  For reasons that are not entirely clear, I’ve been pretty much told to stand at attention whenever I hear the word ‘plasma’ and, often, the idea of ‘ball lightning’ follows right after that… but I digress…

Anyway, some aspects of Alfven’s work took issue with the whole “Big Bang” theory of the origins of the Universe, which is a subject that may also have some bearing here in the Parallel Universe.  So I’m going to create a new section of links in the right hand column under the heading of “Everything You Know Is Wrong” and I’m going to start it off with some links to websites that discuss the Cosmology of Hannes Alfven, beginning with:

Link: Big Bang Cosmology Meets an Astronomical Death.

More and more evidence points to the absurdity of the Big Bang. The redshift is caused by gaseous matter in space, not the Doppler effect

More and more astronomical evidence points to the absurdity of the theory that the universe started with a Big Bang. A Canadian Astrophysicist presents this evidence and explains how the cosmic redshift is caused by gaseous matter in space, not by the Doppler effect.

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